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As close as we get to xserver rateds


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Get the **** outta here. That isthe lamest excuse I've ever heard. I played a melee class from England with that latency and it is so far from true. You must be French because you've given up before the fighting has even started. EU get the sand out of your *******. This isnt an fps. When you get your asses beat just remember, when you lose that bad it wouldn't have mattered if you had a 20 ping


ahahahahahahahah excellent :D

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Want to play with/against the following people:




Wakajinn guys


Looking forward to this and I hope to see those peeps :)


Shin'arika quit, and was mediocre with a huge ego. But I also am really excited to see how I will stack up against the other servers assassins. See you all on the PTS!

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^ This.


Still looking forward to play against other teams, and considering the time zones the most games we will get will probably be EU vs EU and US vs Us.


Most games you will probably get will be the first 2-3 days...figure thats about how long it will take us to make everyone else quit quing.

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Also, we should set up a 1v1 or 3v3 tournament for when it goes live.




SWTOR having competitive PvP, that's funny.


Mad cause you're not good enough to get into a good rated team perhaps? Not calling you bad (I don't know you) but people like you give the community a bad rep.

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Shin'arika quit, and was mediocre with a huge ego. But I also am really excited to see how I will stack up against the other servers assassins. See you all on the PTS!


That is very unfortunate, I thought I saw arika posting on the sin forums just last month and I was looking forward to fighting him

But at the very least damager, I've seen a few of your records as well and I'm super hyped to face some good sins from other servers, so I'll also be looking forward to facing you in internet glowystick combat

Edited by JP_Legatus
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What wait..


Are you talking about Bradleey from the Red Eclipse? How did he make himself a name on the off board? Damn maybe I should step my pony spamming up on this board too. :D


Though I enjoy the idea of this happening I don't think this actually will.. Best scenario in my head will be 3 teams queing for one evening, then some ************ and then the PTS being empty again, till the patch hits live.


Also, for me, the most fun thing of this would be to actually face US guilds, but again I can't see that happen because of timezones etc. (not playing the latency card here).. Furthermore we'd need some pretty good organisation.

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Get the **** outta here. That isthe lamest excuse I've ever heard. I played a melee class from England with that latency and it is so far from true. You must be French because you've given up before the fighting has even started. EU get the sand out of your *******. This isnt an fps. When you get your asses beat just remember, when you lose that bad it wouldn't have mattered if you had a 20 ping



Just seen this. You make me laugh bro. No im from england and you all know this game has lag issues. I am unaware if it will have even more lag on the pts, was just asking.


As for you beating us, good luck ;) what server you from and which guild. Ill be sure to look out for you lot ;p

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