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Ranked Season 1: You Wanna Make Our Own?


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We fully support the idea of putting together a season for this server and from the responses in this thread it seems like a lot of other people do to.


If Hex is no longer interested in being the ones to put this together, I'll bite the bullet and start to organize it.

I said it was better to be realistic. In this case, if by my life or death I can stealth cap you, I will. You have my sword... Or glowstick, whatever.

Edited by Advanderer
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Just to clarify, this thread is the tiny little tip of the iceberg. It's mostly responses I've heard in-game that made me think that folks just didn't want to do this right now.


I'm truly sorry that you experienced so much negativity over such a productive idea. I had no idea that you were getting so much flak for wanting to do something positive. My "that's crazy" comment was not directed at you but was intended to point out that with all the people posting their support of creating our own ranked season in this thread, it was sad to see the idea die before it even got started.


With that being said and with Jerc's blessings to try and put this together, I've already begun speaking to Nadir about the possibility of having her be the Ranked Season representative for the Republic side and will get to work right away trying to organize this on-going event. It will probably take me several days to work out the details but as soon as I have something together we will begin contacting everyone who expressed interest in this and see if we can solidify the names and numbers of the teams interested in participating in the ranked season.


There were a lot of good ideas mentioned in this thread, everything from the suggestion of having commentators on the season to working out ways for guilds who don't have a full 8 man team to put something together so they could participate in this in a competitive and friendly manner. I'd like to implement as many of these ideas as possible.


As the initial intent was to try and encourage as many teams as possible to sign up, I'll be trying to figure out ways to help people create teams if they are short players. In addition to this, I'll put effort into establishing a code of conduct for the event and try to come up with a few basic rules that should hopefully help to keep the type of trash talking and negativity that often permeates ranked matches to a minimum.


Imperial players and teams who are interested in the Ranked season should feel free to contact me with an in game message. My character's name is Panopticus.


Republic players and teams who are interested in playing during the ranked season should contact Nadir from Team One who will coordinate with me to ensure that we can get this up and running in a reasonable amount of time.


Seeing as how this thread has become less about Jerc's initial idea and more about the potential problems associated with it, when we have all the details worked out I will post a new thread for people to sign up in.


Looking forward to seeing as many people get involved with this as possible. The more community support there is for this, the greater chance there is of it being a success.


See you all in the zones!

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I have a feeling that when Season 1 does come out they will be some interesting features that would be available for those with certain Warzone Rating. And for those who love PVP but are scared of facing Game Genie, Guerrilla or Hex in Rank Warzones will miss out.


Jerc is trying to revive the Rank PVP community for everyone so when Season 1 does come out everyone would most likely be on the same page.So you can bash him or other people for trying to reach out for this server because when Season 1 does come out,those who hesitated to do Rank Warzones would suffer in the future and would be stuck doing just regular Warzones forever.

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We're up to 8 people interested. I'm not sure they all are geared enough yet, but at least we can field a team as long as we can all make it the same time when necessary. There's a few folks that don't follow our forums much that I'm sure would be interested too, so I think we can field a team.
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Perhaps we should consider making "ranked channels" on the server to promote easier communication about this stuff. It seems like there are a few leaders communicating about forming teams and whatnot, but (it appears)that's all going directly between a few people. It might be nice to have a designated channel for guilds that are potentially interested in forming teams, the teams that want to form but need to pick up more people, individuals looking to join a team, or even just communication between "leaders" trying to get teams organized and queued. The PvP channel seems to be more about nerd raging about WZ's then anything helpful anymore - this way there would be a place for people specifically looking for ranked information.


Just a thought!


Perhaps "EmpireRanked" and 'RepublicRanked"?

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Perhaps we should consider making "ranked channels" on the server to promote easier communication about this stuff. It seems like there are a few leaders communicating about forming teams and whatnot, but (it appears)that's all going directly between a few people. It might be nice to have a designated channel for guilds that are potentially interested in forming teams, the teams that want to form but need to pick up more people, individuals looking to join a team, or even just communication between "leaders" trying to get teams organized and queued. The PvP channel seems to be more about nerd raging about WZ's then anything helpful anymore - this way there would be a place for people specifically looking for ranked information.


Just a thought!


Perhaps "EmpireRanked" and 'RepublicRanked"?


I second this motion to make these channels! Great idea Xav

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I am a scrub, but to the OP, you have to understand people will ALWAYS give flank to a pvp guild on a rp server, that is just the nature of the beast. Do not let QQ get you down in the dumps, push forward, stand by your convictions. Some may think you are simply trying to make the floor sticky from stroking your epeen, but if you know that is not the case ignore it. This is a wonderful idea, as few others have mentioned you have positive feedback right here in this thread with over 15 or so teams willing to take part in this.


Keep at it, work together with your fellow pvpers, put on your big boy pants and tell people to read between the lines, and ignore them. Haters will be haters.

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