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Premade ?


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  • 10 months later...
I see all these threads on premades shouldn't be allowed to queue against pugs.


My question is this... how do you know that your team is not with a premade?


Do you determine that by guild tags?

**** For me the only thing I can see if it is a premade or not is guild tags, but I play with premades from different guilds all the time. We still own when we are playing together and have no voice communication. So with all this premades shouldnt be playing pugs is a lie!!! I don't think any pug here can honestly tell me that they know for sure that there team has no premades. Sure you can go and ask everyone on your team, but does that mean they are going to answer you. How do you know that you are not in group with a 4man and 3man? One more thing there are guilds who have 50 people on and queued as solo and happen to be in the same match. Is this also considered a premade?


To all of the pugs prove to me that everytime you lose is because you don't have a premade. Tell me how you know it is a premade and give me proof.


I tell u one thing - it has nothing to do with Guild at least.


Youll see when its preamdes, dont worrie. Just /sit when u know its premades, nothing else u can do.

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