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Ship Question


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I invited my friend into a group to see my ship the other night. I had just got my ship, but he hasn't yet. He was able to go into the hangar and see the outside of it. It wouldn't allow him to enter the ship though. It let me enter, but it just kicked him out of the instance and into the star port. Edited by ElektronJohn
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When I'm flying around in mine, there are 3 seats up front. 1 is the Captain seat and the other 2 are just "chairs". I imagined they were for other players as your companions do not use them? Does anyone have a clear answer for this (maybe if both players have ship access or something?) Thanks for everyone's help so far. :)
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Can anyone else fly with you in your ship? I'm having a hard time finding that information anywhere. Thanks in advance.




They will remain on "your ship" if you zone elsewhere (leave the ship, fly to a different sector, do a ship mission) and can leave it, doing so puts them into their own docking bay once they have their own ship.

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If you both have access to a ship, you enter in the same ship. A buddy and I just tested this last night. They can't pilot it, but they can board it. If you start a space combat mission, you just disappear and they are left standing there. Edited by ulotolhado
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I thought the extra seats were for your companions.... yes?


Your companions all have their own spot on the ship, and never move around. Just kinda stand there incase you wanna talk to them, so they never occupy the seats. I imagine its SUPPOSE to be for them (if players can't travel with you as people have said here), but I never actually SEE them in the seats.

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