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Server Maintenance - How to keep both EA and Players Happy(?)


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I saw a thread on this subject recently, but considering the original suggestion was to refund players for hypothetical hours lost, it seemed unlikely a 'for profit' (stock market listed) corporation would seriously consider that option. I'm not sure about the rest of the world, but I'm in the APAC region, and maintenance time often coincides when I might like to be in the game.


I was thinking of something which could possibly keep both EA and Players happy, and give people something to do if they are looking to do something game related...



1) Provide players a way to browse and purchase from the Cartel Market while servers are down.


  • More $ profit for EA - they are happy
  • Finding items for toons - players are happy



2) Allow players to browse and trade on the GTN while servers are down


  • while servers are down, player are still immersed in EA content - EA are happy
  • players can find crucial items for their characters - players are happy




3) Provide means for players to browse Old Republic lore, knowledge... check player stats (kills, deaths, etc.)


Mass Effect 3, if you weren't playing multiplayer, basically demanded you to download an app (ME3 Datapad) if you wanted to get the best possible endings) - yet there is nothing here (not that I am asking for that particular type of app to be created).


It seems a golden opportunity ($) is being wasted by EA. If they charged $X.XX for an app which allowed you, when not logged in to the game, to outfit your toons, trade the GTN, read lore, check email, browse the Cartel Market - surely they would sell a truckload of the things. There would certainly be a number of people who complained about being charged, but:


  • Those who feel they need their SWTOR fix can get it
  • EA can make more cash $



Either way, this game, given its size and complexity, seems massively underrepresented when it comes to supporting infrastructure (apps, other add-ons' etc).


4) While I'm at it, why not allow players an Old Republic email address, which can send email to the real world and ties in with your legacy, that could only be accessed through said app? Or am I going too far with that one?




I don't know if some of the above would be too difficult, given a lot of user information is obviously taken offline during maintenance, but certainly some of it would be possible.


There are occasions when the desires of corporations and those of its customers can be met simultaneously. Personally, I think this is one of those times.


Not sure what others think?

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Unfortunately when they do maintenance they do it for all their server assets. Which means the web sites and billing systems and such are also maintained.


This would require another system that would have a different maintenance time slot.


Unfortunately the development effort to build another independent/redundant system to entertain players for a couple of hours while they do maintenance would not be cost effective use of their resources.


Those that whinge during maintenance should get a life.


Also before you say it doesn't impact me as much. I play from the Gold Coast Australia, so yes it does. I just do something else during that time.

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Thanks for the reply, and no I wasn't going to say that. Hope all is well on the Gold Coast.


It was merely some ideas that I thought could be interesting.


That would count out many of the interesting things, but I'm surprised they have no way to check cartel market outside game for instance, even just to browse - not to purchase. Also lore, guides, etc would all be possible.


If everything has to go offline, why are the forums off during some maintenance periods, and not others? Just Curious.

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If I recall correctly, there was a little discussion of an app that would allow players to send companions on missions when not logged in around launch. Would be great when servers are down. When the servers are up again, it could transmit the data of what you got.
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If I recall correctly, there was a little discussion of an app that would allow players to send companions on missions when not logged in around launch. Would be great when servers are down. When the servers are up again, it could transmit the data of what you got.


I like the idea of the companion app(I'd probably be willing to throw down around ten bucks or so for it too), but if it were able to operate while servers were down it seems like it'd be possible to cheat the system since it would seem to me that the app would need to store its results on the mobile device.

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What would make me happy with maintenance? I would be happy if it was done consistently on the same day, so none of these Tuesday for a couple of weeks, oh Wednesday this week, crap we screwed up this minor detail so we will do another one on Friday.


Basically, only ever do maintenances on Tuesdays unless a major exploit or major bug is introduced.

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I saw a thread on this subject recently, but considering the original suggestion was to refund players for hypothetical hours lost, it seemed unlikely a 'for profit' (stock market listed) corporation would seriously consider that option. I'm not sure about the rest of the world, but I'm in the APAC region, and maintenance time often coincides when I might like to be in the game.


I was thinking of something which could possibly keep both EA and Players happy, and give people something to do if they are looking to do something game related...




Mass Effect 3, if you weren't playing multiplayer, basically demanded you to download an app (ME3 Datapad) if you wanted to get the best possible endings) - yet there is nothing here (not that I am asking for that particular type of app to be created).




There are occasions when the desires of corporations and those of its customers can be met simultaneously. Personally, I think this is one of those times.


Not sure what others think?


Actually for Mass Effect 3 I just modded my coalesced.ini file and said ]F U MULTIPLAYER muahahahah! :D


All in all good suggestions I think. Anything to help keep people engaged and occupied is a good thing. But the only real solution would be rolling ppatches so one group of people didnt constantly lose their prime time play.


It would also allow people to play on servers from another part of the world while their primary server is down for maintainance.

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Actually for Mass Effect 3 I just modded my coalesced.ini file and said ]F U MULTIPLAYER muahahahah! :D


I played the Xbox version so that mod was unavailable, unfortunately. The worst bit was that the Galactic Readiness fell continuously so you were obliged to keep running the missions until you reached the point where the game checked for which endings you were eligible for.


And if you played through for a second time, you had to do the whole thing over...

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