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Planetary Missions needs to be fixed.


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First they need to be labeled as such on the Mission Tracker. This is NOT that hard to do.


Second your stupid warning box sucks. You need to change the warning to red, to more clearly show that a different text is being shown than the normal drop a mission text.


They above two things are quick and easy changes to your code. The above should be a stop gap to the real solution. . .


Planetary missions should be able to be continued with the last quest giver if they are dropped or they simply should not be able to be dropped. I know somebody previously whined about not being able to drop the mission since all they did all the time was PvP, but seriously, You took THAT suggestion seriously. This is not the annoyance of seeing something on a list that person was never using in the first place. I and others simply won't be able to see certain content unless I reroll and start at the very beginning. This really sucks! Sorry, but your leveling process is not easy or painless.


My only consolation is that planetary missions can look very similar on alternate classes.


Still this sucks.


What really sucks is that that one PvP nut changes something in your game to the detriment of many more players and he didn't even have a good reason.


And you probably won't even bother to read this one.

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