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New podracer mount is pretty amazing!


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I guess I shouldn't be surprised that people are whining, but this community continues to amaze me.


People complain when good looking mounts are only included in packs. So, they allow the next speeder to be bought directly like people requested, and then they complain about pricing.


I'll happily buy it just like I do all the other things I like on the market. I support the types of items I like in the hopes that it will convince them to continue to develop things like it. We had 9 months to convince them that this game didn't need to go F2P to survive and we failed as a community to show them. So now we have the cash shop and if we want new items to be added we need to directly support their development, that's just the way it is. If you don't like it, then DON'T BUY IT. People have been complaining since launch about how they don't want to pay for things they don't like, so now they get the chance to only pay for the things that they DO like and yet they still complain.


You've missed the entirety of the point, as well as done a bit of re-writing of history.


I'm thinking you are just blinded by the sight of a shiny.....which is what all salesmen love.

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Pay attention people. The Wow Mount is account wide for 25 dollars. This one would be $216.00 account wide. It is way out of whack with industry standards.

Oh you and your maths, cut that out.


Next you are going to tell me that subscribers are not demanding content for free, but are actually paying for it to be developed!


The insanity!


Clearly an $18.00 mount is industry standard because SW:TOR's F2P model is industry leading!.


After the Life Day Pack and the (still in Cash Shop for the original price) Tier 7 Ship Part fiascos how can we be surprised?

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Yes we deserve free stuff!! Moar free stuff!!!

I mean.. new warzones and flashpoints and daily areas aren't enough. Or all the cool stuff from your Cartel Packs and Store which we can also buy in game off the GTN because of your decision to make them tradeable.. something most other F2P games have no option for.

We need more free stuff! Give us the speeders others pay real money for too!





We are already paying for the game already, chief. That subscription is all inclusive. That was the deal, that was the promise. What part of that are you having trouble processing? Maybe I can help. ;p

Edited by Blackardin
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At least it doesn't look as crappy as the holyday mount, actually it looks pretty good, but still too expensive.


Personally I liked the holiday one better. I like that they have pod racer type mounts in the game for variety now, but it's not my cup of tea. I try so hard to forget Episode I ever existed.

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Oh you and your maths, cut that out.


Next you are going to tell me that subscribers are not demanding content for free, but are actually paying for it to be developed!


The insanity!


Clearly an $18.00 mount is industry standard because SW:TOR's F2P model is industry leading!.


After the Life Day Pack and the (still in Cash Shop for the original price) Tier 7 Ship Part fiascos how can we be surprised?




Honestly, I'm not going to be looking at people riding this mount and thinking, "wow, cool, I want to be that guy", I'm going to be looking at them and thinking, "one born every day I guess".


At least they are supporting the game. Some of that cash may end up going to fixing bugs, like, so we can actually do the space missions and use the upgrades that we've paid outside our account for.

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To those complaining that the expansion is less money than the mount let me ask you this. Would you rather it be the other way around where the essentially necessary piece of content cost more money than the purely optional one?
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After the update hit there were four people on fleet who purchased these mounts.


I proceeded to poke fun at them a bit and then attempted to explain why spending $18.00 on a single mount might be one of the reasons Bioware is only updating the Cash Shop and not patching major issues or addressing PVP.


No one cared.


Bioware knows the mentality of its player base quite well it seems, a majority will glom onto the new shiny the moment it hits and drop extra money, completely ignoring their subscription fees and allowing the company to conveniently ignore major issues (such as PVP balance or the lightsaber bug) and use my subscription dollars to develop something they are then going to charge me extra for...


Portents of the future in which we live in I am afraid.

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I don't see the problem. The speeder is not a required item. It is a vanity item. It's value is subjective. To me it was a no-brainer. I loved the idea of a pod race and have disposable income. Easy peasy.


If you don't want to pay 18.00 for the mount, don't. Pretty easy right there.


This is basically what I was trying to say but you put it together more succinctly than I did. So yeah ^^This^^

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After the update hit there were four people on fleet who purchased these mounts.


I proceeded to poke fun at them a bit and then attempted to explain why spending $18.00 on a single mount might be one of the reasons Bioware is only updating the Cash Shop and not patching major issues or addressing PVP.


No one cared.

I hope they all reported you for harassment. Go back under your bridge.

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This looks great and all, but Speeders suck in this game. They are called speeders, but they are so slow it drives me crazy. It looks so stupid to see someone riding this thing like they are some old guy with a hat riding his fancy car.


Speeders should be like this:


License 1: 150% improved speed.

License 2: 200% improved speed.

Licence 3: 250% improved speed.


The taxi system is how speeders should be like, how it is now is not star wars at all.

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You've missed the entirety of the point, as well as done a bit of re-writing of history.


I'm thinking you are just blinded by the sight of a shiny.....which is what all salesmen love.


Sounds to me like you have missed a big point here. No one is forcing you to buy it and if he has disposable funds that are his own and he feels he wants to buy it then he is well within his rights to do so. Beauty of a free market system. If a company provides a product or service that you deem worthwhile investing in then you are freely able to do so.

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After the update hit there were four people on fleet who purchased these mounts.


I proceeded to poke fun at them a bit and then attempted to explain why spending $18.00 on a single mount might be one of the reasons Bioware is only updating the Cash Shop and not patching major issues or addressing PVP.


No one cared.


Bioware knows the mentality of its player base quite well it seems, a majority will glom onto the new shiny the moment it hits and drop extra money, completely ignoring their subscription fees and allowing the company to conveniently ignore major issues (such as PVP balance or the lightsaber bug) and use my subscription dollars to develop something they are then going to charge me extra for...


Portents of the future in which we live in I am afraid.


They are not then charging you extra for it. It is completely optional. Its not something you have to buy to complete a mission. Its not something you have to buy to remain competitive. Its something they added for people who may decide "hey I like that I just might pick one up for myself". But nowhere are they making you pay extra.

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We are already paying for the game already, chief. That subscription is all inclusive. That was the deal, that was the promise. What part of that are you having trouble processing? Maybe I can help. ;p


There was never a promise that you would get items/gear from the Cartel Store in game. It was even said some 'cool' stuff would be Cartel Store exclusives.

But despite this, the game still allows every Cartel item to be traded after a set amount of time. So everything that is on the Store, even the unlocks, can become available for paying subscribers with no wish to spend more money using only in game means (and someone who does pay for these things to sell the stuff in game).


What part of that are you having trouble processing?

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After the update hit there were four people on fleet who purchased these mounts.


I proceeded to poke fun at them a bit and then attempted to explain why spending $18.00 on a single mount might be one of the reasons Bioware is only updating the Cash Shop and not patching major issues or addressing PVP.


No one cared.


Bioware knows the mentality of its player base quite well it seems, a majority will glom onto the new shiny the moment it hits and drop extra money, completely ignoring their subscription fees and allowing the company to conveniently ignore major issues (such as PVP balance or the lightsaber bug) and use my subscription dollars to develop something they are then going to charge me extra for...


Portents of the future in which we live in I am afraid.


Ah yes.. because this item costs 18 dollars each to make



I go back to my earlier statement: Damion Schubert has said it himself that the extra funds coming from Cartel purchases are not only being used to create more Cartel content but are flowing back to non-Cartel parts of the game. Allowing them to have more people working on things like new content, bug fixes and balance issues.


So.. if the future we live in means that people with disposable incomes have a way to spend those on this game, meaning the developer has more funds to make the game better for everyone. Than I welcome the future.

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I hope they all reported you for harassment. Go back under your bridge.


Meh let people like him poke fun if he wants. Even if it was me he was poking fun at, I don't know what server he's on and I was sitting on fleet for a little while last night waiting for wz's to pop so I may have been one of them. He can poke fun at me if he wants for spending some disposable income, people like him just make me laugh because they can't see the irony in their whinging about making the game better and then whinging when people spend some money to ultimately help fund said game improvements.

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Sounds to me like you have missed a big point here. No one is forcing you to buy it and if he has disposable funds that are his own and he feels he wants to buy it then he is well within his rights to do so. Beauty of a free market system. If a company provides a product or service that you deem worthwhile investing in then you are freely able to do so.


That is not the point either. ;p Its an opinion. I can respect his opinion, but its not the point.

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There was never a promise that you would get items/gear from the Cartel Store in game. It was even said some 'cool' stuff would be Cartel Store exclusives.


That is my contention, yet there is gear and items now exclusive to the cartel market. You seem to be agreeing with me, yet arguing at the same time. That was why I asked what you are having trouble processing.


But despite this, the game still allows every Cartel item to be traded after a set amount of time. So everything that is on the Store, even the unlocks, can become available for paying subscribers with no wish to spend more money using only in game means (and someone who does pay for these things to sell the stuff in game).


True enough, but they are still being funneled through the market, not direct to players. Don't get me wrong here, I love the fact that people will be buying this junk as it will be funneled back into sub content, which will be good for the game overall. I'm not contending the outcome, just the deception.

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I go back to my earlier statement: Damion Schubert has said it himself that the extra funds coming from Cartel purchases are not only being used to create more Cartel content but are flowing back to non-Cartel parts of the game. Allowing them to have more people working on things like new content, bug fixes and balance issues.


So.. if the future we live in means that people with disposable incomes have a way to spend those on this game, meaning the developer has more funds to make the game better for everyone. Than I welcome the future.


I want to believe this also, but lets face it, there track record of promises has not been noteworthy to date. I give you the new expansion as an example. Hopefully this is true, but I'm not trusting it to the extent that others are.

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What deception?


Honestly.. I see none yet it seems to define the Cartel Market to you. Please explain the deception.


All items in game will be available free to subscribers. FTP players will be able to purchase such through the cartel market. The new content expansion will be free to subscribers, FTP players will have to pay for it.


That deception. The more common term is, "bait and switch". ;p


There are also the issues with space missions, where people like myself went ahead and trusted, purchased the upgrades through the cartel market and are now left with missions that are not working or showing up. Rather then put resources into fixing this previously promised content, they are pumping all resources right back into the cartel market and focusing patch fixes on such.


....and it does not "define" the cartel market for me, just the particular issues stated. Lets not start inflating each others contention. ;p

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I want to believe this also, but lets face it, there track record of promises has not been noteworthy to date. I give you the new expansion as an example. Hopefully this is true, but I'm not trusting it to the extent that others are.

Give me one example of a broken promise since F2P announcement.


Please do, I'm interested in which this is.


Because my point still is: Bioware post F2P announcement is a very different team than it was before. And there have been no promises made by the team since then that they could not live by.

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Give me one example of a broken promise since F2P announcement.


Please do, I'm interested in which this is.


Because my point still is: Bioware post F2P announcement is a very different team than it was before. And there have been no promises made by the team since then that they could not live by.


Just gave you three, chief. ;p

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