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Dear Bioware: Does 1.7 have class balance updates?


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They already stated that no new balance will be done until after the X-pac. I could go to dev tracker and find it for you but meh. You'll manage.


It's comments like this that made me start this thread. I've read all the dev posts and currently there is nothing that is in the five pages of post that talk about class balance. All the older dev posts I can find quoted on the various class pages refer to a major class re-balance possibly coming in a future patch. Not expansion PATCH.





But I see lots of player posts are very contradictory "Bioware said... bla" Some say Bioware said it's in 1.7 some say not until BLa... But I can't see anywhere were they say anything other than "coming soon" or "in the near future". I thought maybe people were getting info from other sources than the forum like Facebook Twitter or whatever... So I asked a specific question is it in 1.7 or not. But I guess they prefer to just answer that when they post the notes and allow the rumors to fly.

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It's comments like this that made me start this thread. I've read all the dev posts and currently there is nothing that is in the five pages of post that talk about class balance. All the older dev posts I can find quoted on the various class pages refer to a major class re-balance possibly coming in a future patch. Not expansion PATCH.





its quite terrifying to see this bw post from 30.11.2012 and still nothing had happen :mad:

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