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Vrook Lamar Forum Community


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Hi fellow and future members of Vrook Lamar (West Coast RP Server)


I'd like to point you to http://www.vrooklamar.net


This is a place for members of the server community to come together, share stories, coordinate events, gather and post information, recruit guild members, etc.


I have taken the liberty of using some of my extra server space to create unofficial server forums for our great server community. Right now I have forums set up, but if there is enough interest, I will add more features. I hope to have this site be by the community and for the community, so join up and offer any suggestions you may have.


In the future, I may consider allowing guilds on Vrook Lamar to use a subdomain so they can set up some guild pages with a website address like guildname.vrooklamar.net.


Thanks and hope to see you there!

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I'm a professional web designer and would love help encourage RP on the Vrook Lamar server. Let me know if there's anything that I can help with the site.


My main expertise is Wordpress, Buddypress, SEO, PHP, etc.


Awesome thanks for offering! I see you registered on the forums. I will be adding a mail function to the forums later today and drop you note :)

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Thank you for the additional forum to help keep us in contact. Much easier than trying to keep tabs on specific Vrook Lamar threads here. I prefer not to subscribe to threads to avoid the endless spam to my e-mail.


I've joined and look forward to getting to know the community (and meeting some of you in-game!).

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Just wanted to add that we have some pretty great people registering, if you haven't joined yet, come introduce yourself! We could definitely use more Empire side players over there as well - come let the Dark side show!


I just added a poll asking what additional features would be useful, so if you are looking for the ability to have a private forum area for your guild, character blogs, the ability to form groups with their own discussion areas, then let me know!

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