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Trooper Armor for more people


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Please only post if you are going to agree.


So you could claim that absolutely everyone agrees, when in fact that isn't the case?

The black Trooper set should stay CE exclusive, however I'm fine with them adding any other colour imp trooper armour anywhere else.

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Keep Your Exclusive Imp trooper armor and You supper boring Vip area! and please stay there so fleet will be less lagy for me :D


Only one sugestion I have: Unbound this VIP armors so those supper exclusives can put it at GTN or give it as a gift.




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If they did this, then it would be a big slap in the face. Collectors edition exclusive items should be just that, to give this to other people other than those who actually did pay the ridiculous amount they asked for the CE would be an insult. Even though the CE store is pretty much crap, and false advertisement, as they said that they would have regular updates to it. But if they started giving these items to those who did not do the investment, then I would be really pissed. Buy the CE and get something exclusive, if you do not, then do not complain about not being able to get the exclusive items.
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Look the reason I asked for people only to post if they agree is to see anyone who DID agree. I don't really care about all you that don't agree. At the very least I would like it not to be bound on pickup so I can trade with CE people. If you guys don't agree say it on some other forum I just want to see the people who agree
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I have to agree with those that have the CE even though I don't have it. Limited Edition should be just that, I know how annoyed I'd be if I had spent my hard earned cash on something, then being told that others could have it for free simply because they waited.


That happened already. They are giving the client away for free. I do not agree with the OP, because the whining would take over the forum for days.

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I have no problem with a different coloured variant going on the Cashshop, but really the it is the ONLY thing CE Vendor that is unique to the CE vendor, and considering the cost and the (false) promises about the CE vendor it needs to remain unique on there.
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Look the reason I asked for people only to post if they agree is to see anyone who DID agree. I don't really care about all you that don't agree. At the very least I would like it not to be bound on pickup so I can trade with CE people. If you guys don't agree say it on some other forum I just want to see the people who agree


People have very valid reasons for not agreeing with you, life is like that you can't enforce your views on others, you can just disagree with them.

Edited by Goretzu
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You're not getting my message. I just want to know who agrees. This isnt a thread asking why people disagree. I want to know if there is anyone who does agree and I can't now because it doesn't matter with so many people posting they don't agree in response to someone who just wants to ask if anyone DOES agree.
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You're not getting my message. I just want to know who agrees. This isnt a thread asking why people disagree. I want to know if there is anyone who does agree and I can't now because it doesn't matter with so many people posting they don't agree in response to someone who just wants to ask if anyone DOES agree.


Perhaps you should create a pole on one of those websites that lets you do that and link it to the first post then. Then the people who disagree can post all they want you you can find out how many people agree with you...


PS: I'm not one of them. I also disagree with you.

Edited by spencer_
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You're not getting my message. I just want to know who agrees. This isnt a thread asking why people disagree. I want to know if there is anyone who does agree and I can't now because it doesn't matter with so many people posting they don't agree in response to someone who just wants to ask if anyone DOES agree.


So you only want people to reply that agree with you, in hope BioWare reads this and think "Oh my, a lot of people seem to agree". You WANT the ratio on this thread to be 10-0 when it comes to Agree - Disagree.

You post this, people will reply with what they think. That's how a forum works. Not happy with the results? Well, guess again. That's just life. Deal with it.

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You're not getting my message. I just want to know who agrees. This isnt a thread asking why people disagree. I want to know if there is anyone who does agree and I can't now because it doesn't matter with so many people posting they don't agree in response to someone who just wants to ask if anyone DOES agree.


Once you put a post in a PUBLIC forum, you don't have the right to dictate who responds. You posted an unpopular idea and folks are expressing their disagreement. Best to send feedback to the devs if you don't want other members of the community to comment.

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I'm posting because I do NOT agree. People paid for the collector's edition and that armor set is one of two that are exclusive for those people. Making either one or both available for everyone to purchase sort of undermines some of the value of the collector's edition, does it not?


I second that, Imperial Trooper/Republic Officer gear should ONLY stay for us CE members, its really more or less the only thing we get in game for us now, and didgital editions can get the other trinkets so I would like it to stay just CE


I remember a few months back, a guildie levelled an IA and kept saying "im gonna be going around in my imp trooper gear when I hit 50 and it will go well in RP too it will be awesome" ...so a week later "diiiiiing 50!... so.. can anyone tell me where to get my trooper gear then?" reply - "from the CE vendor in the VIP section" him - "but..but.. im not a CE owner, just standard edition" - everyone in G chat laughing at him asking him did he even check first before making his toon specifically for that gear, and him saying how his experience and whole point of thise one toon is ruined.. yes it sucked a little that he couldnt have it, but should of looked into it first.. stupid moments like that that make me glad its CE only, and yes throughout his levelling I even said to him in Gchat that its CE only, but im not sure he ever comprehended it or was reading teh chat when I said it

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You're not getting my message. I just want to know who agrees. This isnt a thread asking why people disagree. I want to know if there is anyone who does agree and I can't now because it doesn't matter with so many people posting they don't agree in response to someone who just wants to ask if anyone DOES agree.


Then you shouldn't be posting here, you need to set up a blog or something.


This isn't a board for "I am right (only post if you agree with me)" threads this is a board for the discussion of SWTOR. :csw_yoda:

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I don't own the CE, I have the digital deluxe one, and I don't think it would be right to make the CE armour available to everyone, simply because they paid so much for that exclusivity, that it would be wrong of EA/Bioware to take that away from them and make it common. I can understand why they'd be angry to pay like $300 dollars or whatever it was, and have everything the same as someone who paid $79 or less.


It sorta defeats the purpose...even if I do like the armour, its not right. I know you wanted 'agreeable to your idea' answers, but its a public forum, and I stand by the fact that what you want isn't right.

Edited by Lunafox
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  • 2 weeks later...
i think it should be at least available to buy the CE edition on the swtor website as it isn't even available to purchase where i'm from nor can i get online as they don't have a proper postal service


There is a great new website, been out for a few years. They let you sell things in auctions and stuff. It's called ebay. Great place, they even have some SWTOR CEs listed as unopened. And guess what, it's cheaper on there than I paid for it brand new.

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