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How long we have to wait....?


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I'm guessing it's a class that needs a bit of experience to play efficiently then, just yesterday I fought a commando that was good enough to keep himself healed throughout my damage, guess they might have a bit of a low survivability as a DPS then, but then again other classes with a healing profession such as operative/scoundrel and sorcerer/sage has that problem Edited by SNCommand
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This should be in the PvP forum :rolleyes:

Anyways, on my commando I manage to play him pretty well. I stay at max range(usually) and run in at least a group of two. That way, I can at least count on surviving long enough to DoT someone. I do agree, the survivability is a bit borked, but it's not IMPOSSIBLE, it's just pretty difficult.

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I have a Commando that I have PvP'ed with. Survival was better than other classes with it. Now with slots being available, I will level another as Vanguard to see if it's better. I just have to get him off the starter planet.


I think that class story on the starter planet is painfully boring though IMO.

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How long we have to wait for commando revamp ? This class is unplayable pvp!

Commando needs more survival - he have heavy armor but he die like a chicken.

Pls. Revamp this class or rename to "chicken"!


How long we have to wait for commando revamp ? This class is unbeatable pvp!

Commando needs to be nerfed - he have heavy armor but he takes far too much damage without dyeing.

Pls. Revamp this class or rename to "oober healz"!

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How long we have to wait for commando revamp ? This class is unplayable pvp!

Commando needs more survival - he have heavy armor but he die like a chicken.

Pls. Revamp this class or rename to "chicken"!


Their likely reply: Clicky

Edited by Brimmer
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You're doing it wrong, you're trying to play out strengths that your class doesn't have.

-A Commando isn't a tank, so forget about taking tons of damage

-A Commando isn't a CC specialist either, forget about that role as well


Your key features as a commando are:

-AOE's, bot targetted against enemies and on ground




AOE's, ESPECIALLY those of Troopers and Bounty Hunters, play a key roll in the strategy of warzones. With just one well placed AOE, you can prevent multiple enemies from activating nodes, pylons and explosive charges at once, deny them from doing so for several seconds, and do so from a safe distance. A defending team with a few commando's or mercenaries will be harder to break than a team without. A team with a commando or mercenary can prevent the enemy team from capping a hypergate pylon for a few seconds, buying some very valuable seconds where their own team will be grabbing resources from the center en masse.


Healing is always useful in a warzone, but again: stay at a distance. Granted, it's much harder for a trooper or mercenary to heal in a warzone, since those bright green flashes are a dead giveaway about their role, MUCH more obvious than a sorc's/sage's castbar.


Debuff: again, stay a bit behind the rest of your team, let the Jedi handle the close range fighting, while you bring down the enemies' armor.


So overall, the trick is to stay OUT of the fight. You want to be 20-25 meters away from it, and do whatever you do from a distance, not upclose and personal. Don't attract attention, just support your team members in dealing damage. When there's two enemies, and your team mate attacks the one on the right, then so do you, no matter what the other enemy is or does. You don't want to attract its attention. Maybe strategically interrupt a heal so you can actually finish off the maintarget or something, but that's it.

Edited by AsheraII
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How long we have to wait for commando revamp ? This class is unplayable pvp!

Commando needs more survival - he have heavy armor but he die like a chicken.

Pls. Revamp this class or rename to "chicken"!


This is a joke right? You are kidding and not trying to be serious right? Please tell me you are not trying to be serious.

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