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Rage Marauder vs Rage Jugg...tips?


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Hey, I need a bit of advice from the more skilled marauders here. I'm in very decent gear, 1390 expertise, I've tried to learn to get the most of rage for marauders. The problem I'm having is that Juggernaut/Guardians destroy me, sometimes even to the point where I'm killed in the space of 3 or so global cooldowns. If I can get my charge off first, I win about 50% vs equally geared players, but when they get the charge off I get killed so fast I usually cant even do more than pop a defensive cooldown and get one ability off.


I am using my defensive cooldowns, and I'm using obfuscate, but it just doesn't seem to matter, I get totally destroyed. Anyone have advice on how to counter rage juggernauts and guardians?

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- I'm in very decent gear

- 1390 expertise

Pick one.


Anyway, use your vanish to throw them off their stride. When they get into full flow it is indeed hard to stop them, so you have to be smart and mess with them a little. With good usage of force camo, obfuscate, and undying rage you should come out on top unless they're popping absolutely everything, in which case just drop out and take someone else.

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You should have zero trouble vs rage juggs. First of all you are rage specced yourself so you know the exact rotation and setup for this. So you gotta know when to counter. Second your defensive cooldowns are way stronger.


Did you use your skill points in the carnage tree to reduce arena damage with 30%? Because just this will give you the winning advantage.


I play a rage marauder myself and i have not met a Jug/guardian yet that can chalange me.


my tips.


- use obuscate from the start (this will **** up there first smash setup and put you in the lead at the start of the fight)

- use rebuke at the start of the fight and your other shield right when that one expires.

- use camo and get away when you see him charge on you (cause you know the smash wil follow after that)

- use undying rage at 10% and use some health flask right after that (ppl use health flasks more then you think in 1v1 fights)

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Jugg Vs Marauder.. It's no contest, you should win easily. Here is my general rotation assuming I have everything up:


Frenzy, Berserk, Charge in, Smash.


Force Crush, Rupture, Choke. These 3 dots can easily take a person down by 5-6k, and they can't do much of anything while doing it.


Obliterate. Vicious slash till smash is up, smash.


You should have berserk at this point. Berserk (ravage while berserk is building rage for you), slash till smash is up, oblit, smash.


Vicious throw at under 30% obviously.



-Use Obfuscate when he uses ravage.

-Intimidating roar is off the GCD. Towards the end, you can roar him right after hittting an ability, then wait for your GCD to finish, and use vicious throw from ranged + force scream.

-Undying Rage + medpack combo is godly.

-Force Camo can also be used to avoid Ravage, or use it when you think he is about to smash for a huge reduction on his smash.

-Make sure you are using Cloak + Saber Ward early on. He will do most of his burst damage early, and you want to mitigate as much as possible.

-To ensure that you get off the first charge, use Force Camo 1-2 seconds before you get within charge range. He can't charge what he can't see, but you can certainly charge him =).

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Jugg Vs Marauder.. It's no contest, you should win easily. Here is my general rotation assuming I have everything up:


Frenzy, Berserk, Charge in, Smash.


Force Crush, Rupture, Choke. These 3 dots can easily take a person down by 5-6k, and they can't do much of anything while doing it.


Obliterate. Vicious slash till smash is up, smash.


You should have berserk at this point. Berserk (ravage while berserk is building rage for you), slash till smash is up, oblit, smash.


Vicious throw at under 30% obviously.



-Use Obfuscate when he uses ravage.

-Intimidating roar is off the GCD. Towards the end, you can roar him right after hittting an ability, then wait for your GCD to finish, and use vicious throw from ranged + force scream.

-Undying Rage + medpack combo is godly.

-Force Camo can also be used to avoid Ravage, or use it when you think he is about to smash for a huge reduction on his smash.

-Make sure you are using Cloak + Saber Ward early on. He will do most of his burst damage early, and you want to mitigate as much as possible.

-To ensure that you get off the first charge, use Force Camo 1-2 seconds before you get within charge range. He can't charge what he can't see, but you can certainly charge him =).


Good tips, thanks.

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