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Lets do something!


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I'd love a speeder race around Tatooine or Hoth or Nar Shadda or somewhere there is a definite circuit. If you could bet on the results and offer a prize at the end this would be something special. - How you'd organise it might me a bit tricky, but I'm sure a weekly or monthly speeder race would be as good or better than infrequent world events.


A bring and by gathering for people who want to avoid the GTN and offload all the gear they've got in their inventories.


A mass gathering with fireworks. Bring your favourite companion and pets and speeders. -Bantha steaks all around!


Speed running around the black hole. My guildmates can do sub 18 mins.... -Though I doubt that is a record!


More as my brain ticks over.




Storm Cutter & Memebers of the Storm Cutter Legacy. --Come on over and say hello!

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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I'd love a speeder race around Tatooine or Hoth or Nar Shadda or somewhere there is a definite circuit. If you could bet on the results and offer a prize at the end this would be something special. - How you'd organise it might me a bit tricky, but I'm sure a weekly or monthly speeder race would be as good or better than infrequent world events.


A bring and by gathering for people who want to avoid the GTN and offload all the gear they've got in their inventories.


A mass gathering with fireworks. Bring your favourite companion and pets and speeders. -Bantha steaks all around!


Speed running around the black hole. My guildmates can do sub 18 mins.... -Though I doubt that is a record!


More as my brain ticks over.




Storm Cutter & Memebers of the Storm Cutter Legacy. --Come on over and say hello!


Love the ideas :) The speeder racing, we could try and implement...considering everyone with the same level speeder, be all about the skill :p

Edited by Drylan_Stryker
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