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Pub side pvp guilds


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Did your mouth write a check your *** couldn't cash. Did you make a complete *** out of yourself on the SWTOR Forums and nobody likes you anymore, well you're in luck!!!!!

At the law offices of Shao'Kahn & Justice we specialize in getting you out of a ****ed up situation that you're compeletly responsible for.

We also specialize in; Noobs, D-bags, Total Trollers and Mother****ers who don't know when to ****.

Attorney and Client confidentiality are in full effect in our offices, our motto is "We believe YOU, no matter how ****ed up you are, WE BELIEVE YOU :)."


Official Consoltation hours are: 7:00am - 7:15am every 2nd Tuesday of the 3rd month of the year. We can also be reached at 1-800-I-FUKD-UP (1-800-438-5387)


We look forward to helping you un-**** your situation.


the lines busy


Also watch me lose to Desire in a 1v1! http://www.twitch.tv/leijae/b/360295210 its starts at like 14:40 or something like that

Edited by leijae
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the lines busy


Also watch me lose to Desire in a 1v1! http://www.twitch.tv/leijae/b/360295210 its starts at like 14:40 or something like that

*blueberry ***** on your face and you gave up half way through the fight so he leaves*

"The people in my stream are **** talking you right now"

*tabs out to show his own screen and there is no one watching it or talking*


My sides are aching from laughter.:D

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*blueberry ***** on your face and you gave up half way through the fight so he leaves*

"The people in my stream are **** talking you right now"

*tabs out to show his own screen and there is no one watching it or talking*


My sides are aching from laughter.:D


I admit I am an avid fan of OP's stream. I watch it to see what not to do if I ever roll a PVP shadow.

To OP: be a bit more humble and you'll learn a lot more. Good luck in whatever guild you end up in.

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*blueberry ***** on your face and you gave up half way through the fight so he leaves*

"The people in my stream are **** talking you right now"

*tabs out to show his own screen and there is no one watching it or talking*


My sides are aching from laughter.:D


yea i was trying to goat him back to 1v1 so i just started making stuff up trying to finish what i had started... it didn't work... :(


and whoever was talking about using fort stim on shadow, you're obviously the best shadow. i mean if you're in combat technique and have a mix of recruit/wh then +2k health and +52 to defenses is a bad thing especially if you're (tankish?) in huttball or defending a node.


*edit: just saw you wrote "infl shadow" when am i in infiltration spec?

Edited by leijae
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LOL you're advertising that?


Things this confirms:

1. You're 12.

2. You're terrible.

3. You need a reality check.

4. You need to go back to whatever server you came from.


5. ... Did I say you're bad?


this comfirms:

1. I am 12 yes

2. I'm terrible: possibly but inconclusive

3. reality is relative

4. technically i came from this server

5. no, you said i'm terrible.

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Yeah, if you are the calibur of player we have to worry about from "PVP" servers I"m not to worried. You also have no idea what any of our rated teams look like. Guess what, all of the "major league" guilds on our server have some people in them who aren't on their A team for ranked.




Creus selling himself short again. Remember that second hutball last night? Those 3 pulls that put fuzzy beyond cookies ability to catch up to? Good games though.


What about fuzzy's ability to run in the fire and get stuck? :D

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Sorry for the delayed response


On behalf of Goof Troop I extend my deepest apologies for the behavior of Leijae I assure you Goof Troop does not share the same views. We appreciate the republic community and acknowledge that the contributions of each team member are crucial for our teams success. We understand not all guilds are as competitive in their pvp game play. We are embarrassed that someone from our guild would have caused such a commotion. Goof Troop has since removed the player Leijae from guild.

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*blueberry ***** on your face and you gave up half way through the fight so he leaves*

"The people in my stream are **** talking you right now"

*tabs out to show his own screen and there is no one watching it or talking*


My sides are aching from laughter.:D


When keepin it real...goes wrong. Lol

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Sorry for the delayed response


On behalf of Goof Troop I extend my deepest apologies for the behavior of Leijae I assure you Goof Troop does not share the same views. We appreciate the republic community and acknowledge that the contributions of each team member are crucial for our teams success. We understand not all guilds are as competitive in their pvp game play. We are embarrassed that someone from our guild would have caused such a commotion. Goof Troop has since removed the player Leijae from guild.


Where did you copy and paste that from Sarah? You know damn well Goof Troop could care less about their fellow Republicans.

Edited by Psirebral
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I wrote it myself

Ive been talkig to Hype all night he is in mumble

You are not in mumble come say Hi I am busy playing and am going to get capped on because Im tabbing out to type this

I am curious who Criminal is because I am also from Hypersapce

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Criminalheretic who are you from Hyperspace?


Who I am is an uninteresting secret, just one of a multitude of imps that smashed themselves up against Goof Troop, when queuing up meant waiting 30 minutes, then facing a full GT team cause you guys were the only Pubs playing, and only Huttball was same faction... But nevertheless I like to keep it a secret on the forums, pretty much just so I can lie whenever I want.


Like that time Leegay did anything awesome, ever...

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I was Imp back on Hyperspace and suffered through Goof Troop as well. Meaning we sat through most of the same ****** Q times and probably played a lot of games together. Who you are has now become interesting. Since you said your identity is "secret on the forums" you can whisper me in game :)
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