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LF Guild Imp and Pub side


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I recently returned to playing this game this past month however many of my old guildies have moved on to different games. I have characters on both sides on this server, 3 50s, with my main being a marrauder. I'm looking for a relaxed and casual guild that likes to have fun doing both pve and pvp. I would also prefer it to be large enough where finding a group for daily flashpoints wouldn't be a problem.


As I took a couple months off I forgot dynamics of some of the fights but I am a fast learner. I am a college student right now so naturally that must come first so often times I don't know what my schedule will be for a day until the day before or even the day of. If you think I would be a good fit for your guild please respond to this and I will check it out later. Thanks and have a good day.

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