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<Crescendo> Recruiting Skilled PVP'ers For PVP Only


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couldnt help but spot this thread from the community page due to recent posting,


Although i don't play on Bastion, I did play on Swiftsure prior to APAC xfers and was curious as to whether any current Cres members go all the way back to then? Off the top of my head, I can remember there was a DF slinger in Cres who used to have a bit of a rivalry with some player called Theme I think?


Anyways, best of luck with your recruiting :)

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couldnt help but spot this thread from the community page due to recent posting,


Although i don't play on Bastion, I did play on Swiftsure prior to APAC xfers and was curious as to whether any current Cres members go all the way back to then? Off the top of my head, I can remember there was a DF slinger in Cres who used to have a bit of a rivalry with some player called Theme I think?


Anyways, best of luck with your recruiting :)

I'm pretty much the only original member left lol. And the DF slinger you are referring to was haikku and he doesn't play anymore, actually hasn't played for months. Theme still plays just has a different name.

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I'm definitely planning to try out for Crescendo on my Guardian and Gunslinger once they hit 50. Maybe my Shadow if 2.0 doesn't destroy it. I'm a crappy healer, but I would be willing to roll pretty much anything else if you guys have a particular need. Edited by RankorSSGS
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Hey always looking for good players! But yeah when u get a little geared and when you hit 50 throw me a tell and we can see what's up. It's so hard to find decent pub players that aren't in a guild that's already good and doing ranked.
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Yea, my Shadow is currently in Hakuna Rakata, but they aren't as pvp focused as I would like. Most of my repub pvp lately has actually been with Crescendo folks. You and I actually did play 2 or 3 games together a week ago or something. Idk if you remember a "Velania" but that's me. Anyways, I do have ranked experience, I played with Synergy for a while, and also with Nothing Personal on my imperial toons. Less so of late because I've come to despise node guarding, and that's all my poor shadow and assassin are wanted for :p so I've been rolling a bunch of alts. But yea, if you need other roles filled I'm definitely game.
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Hey man I see that you are recruiting, but I do not have any toons on Bastion. I really thought about changing servers because I live in hawaii and by the time I get off of work our guild is just about done running rateds. I'm on pot5 atm. I run both jug tank or sorc heals for the rateds team. I usually get on around 1030 est and our guild starts running at 7pm eastern. So I haven't been playing rateds as much as I would like. I think you I read that you start at 9pst which is perfect for me. If you are still looking for players please let me know and I will reroll there. It probably will take me a week to level to 50 and get wh gear. Please let me know if you are still looking.
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Hakuna Rakata has some great players, but like you said they don't pvp much or atleast I rarely see them in warzones let alone ranked. But yeah right now we are a little maxed on shadows, we already have 2 really good shadows that know their specs to a tee. Also I do remember playing or seeing you in some games. Right now we are really looking for some healers either scoundrel or sage. Not sure if people are doing the gentlemans agreement still with no bubble stuns/smash (we actually have been running both because SB has been running it I believe), but also a good gunslinger, I have a lowbie dirty fighting GS right now since vanguards can't do anything against the ranged bombardment from snipers, and was thinking of making it a co-main but we will see.
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Hey man I see that you are recruiting, but I do not have any toons on Bastion. I really thought about changing servers because I live in hawaii and by the time I get off of work our guild is just about done running rateds. I'm on pot5 atm. I run both jug tank or sorc heals for the rateds team. I usually get on around 1030 est and our guild starts running at 7pm eastern. So I haven't been playing rateds as much as I would like. I think you I read that you start at 9pst which is perfect for me. If you are still looking for players please let me know and I will reroll there. It probably will take me a week to level to 50 and get wh gear. Please let me know if you are still looking.

Hey, so if you wanted to roll here and try out I would like that, shows me some real dedication. I love fresh players from other servers that actually want to pvp. Like I said before pubs have like no players really that would completely align themselves to other guilds they play with. That's why here we see Synergy mixed with Crescendo and vice versa, along with other guilds on the server, which in my opinion is great. I would love to just have a full guild for ranked, makes me feel like I actually accomplished something by bringing so great players together. :cool:

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Agreed. It would be nice to have more compeititon and teams to fight.


Would also be nice to get ranked going earlier in the day! All this super late night ranked is killing the sleep schedule!

Bro I don't even get home till 8pm and I work pretty much everyday. Gotta eat and relax when I get home that's why we get on so late.

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Hakuna Rakata has some great players, but like you said they don't pvp much or atleast I rarely see them in warzones let alone ranked. But yeah right now we are a little maxed on shadows, we already have 2 really good shadows that know their specs to a tee. Also I do remember playing or seeing you in some games. Right now we are really looking for some healers either scoundrel or sage. Not sure if people are doing the gentlemans agreement still with no bubble stuns/smash (we actually have been running both because SB has been running it I believe), but also a good gunslinger, I have a lowbie dirty fighting GS right now since vanguards can't do anything against the ranged bombardment from snipers, and was thinking of making it a co-main but we will see.


Gunslinger I can definitely work with, but being my first ranged class no guarantees I'll be really pro at it right away. How are you guys for combat sents and guardian tanks?

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Agreed. It would be nice to have more compeititon and teams to fight.


Would also be nice to get ranked going earlier in the day! All this super late night ranked is killing the sleep schedule!


Aye, we need a mid day ranked scene on this server. Quit your jobs and commit to swtor folks.




Breks pt #1 pt

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Aye, we need a mid day ranked scene on this server. Quit your jobs and commit to swtor folks.




Breks pt #1 pt

Lol leg unfortunenately for me I live in the most expensive state and live on my own with my girlfriend. Quitting my day job would be the end of my life lol. Also I don't think anyone on either faction runs daytime ranked, although you may find pug ranked games I think seriously not sure what its like during the day on swtor.

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