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Was the Disney acquisition exactly what this franchise needed?


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Even if it later got denied, the mere fact that the Zack Snyder Jedi-samurai standalone movie was even floated as a possibility is because Disney have said they're committed to making lots of Star Wars movies over the coming years.


ABC (owned by Disney) might finally help the live-action TV series see the light of day.


And, most importantly, the much-rumoured sequel trilogy is finally happening.


Is this Disney acquisition the best thing that ever happened to Star Wars? Or are other people tempering their excitement with concern about the EU being bulldozed over?


Blatant self-promotion but I wrote an article recently about the future of the franchise here, and I'd love to know after the rumour-mill we've had recently - is everyone else as excited as I am?

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I would say yes. Disney has been moving away from fairy tale cartoons for quite a while now. At first I was skeptical. But they continue to prove that they can make (fairly) child friendly movies with adult themes. They handled The Avengers extremely well, they appear to let Marvel run itself with little or no interference. I have high hopes for Disney's handling of Star Wars.


But that doesn't mean I don't expect an extremely child oriented series or movie to be created. TCW appears to be doing extremely well (I haven't watched it since season 1) and whenever they story is there is finished, Disney would

Be foolish to not attempt another TCW series.

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of course that was great for series, thanks to it I will have a chance to see Miley Cyrus in jedi robes, can you imagine how awesome it would be if she would channel the force thro voice? harmonical rhytmical force grips, I can already see such a fantastic plot with my eyes wide open, it talks to me, this idea. and what about if they hire this great actor from well known series, can you imagine, team Jacob and his pack, animalistic Siths on wolf scouters, thats it, indeed!


but on a serious note: of course that it was a very good deal, Disney has a lot of money and they like miltuplying it so we gonna get dozens of movies and many more different series, whenether all of them gonna be good or few, well it doesnt matter, at least we gonna get something and considering that they are responsible for Jack Sparrow then it wont be that bad.

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If you want more movies and content, then this is the best thing that could happen...


If you're a purist and you really don't want Star Wars to change a bit.... then this is the absolute worst thing that could ever happen...



I say it's a good thing. :)

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I really enjoyed the first Pirates of the Caribbean, which is also a Disney film.

Now that I think about it, a character like Jack Sparrow could fit right in to the SW universe.

Very similar to Han Solo in relations to other characters. I think Disney is very good at classic story telling.


I bring up Pirates of the Caribbean because I think Disney might have some limitation when in comes to sheer creativity.

The sequels of PotC lacked originality, they were just putting Jack Sparrow in different circumstances.


Disney films usually have a direct source material. And I hope that the source material for the sequels is not limited to the original or prequel trilogy. I want to see the SW universe expand.


Personally I didn't enjoy the prequels as much as the originals, simply because they borrowed too much from the original trilogy. (Dialogues, visuals, characters, atmosphere etc)

If the original was a homage to the old serial adventures, the prequel was a homage to the originals.

The prequels felt like a fan film, to be honest. The original had so much content that EU had expanded on every aspect of the universe. (I thought a Hutt jedi was odd, but still it is an idea.)


Less jedi and more space pirates, outlaws, gamblers, gangsters, dancers etc.

More characters we can relate to or admire. More characters that make us laugh and care about.

I want to see a side of Starwars Universe I have never seen before.


I really wish Disney expands the universe in a scale that it will spark a new generation of EU.

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Absolotely, this is a wonderful opportunity for the Star Wars Universe, in that it will become a universe like Marvel and DC. We now have an opportunity to see stories that don't involve the Skywalker dynasty.


I hope you are correct... Skywalker needs to be done, its the past. Either go back in time, to the Kotor days or forward in time, but no where around the time line for ep. 1 - 6

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