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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Republic / Imperial Fleet pvp raid?


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Will there ever be an implemented world pvp event where a server's Republic / Imperial population is able to invade the hanger bay and or the fleet itself of the opposing side? Similar to the way the group boss encounter fight occurs in Mandalorian Raiders - blast into a side of the ship / hanger bay. Perhaps having some vendors drop epic pvp drops during the process or have an objective to capture each of the 4 wings.


Obviously you can't have the fleet be "taken over" in a permanent sense. So a time limit should be in place where there is only a certain amount of time until the space station's reserves come in and kick the opposing force out. Each wing you capture extends the time before the reserves arrive and boot you out.


Of course, there needs to be some sort of integrity to the fight;


Involve a space battles in it somehow, too, initially you'll have to use hire (cartel / credits) or spend warzone credits on a specific starship to initially travel and shoot off Fleet defense turrets. Then dock in the bay / send invading pods into the Fleet. During times of attack on the Fleet, the "Defense Floor" can be opened to people on the fleet and each one can man a turret themselves to ward off the enemy players, protecting the fleet. The "Defense Floor" should only be accessible to high level Valor characters and the effectiveness of the defense turrets lasers and the starship's offensive attacks are based on the individuals gear (only counting gear with expertise and some sort of multiplier - idk leave that to the devs).


As players invade with their limited time, of course, some will die. On the starship that the players invade with there will be a medical droid, as well as a limited number of "return transit" pods / fliers / whatever. Event ends with time ending or a successful defense of the fleet location.


Titles are given, warzone points, credits, gear, hugs, tears, soiled underwear.. Let me know what you guys think

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thanks for responding!


I am not sure how in depth people want to get with pvp, but it's just hack / slash - hold the flag. Plus lots of pvp being in the fleet!


IDK world pvp seems kind a weak, this is a good way to spice it up..

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Will there ever be an implemented world pvp event where a server's Republic / Imperial population is able to invade the hanger bay and or the fleet itself of the opposing side? Similar to the way the group boss encounter fight occurs in Mandalorian Raiders - blast into a side of the ship / hanger bay. Perhaps having some vendors drop epic pvp drops during the process or have an objective to capture each of the 4 wings.


Obviously you can't have the fleet be "taken over" in a permanent sense. So a time limit should be in place where there is only a certain amount of time until the space station's reserves come in and kick the opposing force out. Each wing you capture extends the time before the reserves arrive and boot you out.


Of course, there needs to be some sort of integrity to the fight;


Involve a space battles in it somehow, too, initially you'll have to use hire (cartel / credits) or spend warzone credits on a specific starship to initially travel and shoot off Fleet defense turrets. Then dock in the bay / send invading pods into the Fleet. During times of attack on the Fleet, the "Defense Floor" can be opened to people on the fleet and each one can man a turret themselves to ward off the enemy players, protecting the fleet. The "Defense Floor" should only be accessible to high level Valor characters and the effectiveness of the defense turrets lasers and the starship's offensive attacks are based on the individuals gear (only counting gear with expertise and some sort of multiplier - idk leave that to the devs).


As players invade with their limited time, of course, some will die. On the starship that the players invade with there will be a medical droid, as well as a limited number of "return transit" pods / fliers / whatever. Event ends with time ending or a successful defense of the fleet location.


Titles are given, warzone points, credits, gear, hugs, tears, soiled underwear.. Let me know what you guys think


Good idea, I support!

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Two weeks ago JC had a world event where the pubs tried to take the imp base on hoth. Was a great idea but having 50 imps versus the 30-40 pubs was nothing but a lag fest. With their current engine and the amount of server lag we have I don't think it would hold up. Before you start saying its your ISP or comp its not. I think the above would be a great idea just not sure if it would be even close to possible.
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This'd be outstanding. I'm envisioning the usual crowd standing around the cargo bays, while some guy bouncing by on his new CS shiny mount suddenly explodes and imps come pouring out of the elevator. :rak_04:


Unfortunately the scenario would lag lock and there'd be so many tears and threats to unsub on the forums that devs would cancel the event and we'd never see another like it.

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I normally think open-world PvP is teh suckage. Words do not exist to describe how much I despise it. It's why I rolled on a PVE server. But your entire idea, for some bizarre reason I have yet to figure out, appeals to me. Maybe because I have a fully-decked War Hero/EWH toon. :D So by all means, this idea sounds fun. 'Business as usual' could still be conducted on Dromund Kaas and Coruscant, after all. But I suppose the argument could be made that this isn't exactly 'open-world' PvP


You would need some warning time so people who don't want to participate can exit the station, and I would say that the elevators should be inaccessible to the invaders (so people can still do fp's and the like) - i.e. locked down just in time before the invasion starts. At the very least, post 'The invasion begins sometime after 4PM!' (using appropriate time zones). And did you consider respawn points? Invaders respawn on their invasion craft, I would imagine, and defenders in the dropship hangar? Just suggestions.


I would participate in this, definitely.

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Thanks all for your comments and ideas. Maybe this is something they can throw into a future patch. Who knows, I'd certainly like to see it.


I mean it is a galactic war, right? Star Wars? amirite?


Only appropriate that we have actual space battles in my most humble opinion..

Edited by jay_usk
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If all out war broke out, that would be outstanding, so long as the engine got updated to support it. The Breaching Pods punching into the fleet would be great fun. Maybe if they made it a instance (so that low levels could still acess the fleet without getting ganked and solve the engine issue. Would be even cooler if they linked it to space missions (like you have to blast threw the fleet's ships first to get in range). Would still like to see the ability to control bases or planets by factions or guilds like Ilum.
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