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Why Do You Play SWTOR?


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I am curious why do folks play SWTOR?




I finally had enough of the adopted Blizzard's pvp formula that many new gen MMOs are forced by investors to use today. Ever since Blizzard dev nubs arrived on the scene and wrecked pvp in MMOs for good, I been craving realm based pvp on a deep and interactive scale. 2 many LAN nubs and WoW spawns have no clue what old skool pvp was, where each MMO at one time had their own unique brand to pvp. Ie...Daoc, SWG, AO, etc.. In the post-wow era, it's all about individual achievements. Where 99% of the pvp population believe that topping leader boards via macros and superior latency makes them pro and skilled in 'rock/paper/scissor 'arenas or Wfs. There was a time where pvp meant more to a large mass than it did to self centered players. Now that I dont give a damn about pvp anymore until a new gen MMO reinvents the RvR wheel and gets MMOs back on track concerning, I still like to kill ****:) Sure I will dabble with pvp, but will never take it serious as I did for the past 10 years. No more getting my PhD in classes, grinding rep to keep ahead of the curve, etc...


Now I need to get back to basics and fun. I still remember my first day playing MMO shortly after Anarchy Online launch...best 3 or 4 years I had of gaming. It was fun all around. To me, SWTOR offers that. Sure it's still broken in many ways, but it does have an entertainment value. I was here for the first few months after launch and hated the combat mechanics and ended up leaving due to it. But that was from a competitive pvp mindset. Now since there isnt a 'real' or true pvp/rvr model out there concerning new gens, it's time to enjoy pve once again. A few weeks ago, while playing merry go round for marks in Rift's fake RvR they call CQ...thats when I realized that I had enough of the mindless pvp grinds. And quickly thought of SWTOR to get back to 'old fashion' fun and type of genre I like for a change...D&D types can kiss my donkey:D


Anyways, a long book short....and OMG I like pve again! Bad pvp gear:P


And you?



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1) I loved KOTOR so in absence of a KOTOR III I play TOR


2) while it is my first MMO I love the story and being able to team up with friends. Overall I have a great deal of fun just playing the game. While I think there are areas that could be improved (chiefly more daily areas for 50s or other ways to add variety) and that the balance between Subscription and Preferred is far from perfect I find the amount of fun I have outweighs the problems I perceive.

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I started playing it as I am a Star Wars fan. I've never really been much into MMO's before this, just dabbled here and there on the odd few, but this one grabbed my attention, especially with the cinematics and quests. Tried a few before but got annoyed with all my missions etc. basically being a box of text. This changed that for me.

I continue to play because I enjoy the game. Sure, there are issues with it but I'm happy enough with the game to keep lobbing cashmonies at it. If I keep playing it then at some point I'll have a Jawa following me about, which I approve of. Also, the pew noises are good.

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I play because it is Star Wars. That is the ONLY reason. If it wasn't Star Wars I would be long gone by now due to the many problems that exist in this game. My problem is that I'm a huge Star Wars fan -- so even though I am no fan of Bioware, or these set of developers and "manager's" of the game, I am stuck here. lol.


It would be nice if someone other than these guys would make a Star Wars game, but I have little hope of that happening. With the failure of SWG and now SWTOR, I don't think there are many in the business that would give the Star Wars franchise another shot at an MMO.



I love the Star Wars lore -- so I am here.

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I play because it is Star Wars. That is the ONLY reason. If it wasn't Star Wars I would be long gone by now due to the many problems that exist in this game. My problem is that I'm a huge Star Wars fan -- so even though I am no fan of Bioware, or these set of developers and "manager's" of the game, I am stuck here. lol.


It would be nice if someone other than these guys would make a Star Wars game, but I have little hope of that happening. With the failure of SWG and now SWTOR, I don't think there are many in the business that would give the Star Wars franchise another shot at an MMO.



I love the Star Wars lore -- so I am here.



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Probably because I quite like the setting.. Its recognizable which makes me enjoy it that little more.. TBF I find most MMOs are all the same in one degree or another and the fantasy element of most has been done to death (If I see another scorpion or Centaur in another new MMO I just want to groan)


So we have yet another clone of the MMO model but set in a classic environment everyone familiar with.. I also think they got the story element done quite well (though it may be its downfall for costing too much)


Playing Rift or GW2 I cant even remember what the quests were or have any interest in the lore etc.. But here I feel i understand it more and actually recognize things and want to carry on not only going but starting a new alt.

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I play swtor mostly since im Star Wars freak and have strong estime to Kotor as well as others Bioware games.


The sad thing is that SWTOR is nothing like old BioWare crpg, and in many ways its worse.


I wish Bio had just done Kotor III or something like that, some real game.


Its probably matter of time when i got finally bored and just move on to other games.

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There are a few factors keeping me here...


First, it's the long-awaited KotOR 3 but with a twist - I got 8 games but payed only for one :)

Second would be the Star Wars universe, I loved the movies as a kid, love everything SW related ever since.


Besides that I like mmos, this one got my hooked up for longer and since I met some really good folk here - I am about to stay for longer :D

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I play because it is Star Wars. That is the ONLY reason. If it wasn't Star Wars I would be long gone by now due to the many problems that exist in this game. My problem is that I'm a huge Star Wars fan -- so even though I am no fan of Bioware, or these set of developers and "manager's" of the game, I am stuck here. lol.


It would be nice if someone other than these guys would make a Star Wars game, but I have little hope of that happening. With the failure of SWG and now SWTOR, I don't think there are many in the business that would give the Star Wars franchise another shot at an MMO.



I love the Star Wars lore -- so I am here.


exactly the same

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14 replys already on this thread and at least 7 of them have "because it is Star Wars" as there number one answer. With a sure fire 100% way to haul in a player base like that I can only hope EA/BW devs see what they have here and make it better for us all.
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14 replys already on this thread and at least 7 of them have "because it is Star Wars" as there number one answer. With a sure fire 100% way to haul in a player base like that I can only hope EA/BW devs see what they have here and make it better for us all.


Just because I play it mostly for the setting doesn't mean the game is bad, it's just that I could be playing something else so something has to make SWTOR stand ahead of the pack, MMORPGs these days are all so similar that setting is one of the few things that delight me, it was nice starting an MMO where I didn't feel completely lost in what was happening for the first 10 levels


In my opinion the game is good, has been improving and seems to continue improve from what has been seen

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Why do I play? Hmm... many reasons, but if I had to boil it down to a few.


1. The stories. Love them. It helps that Kotor is a vestige of it all.

2. The game play and combat. Love the combat for all of the classes, but most especially the Warrior/Knight.

3. The endgame. Love the new Ops, TFB, and I still grind out the old. Need more of it.

4. My friends. Made a bunch of new friends playing this game. Love playing with guildies.

5. And... last but not least, because I'm having a whole hec of a lot of fun. I play almost every day.

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Just because I play it mostly for the setting doesn't mean the game is bad, it's just that I could be playing something else so something has to make SWTOR stand ahead of the pack, MMORPGs these days are all so similar that setting is one of the few things that delight me, it was nice starting an MMO where I didn't feel completely lost in what was happening for the first 10 levels


In my opinion the game is good, has been improving and seems to continue improve from what has been seen


Yes I agree the game is good. My only concern is BUG FIXES. Other than that I am perfectly happy here but the problem is those same bug fixes have been waiting to be fixed since beta. So in the end, the only reason I am still here is because of my overdevoted lovingness to STAR WARS. And so I keep playing due to my love of the franchise and hope they continue to make improovements.

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Yes I agree the game is good. My only concern is BUG FIXES. Other than that I am perfectly happy here but the problem is those same bug fixes have been waiting to be fixed since beta. So in the end, the only reason I am still here is because of my overdevoted lovingness to STAR WARS. And so I keep playing due to my love of the franchise and hope they continue to make improovements.


Well personally I'm not worried, there's really no evidence that convinces me bugs will never be fixed in the game

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  1. It's a Science Fiction MMO.
  2. It's Star Wars.
  3. It's the continuation of KOTOR.
  4. It's Star Wars.
  5. It's got great stories.
  6. It's Star Wars.
  7. It's got awesome visuals and sound.
  8. It's Star Wars.
  9. It's a mostly voiced MMO with great voice acting.
  10. It's Star Wars.
  11. I love the music.



Edited by Blackavaar
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Star wars fan since a New Hope, Bioware Fan since, Baldur's Gate.. Tired of sword and board fantasy games, If I see another orc I am gona puke..LOL


What if they rename it to something like "ork" or "cro"? Seems to be the standard for the fantasy industry these days,

Slap some elves in there but don't call them elves

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