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I'm sick of playing warzone for pvp


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Please add a map zone to do actually pvping, like warhammer, aion, rift, and so on. I'm sick of playing warzone (scenerio). When i bought this game and found out there wasn't any pvping on the map zone, I'm not too impress with this game.:mad:
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Please add a map zone to do actually pvping, like warhammer, aion, rift, and so on. I'm sick of playing warzone (scenerio). When i bought this game and found out there wasn't any pvping on the map zone, I'm not too impress with this game.:mad:


There's plenty of PVP in the world.


In fact...there's a WHOLE PLANET devoted to PVP...

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I paid 79 dollars for this game. when i first had aion, rift and warhammer they don't cost this much and they have a map pvp zone. And where is this world pvp your talking about? Edited by makulit
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So go play rift, warhammer and whatever else you mentioned? Or, simply figure out that there is more to an MMO than simple PvP. Either way, the info on this game and how the PvP aspect would work has been available for quite some time now. Perhaps you should have looked into it before simply buying/playing it and hoping for the best.
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So go play rift, warhammer and whatever else you mentioned? Or, simply figure out that there is more to an MMO than simple PvP. Either way, the info on this game and how the PvP aspect would work has been available for quite some time now. Perhaps you should have looked into it before simply buying/playing it and hoping for the best.


Using the same logic couldn't we also say that there is (and therefor should be) more to an MMO than simple PvE and questing? Then we can extrapolate that and say that an MMO lacking solid PvP is not a complete MMO?


PvP and PvE both are a main focus for the typical MMO player base. Neglecting either one is a mistake. Most of the "MMO Surveys" that I've seen end up showing that around 35% of the typical MMO players are PvP centric, and 40% are PvE centric.


If you are mainly a PvE player and you were playing an MMO that was hyped to have the most epic PvE content, yet it turned out that PvE was nothing more then tacked on as an afterthought and the game was mainly PvP centric, would you simply say "well there's more to MMOs then PvE, I'll keep paying for this game"?.


I don't see why anyone should make excuses for the production team of SWToR when it comes to the state of PvP. It is clearly not a focus on this game, despite pre-release information that was promoted by said team. To add to that, the people who are stating that the game has a "Whole epic PvP planet in Ilum" frankly have not experienced Ilum. It is a sorry excuse and poor alternative to RvR or open world PvP. It is quite obvious that so little thought and creative effort went into designing Ilum that it is an embarrassment when compared to SWToR's contemporaries.


Some of the fundamental issues I can think of off the top of my head:

  • UI is not conducive to the fast paced, mobile combat that is PvP
    • Not customizable or scalable
    • Poor camera control
    • Raid frames not functioning correctly
    • Icons too small/non-moveable (when do I cleanse?)
    • Poor proc indicators
    • Targeting system does not work (difficult to click target, tab does not cycle through all targets)
    • Can not turn off redundant HUD items/text/clutter (titles, red hud helper text)
    • UI elements block targeting

    [*]Animations are prioritized over the fluidity and balance of combat

    [*]CC is poorly implemented and managed

    [*]Server response time (processing lag) degrades PvP combat

    [*]Planetary map design discourages PvP (NPC guards, segregation of factions, exhaustion zones).


That is the stuff I can list in 1 min off the top of my head and those are all pretty big issues. That doesn't bode well with me, these are things that should have been addressed during the beta phase (and believe me, we screamed at the top of our lungs about them for months and received not a single response from the development team).


PvP in this game is absolutely an afterthought and it is unfortunate. PvP is just as big an aspect of any quality MMO as PvE and should not be mishandled in the way that it currently is.

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Using the same logic couldn't we also say that there is (and therefor should be) more to an MMO than simple PvE and questing? Then we can extrapolate that and say that an MMO lacking solid PvP is not a complete MMO?


PvP and PvE both are a main focus for the typical MMO player base. Neglecting either one is a mistake. Most of the "MMO Surveys" that I've seen end up showing that around 35% of the typical MMO players are PvP centric, and 40% are PvE centric.


If you are mainly a PvE player and you were playing an MMO that was hyped to have the most epic PvE content, yet it turned out that PvE was nothing more then tacked on as an afterthought and the game was mainly PvP centric, would you simply say "well there's more to MMOs then PvE, I'll keep paying for this game"?.


I don't see why anyone should make excuses for the production team of SWToR when it comes to the state of PvP. It is clearly not a focus on this game, despite pre-release information that was promoted by said team. To add to that, the people who are stating that the game has a "Whole epic PvP planet in Ilum" frankly have not experienced Ilum. It is a sorry excuse and poor alternative to RvR or open world PvP. It is quite obvious that so little thought and creative effort went into designing Ilum that it is an embarrassment when compared to SWToR's contemporaries.


Some of the fundamental issues I can think of off the top of my head:

  • UI is not conducive to the fast paced, mobile combat that is PvP
    • Not customizable or scalable
    • Poor camera control
    • Raid frames not functioning correctly
    • Icons too small/non-moveable (when do I cleanse?)
    • Poor proc indicators
    • Targeting system does not work (difficult to click target, tab does not cycle through all targets)
    • Can not turn off redundant HUD items/text/clutter (titles, red hud helper text)
    • UI elements block targeting

    [*]Animations are prioritized over the fluidity and balance of combat

    [*]CC is poorly implemented and managed

    [*]Server response time (processing lag) degrades PvP combat

    [*]Planetary map design discourages PvP (NPC guards, segregation of factions, exhaustion zones).


That is the stuff I can list in 1 min off the top of my head and those are all pretty big issues. That doesn't bode well with me, these are things that should have been addressed during the beta phase (and believe me, we screamed at the top of our lungs about them for months and received not a single response from the development team).


PvP in this game is absolutely an afterthought and it is unfortunate. PvP is just as big an aspect of any quality MMO as PvE and should not be mishandled in the way that it currently is.


This is irrelevant and offtopic. There are plenty of threads listing things that need to be fixed. This thread is about the lack of pvp outside of warzones...er the OPs perception of the lack of pvp outside of warzones

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This is to the original poster since a lot of people in this thread have not been helpful.


This game has Open world PvP on a planet called Ilum at high levels. That is sort of what you are looking for and as far as this game is likely to ever go in terms of pvp outside of warzones.


Keep an eye out for Guild Wars 2 because that is the first game since Dark Age of Camelot which had the ultimate pvp of any game to date, to include the 3 faction (servers in gw2 case) massive RvR.


Until GW2 is released, just enjoy your time in SWTOR however you want, even if its just PvE.

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