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Advance Class change

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It affects me when I get stuck in a group with you and you don't know how to tank with your shadow because you just switched him from a sage.


TECHNICALLY they are the same class in that they share a couple abilities and have the same story. What we are talking about is changing your playstyle and class mechanics. Such a drastic change in play mechanics would be changing your class.


Unfortunately your argument is still invalid as you are more than capable of initiating a removal from the group and find yourself another tank. Even still you failed to read where even those in favor of an AC change agreed that it should not be allowed to make that change mid quest including WZ'S AND FP's. Some even suggested making it a one shot deal, but that's besides the point. As for your contention that, and you were so kind to make it so matter of factly, that just because someone went from a Sage to a Shadow that they just won't know how to run as a tank. Everyone's new to a class and its mechanics at some point. You were new to the Shadow too, guess you shouldn't be allowed to tank then should you? Hell you are assuming that they switched to Shadow so they would have to be a tank. Your viewpoint and arguments here are narrow minded, you are trying to pigeon hole people into specific roles.based on what YOU think they should be doing even. Sorry but your argument is specious at best.

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But we dont want to change our class. :confused: We want to change our sub-class! :p


There is no sub class, your advanced class becomes your new class when you hit level 10 and choose it. Once you hit level 11, your Jedi Sentinel is no longer a Jedi Knight, he is a Jedi Sentinel.


I will say it again, if you played WoW, basically what you asking for is to be able to change your mage into a priest.


Blizzard, in all its money grubbing glory, was never stupid enough to implement this..Hopefully Bioware sticks to their guns here.

Edited by Icebergy
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But we dont want to change our class. :confused: We want to change our sub-class! :p


Vanguard, Guardian, Shadow, Gunslinger, Sage, Commando, Scoundral, Sentinal.... Those are classes and you want to change your class. No, Not going to happen.


Your archtype (Trooper, Smuggler, Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular) no longer matters past level 10 and selecting your class.

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There is a sub-class, your advanced class is not your official class when you select it at level 10. Once you hit level 11, your Jedi Knight is still a Jedi Knight, even though he is a Jedi Sentinel.


I will say it again, no-one cares about WoW and SWTOR have a different system so it doesn't matter.


Blizzard, in all its money grubbing glory, was never smart enough to implement this. Hopefully BioWare adds Advanced Class changes.

Fixed for ya!

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I'd just like to point something out.


"We have had serious talks recently about offering an Advanced Class change option – I think that one will likely happen eventually. Species is likely as well. " Direct quote from Damion Schubert's interview with Dulfy just before the Cartel Market.

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Title says it all. I'd pay to change my Guardian DPS to Sentinel. At launch, I thought maybe all DPS classes would have roughly the same damage output but I was sorely mistaken. Leveling another alt would resulting losing all the pets, speeders, titles, codex entries, armor sets etc. I've so painstakingly collected over the last year.


no just no it would encourage people like eltiest to make you respec from a jugg to a mara cause marauder do more dps and ps guardian dps isn't bad at all it seems pretty close to sent dps yes sent does more but by no means it sucks but i guess if you want to do best dps possible reroll to sent

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I personally would love this happening, it's not gonna affect my game expierence, but I would love to see what life is like in a Sorcs Eyes, and make it a trade off for my Assassin. I don't mind reaugmenting all my gear. Because it's a transformation I will enjoy doing. You aren't changing an inquisitor to a Bounty Hunter, so how is that game breaking?

All it is is a new learning process and re gearing. No one like grinding toons at fifty CONSTANTLY with the same story just to play their mirror, but they should make it once every month to restrict it a bit from switching back and forth.

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I'd just like to point something out.


"We have had serious talks recently about offering an Advanced Class change option – I think that one will likely happen eventually. Species is likely as well. " Direct quote from Damion Schubert's interview with Dulfy just before the Cartel Market.


Aaaaaaand we have a winner! :D

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no just no it would encourage people like eltiest to make you respec from a jugg to a mara cause marauder do more dps and ps guardian dps isn't bad at all it seems pretty close to sent dps yes sent does more but by no means it sucks but i guess if you want to do best dps possible reroll to sent


People toss around the "elitist" moniker way to often. Really just stop it already.just because someone does something you don't like doesn't make them an elitist. As for your argument, as I already stated you tell em no if you don't want to change and move on. It really is THAT simple.

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People toss around the "elitist" moniker way to often. Really just stop it already.just because someone does something you don't like doesn't make them an elitist. As for your argument, as I already stated you tell em no if you don't want to change and move on. It really is THAT simple.


when i say eltiest i mean like guilds/people that only want the best possible set up out there for w/e they are doing while i still wouldn't respec to a mara for example if they wanted me to i still stand by what i said and think they shouldn't add this option to the game

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Eh, the ones who are after the 'best of the best' class combo would probably be the ones to exclude someone from running something with them because of it, with advanced class change option or not.


Guardian and sentinel are the closest when talking DPS since both are melee DPS, whereas the others are a switch from melee to ranged dps making the sub-role divide. Given the big patches have come and went that clarified the sub-divide in theory at least knights and warriors are going to be the only two classes having people worry about switching due to the FotM in PvE.


PvP players and guilds will probably be where issues stem from that make the cases against this feature.


I'm mostly avoiding thinking about Tank/Healer swapping. It is something I can't give a good comment on because honestly having someone switching from one of those roles to another when they didn't level a character of the type they're switching to implies Role population issues, which usually means a deeper issue, and will probably blow up in a guild's face if demanded like some suggest.


Glad to see the quote from the interview, it's not exactly a clear-cut yes, but it implies a reason for it having been brought up. Still I'll assume that if I were motivated to actually do a daily FP as a daily with a character I'd be able to finish my way to 50 before such the feature is released given the amount of time it takes from us hearing of something to it being released.

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when i say eltiest i mean like guilds/people that only want the best possible set up out there for w/e they are doing while i still wouldn't respec to a mara for example if they wanted me to i still stand by what i said and think they shouldn't add this option to the game


I do understand the context in which you were using it, the problem is its being used for anything and everything under the sun. Its being used so much the term is nearly meaningless anymore, but I digress. What it comes down too is if you want to use it you can use it. If you don't want to then don't, and if someone is badgering you about it than you tell them to get bent and move on.

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I'd just like to point something out.


"We have had serious talks recently about offering an Advanced Class change option – I think that one will likely happen eventually. Species is likely as well. " Direct quote from Damion Schubert's interview with Dulfy just before the Cartel Market.


First there'll be class changing then archtype changing and then what's the point?


Race change is fine. It doesn't affect gameplay.

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I personally would love this happening, it's not gonna affect my game expierence, but I would love to see what life is like in a Sorcs Eyes, and make it a trade off for my Assassin. I don't mind reaugmenting all my gear. Because it's a transformation I will enjoy doing. You aren't changing an inquisitor to a Bounty Hunter, so how is that game breaking?

All it is is a new learning process and re gearing. No one like grinding toons at fifty CONSTANTLY with the same story just to play their mirror, but they should make it once every month to restrict it a bit from switching back and forth.


It is going to affect your game experience in a huge way.


And it really is no different than changing your inquisitor to a bounty hunter. Sorces and assassins ARE DIFFERENT CLASSES!


If they added paid class changes, I would give serious thoughts to unsubscribing.

Edited by Icebergy
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It is going to affect your game experience in a huge way.


And it really is no different than changing your inquisitor to a bounty hunter. Sorces and assassins ARE DIFFERENT CLASSES!


If they added paid class changes, I would give serious thoughts to unsubscribing.


They are different Advanced Classes based off if the same Base Class. Yes their roles may be different and how they interact in a fight is different but they come from the same "parent" class if you will. Structurally they are the same exact think even though their exteriors may be different. I mean really people making the same argument that you are are just splitting hairs and you know it.

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They are different Advanced Classes based off if the same Base Class. Yes their roles may be different and how they interact in a fight is different but they come from the same "parent" class if you will. Structurally they are the same exact think even though their exteriors may be different. I mean really people making the same argument that you are are just splitting hairs and you know it.


When you hit level 10 and select your AC, that becomes your new class. They are not the same, they are different. In some cases they are VERY different. In some cases you go from the potential to be a tank, to the potential to be a healer. In some cases, you go from a ranged DPS to a melee DPS.


Do you think it would be OK for other games to allow you to randomly change from a priest to a warrior? How would this even make sense from a story perspective?


This ability would be game breaking and, to use your words, you know it.

Edited by Icebergy
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When you hit level 10 and select your AC, that becomes your new class. They are not the same, they are different. In some cases they are VERY different. In some cases you go from the potential to be a tank, to the potential to be a healer. In some cases, you go from a ranged DPS to a melee DPS.


Do you think it would be OK for other games to allow you to randomly change from a priest to a warrior? How would this even make sense from a story perspective?


This ability would be game breaking and, to use your words, you know it.


No one is arguing that the AC's are the same. The argument being made is that with them coming from the same base class that it isn't such a big deal doing a swap from say Sorc to Sin or PT to Merc. Its not like you are going from a Sorc to a Juggernaut (which to my knowledge no one is asking for) where it would be a different story arc all together not to mention the other issues. I don't think its such a stretch though staying within your base class to change your AC. Also I see people arguing against it making the assumption that someone going from Sorc to Sin is doing so to tank for example, is it really unheard of that they might just want to go from a DPS Sorc to a DPS Sin? That is NOT something that would be game breaking. Another thing that has been addressed already with people swapping for a FoTM reason limiting it to a 1 time deal or such a long cool down that it makes such a move for that reason moot. Its not like people are asking to switch 5 times in a day. People are just blowing the what if arguments way out of proportion because they are just that, What ifs.


Also as to your "What about other games?" Argument. First this ISNT other games, their classes are all independent of one another unlike in TOR where the 16 AC's are tied into one another in pairs by 8 base classes. WoW doesn't have that, no? WoW or.none of the other games have 2 AC's that do the same exact story arcs as one another, so your contention to that point is based off if a false premise. You are trying to compare 2 games systems that are completely different at their cores. When you should be looking at it from the standpoint of....well I'll put it this way, TORS AC system is like having a Granny Smith apple and a Mt Fuji apples. They are different flavored apples but they are both apples and not an apple and an orange.

Edited by Hyfy
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It is going to affect your game experience in a huge way.


And it really is no different than changing your inquisitor to a bounty hunter. Sorces and assassins ARE DIFFERENT CLASSES!


If they added paid class changes, I would give serious thoughts to unsubscribing.


Totally agree with this post. I love this game but this would be a very negative change for me and many others.

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Also I see people arguing against it making the assumption that someone going from Sorc to Sin is doing so to tank for example, is it really unheard of that they might just want to go from a DPS Sorc to a DPS Sin? That is NOT something that would be game breaking.


Great. So then I get screwed in a PUG because you don't understand how to play a sorc dps because you just switched from a shadow dps. same principle. They both perform VERY differently. As differently as, dare I say it, 2 different classes. Which they are. They just happen to share a story and a couple of abilities.

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