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The devs said they were adding *1* new ability for each AC. As such, I highly doubt that the shoulder cannon is actually a Commando ability. I'm pretty sure that Commandos are getting the net, and VGs are getting the cannon, which should have been made pretty obvious by the whole 10m range (also, the fact that only VG talents even mention the shoulder cannon) since there *are* no 10m range ST abilities for Commandos.


Maybe but for now both Electro Net and Shoulder Cannon appear under General Trooper abilities which made me think that both ACs are getting them. But even then, Shoulder Cannon is a PvP-PvE damage skill. Electro Net is a PvP utility skill, Vanguards already do more damage than Commandos in both PvE and PvP. Why are they getting more damage? There's no way that Commando and Vanguard DPS will remain in a 5% window if Vanguards get more damage buffs.

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There's no way that Commando and Vanguard DPS will remain in a 5% window if Vanguards get more damage buffs.


The abilities haven't even had *numbers* attached to them. Electro-net could do *massive* damage, and Shoulder Cannon could do almost *nothing* (which is entirely possible since it's off GCD, has only 4 charges, and is on a 1.5 minute CD; unless the damage is *monumental* per charge, the overall DPS contribution is going to be negligible). Right now, all we know is that some abilities are being added and, while we know what their general effects are, we don't have specific numbers so it's impossible to say that Shoulder Cannon is going to be teh amazing.

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I don't know, the way elextro net apparently works makes me suspicious that the damage of it isn't going to be particularly amazing. If it does enough damage at zero-five stacks (which, let's face it, is more likely to be zero than five in most pve situations, always assuming it even works on bosses with snare immunity in the first place) to make any kind of difference to pve dps, it's going to flat out destroy other players, let alone when stacked to ten.
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In a way, Electro net is very similar to the Knights Force Exhaustion. The damage of electro nets DoT increases when the target is moving. If the target isn't moving, that's just the basic amount of damage that's hurting the target. Electro nets slow is also constant for 9 seconds. Force Exhaustion does DoT goes at a flat damage rate over 5 seconds with a harder hit at the end of the duration. The target is also progressively slowed from 60% - 10% over the duration. So based on that, I can see lots of similarities. And the damage of Electro Net will increase with Tactics.
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The devs said they were adding *1* new ability for each AC. As such, I highly doubt that the shoulder cannon is actually a Commando ability. I'm pretty sure that Commandos are getting the net, and VGs are getting the cannon, which should have been made pretty obvious by the whole 10m range (also, the fact that only VG talents even mention the shoulder cannon) since there *are* no 10m range ST abilities for Commandos.


cryo grenade, but i think you're right that electro net sounds more like a commando ability and the shoulder cannon sounds more like a vanguard ability.


i was hoping the shoulder cannon would be a new assault ability although also that it would be 30m for commandos and 10m for vanguards. like you said, i don't see something that does dmg 4 times with a 1.5m timer having all that much of an impact on overall DPS, so overall i don't see that it matters too much either way if my commando gets it or not. it just sounds really cool, and i want it :(

plus electro net seems like an amazing PVP ability, doesn't sound like a very useful skill in PVE (even ignoring that it does less potential damage in PVE anyway)

Edited by oaceen
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What's the point of mortar salvo? Explosive round was probably one of the most useless skills we have after level 6. I feel like it is only for a panic pvp scenario where you are close to getting a kill. They didn't even fix its horrible ammo cost, and instead uses all of it. Maybe i'm missing something with this one.
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What's the point of mortar salvo? Explosive round was probably one of the most useless skills we have after level 6. I feel like it is only for a panic pvp scenario where you are close to getting a kill. They didn't even fix its horrible ammo cost, and instead uses all of it. Maybe i'm missing something with this one.



It's talking about explosive surge which is the vanguard light AoE damage ability I believe.

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It's talking about explosive surge which is the vanguard light AoE damage ability I believe.


All Troopers get it. Of course, none of them use it because it's such a terrible, terrible attack. Presumably, the change is designed to make it a micro-mortar volley though it's hard to say how effective it'll be at that without seeing the actual mechanical effects (and we're not even sure if it's a global change or specific to one or both ACs).


edit: herpderp. Explosive Surge != Explosive Round.

Edited by Kitru
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I don't know, the way elextro net apparently works makes me suspicious that the damage of it isn't going to be particularly amazing. If it does enough damage at zero-five stacks (which, let's face it, is more likely to be zero than five in most pve situations, always assuming it even works on bosses with snare immunity in the first place) to make any kind of difference to pve dps, it's going to flat out destroy other players, let alone when stacked to ten.


I just have this feeling it's going to suck. Against LOLSmash they won't be getting the movement damage increase because leap is virutally instantaneous movement, then they don't have to move so no increased movement damage. And if you start kiting, then guess what...can't cast GR so you aren't building stacks and so your damage is still going to suck.


Bottom line is that they added some needed escapability/survivability, but without changing our need to continually hard-cast we will still be lackluster at best in PvP and considering the buffs alot of other classes look to be getting we could actually end up even worse comparatively to where we are now come ROTHC.

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Against LOLSmash they won't be getting the movement damage increase because leap is virutally instantaneous movement, then they don't have to move so no increased movement damage.


The net specifically says that it prevents instant movement abilities like Leaps and Charges. So you throw it on a lolSmash and he either stands there and takes it to the face or runs to you and grows that DoT to giant size.

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Actually, Full Auto becomes borderline overpowered at high alacrity levels. It still does the same amount of damage, but in a shorter cast. A friend tested a gunnery build with over 700 alacrity.


Really? So a 2.5 sec cast FA deals just as much damage as a 3.0 sec cast FA?

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Really? So a 2.5 sec cast FA deals just as much damage as a 3.0 sec cast FA?



It still ticks 3 times. The issue is alacrity ****s up the optimal rotation for ammo regen really badly for commados.

Edited by Senscith
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It still ticks 3 times. The issue is alacrity ****s up the optimal rotation for ammo regen really badly for commados.


Not worth gearing for but a little alacrity from the skill trees will boost your dps without causing too much trouble.

Edited by nbayer
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