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PvP servers - change demanded!


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i agree with pets intantly remove them when you get into a fight. I think the reward for killing should be based on the ratio if the player is alone and is being attacked by 2 or more people the reward should be insignificant otherwise like another poster said you will get fight clubs. People just zerging solo players. You could just do like the warzone and give 1 commendation to the loser and 2 or 3 to the winner so everyone wins. Obviously the only other problem with giving out comms at all is that people can have the same faction on there accounts and you could farm gear that way

so maybe something like giving things that are not gear but things like warzone stims or other rewards


Well i agree the reward should be insignificant if 2 people attack 1 and half of it if the target is on less that 50% hp. I also said that if someone kill the same player again in the next 15 min the reward must be insignificant too and maybe if he do it more than 3 times there should be no reward at all. That way you you will never have double faction grind + you can take a small number of commendations per kill so farming from warzones can still be 3 times faster. But gearing is needed cause otherwise you force players that enjoy world PvP first to gear up from warzones and then have fun in open world.

Edited by ilifus
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My issue is that usually OW PvP is usually a gank situation in which case at least the companion can keep the mobs off me while I deal with the player. Otherwise it's two to three mobs + the ganking player. Of course I play a Vanguard so I'm screwed vs anyone that is willing to attack me while I'm not busy. And I suck playing my healer sage in any kind of OW PvP while I'm solo.


It goes *some kind of stun ---> dead* My companion at least gives me a chance. Then again with all the lolsmashers out there it doesn't really matter what I play unless it's also a lolsmasher, which is at level 16 right now.


You guys say that this will bring open world pvp back to life, but really, most people would use it to gank a LOT more than they do now. It's the way people are.


Though I totally agree with getting Merc Comms if you kill someone. Definitely agree with some kind of reward system. That would definitely help OW PvP revive.

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My issue is that usually OW PvP is usually a gank situation in which case at least the companion can keep the mobs off me while I deal with the player. Otherwise it's two to three mobs + the ganking player. Of course I play a Vanguard so I'm screwed vs anyone that is willing to attack me while I'm not busy. And I suck playing my healer sage in any kind of OW PvP while I'm solo.


It goes *some kind of stun ---> dead* My companion at least gives me a chance. Then again with all the lolsmashers out there it doesn't really matter what I play unless it's also a lolsmasher, which is at level 16 right now.


You guys say that this will bring open world pvp back to life, but really, most people would use it to gank a LOT more than they do now. It's the way people are.


Though I totally agree with getting Merc Comms if you kill someone. Definitely agree with some kind of reward system. That would definitely help OW PvP revive.


The idea of PvP servers is the open world to be one big warzone and ganking is a part of it. I will not miss to kill anyone, well maybe i will wait to full his hp so i can get the full reward if they do it like my last post and i expect the same from every player in red. They should know if they don't kill me then i will, cause i am here to play PVP in general.


Will your companion save you from my legacy skills? No i don't think so.. Tell you what.. Yesterday me and my buddy killed 8 people with our healer companions and legacy skills. I also can't remember how many times people were trying to gank me when i am fighting mobs and i killed them even without legacy skills.


Players with ganking issues have a choice - PvE servers, but the rest do not!

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i might vote for this in true pvp fights. but be honest. in all mmo's open world pvp generally means groups of geared high level players griefing lowbies in lowbie areas. so you're really asking 'can we even steal the lowbies companions' while we're grief ganking the lowbies :)


grow up

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