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Space Mission Endings


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I vote we add a popup during space missions once the missions have been completed asking if you want to continue. You can finish some of the objects with more than 3 minutes remaining. You have to just ride out the remaining time and it is extremely boring.
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I vote we add a popup during space missions once the missions have been completed asking if you want to continue. You can finish some of the objects with more than 3 minutes remaining. You have to just ride out the remaining time and it is extremely boring.


I personally find space boring, I think the new space missions are a combination of being even more boring but now with extra annoyance. I think this is a simple case of, if you don't like space, do not play it - which is what I do.

Think about it for a second, if three minutes is THAT boring (which I agree it is), don't invest the time in it (like I do.)

So it's a bad idea, people would farm the heck out of for daily rewards and credits.

Besides all it would do is make space less boring and it would still be bad.

Edited by zenas
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