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Short Combat Medic guide/observations


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This is my brief combat medic guide


(Level 33 CM atm)


Just like every other spec, our main stat is AIM. I know it seems weird, but aim is the commando's main stat. I think they did this to allow for less confusion when switching from DPS to Healer as a commando.


Another stat that is very helpful for you as a CM is alacrity. It improves the cast time of your Medical Probes




Advanced Medical Probe(AMP) - 1.5 second cast targetable heal, 12 second cooldown 2 Cells


Medical Probe(MP) - 2.5 second cast targetable heal, no cooldown, 2 cells


Trauma Probe - Talent that gives your target a 10 charge heal when damaged ability. Lasts 5 Minutes and cannot occur more than once every 3 seconds


Kolto Bomb - Talent that gives you a healing grenade that does an instant heal, as well as creates a green cloud that improves healing recieved while in it (talented)


Bacta Infusion - Insta Heal, havent made much use of it as of yet since I dont have it


Hammer Shot (HS)- 3 shots like the dps version, but when combat support cell is active, will heal your target for one larger chunk and 2 smaller chucks of damage (200-300dmg at my current level)


Supercharge Cells - Converts 30 charges of Combat Support Cell to supercharge your blaster, restoring 2 energy cells and increasing all damage and healing dealt by 10% for 10 seconds. While active, the following abilities gain Supercharge effects:

Charged Bolts: Cost reduced by 2.

Full Auto: Cost reduced by 1.

Advanced Medical Probe: Cooldown reduced by 100%.

Kolto Bomb: Places a shield on all targets, reducing damage taken by 10% for 15 seconds.


How these abilities work together:


As you use your HS/AMP/MP abilities you generate 3 “charges” that stack. As you progress you can increase the charge from MP to 6 charges when you get into tier 5 talents. When you get 30 charges you can use your Supercharge ability, doing the wonderful things that the ability does. After 10 seconds you start generating charges again. Your charges last 1 minute if not used


Using HS/MP/AMP to build up 30 charges before the fight is key. When starting the fight you want to pop your supercharge and then immediately throw your kolto bomb where the tank will be tanking. Here is the key, GET YOUR TANK TO STAND IN THE GREEN STUFF! I know this sounds weird, and goes against everything most raiders know as rule #1 of raiding. Standing in the green stuff improves your healing as well as throws up a dmg shield on the tank. After your charge is done, throw on an AMP, MP and some hammer shots if your tank is above 80% health. When you have 30 charges rinse and repeat.


That is all I got so far and the biggest thing I can say about being a CM is that you have to train your group how to respond to your healing rather than you responding to the way they dps.

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this is outdated. kolto bomb no longer has a lasting effect as a result of the green residue left on the ground. Talented, kolto bomb gives an incoming heal buff, and supercharged gives a 10% dmg shield to 3 ppl nearest to where it lands... regardless of whether or not they stay in the green goo.


also preventative medicine (http://www.torhead.com/ability/4xeQh5E) adds a HoT to your advanced med probe.

Edited by umdiddly
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this is outdated. kolto bomb no longer has a lasting effect as a result of the green residue left on the ground. Talented, kolto bomb gives an incoming heal buff, and supercharged gives a 10% dmg shield to 3 ppl nearest to where it lands... regardless of whether or not they stay in the green goo.


also preventative medicine (http://www.torhead.com/ability/4xeQh5E) adds a HoT to your advanced med probe.


Talented it does leave residue that increases healing done by 5%. There is still reason to sit in the green goo :)

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Talented it does leave residue that increases healing done by 5%. There is still reason to sit in the green goo :)

Actually, the "residue" effect of the talent is from the heal itself, not from the green cloud of kolto sitting around after you throw the Kolto Bomb.


I repeat, the +5% Healing received with the talented Kolto Bomb is from the target being healed by Kolto Bomb, NOT from the green cloud left behind on the ground. There is no need to stand in the green cloud to receive the benefits of the talented Kolto Bomb. You're more than welcome to test this if you'd like, I already have.

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Talented it does leave residue that increases healing done by 5%. There is still reason to sit in the green goo :)


Yes, but that residue is on the target, not on the ground; i.e. it leaves a buff on the target. If people had to stand in it ... that would suck.


I find myself occasionally "trolling" party members who don't know about Kolto Bomb yet. It's hilarious to constantly see them try to move out of it.

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How much tech bonus do you have that you're getting 200-300 health out of Hammer Shot at level 33? I get 49 on a normal tick, 74 on a critical, meaning approx 150 minimum 210 maximum if all 3 crit). I had thought I was keeping myself reasonably well geared.
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im curious too (about the HS healing for 200-300).


At 40 with about 810 aim i heal for about 125-85 on mos HS spams. it can crit for 140.


also, as stated above, the "GOO" effect on the ground is purely aesthetic now, the buff persists for its full duration regardless of the players proximity to said "goo" effect.




Also, i have a question on alacrity...has anyone worked out a conversion on the stat? is it +1 ALA = -0.05 ? I dont really see the major benefit of the stat over all once youve spec'd fully as going over the 1.5gcd doesnt really change anything.


I may just be missing something however.

Edited by IveDefected
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im curious too (about the HS healing for 200-300).


At 40 with about 810 aim i heal for about 125-85 on mos HS spams. it can crit for 140.


also, as stated above, the "GOO" effect on the ground is purely aesthetic now, the buff persists for its full duration regardless of the players proximity to said "goo" effect.




Also, i have a question on alacrity...has anyone worked out a conversion on the stat? is it +1 ALA = -0.05 ? I dont really see the major benefit of the stat over all once youve spec'd fully as going over the 1.5gcd doesnt really change anything.


I may just be missing something however.


Alacrity doesn't impact GCD for instant cast abilities but works fine on anything with a cast time (specifically medical probe and advanced medical probe, which are your two main healing abilities).

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oh understand that, i guess i wasnt clear.


My question was basically, how much alacrity does one need to hit that 1.5sec threshold?


If it doesn't really require that much (IE if you can hit that using the base ALA talents) then is it really necessary to prioritize it as a stat over say +crit or +surge?

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