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  1. I'll be playing both games. But I forgot. if you read the forums of any MMO? You aren't allowed to. You pick one game, only play it and everything else sucks. Wildstar was founded by former Blizzard devs, and they looked at Wildstar like starting World of Warcraft over again - but what they wanted to add and do. Free from Blizzard influence. That's why there is 40 man raids, and it feels "generic" as some mentally slow people have said. It's not supposed to change the genre, just refine it, it's target it former hardcore WoW players. So it's supposed to feel that way. The combat is original and the ability to create your own 40 vs 40 battle grounds. among some aspects. Of all games, for TOR players to say something is generic? LOL. Guild Wars 2 fans? Ok I'll give that that, I hate the game but it did try to be different. Voice over work and a space theme, slapped over a WoW cloned system doesn't make a game "different". TOR is different in a way though, by not offering a proper expansion in almost three years. Star fighter, and a single planet, with operation patches don't count. The only reasonable complaint surrounding Wildstar is the optimization sucks. The developers have came out and said, there is a complicated coding problem with the way the game communicated with the CPU and sometimes the GPU. So they have to re optimize the game piece by piece. But it runs fine for as many who have issues. However again, TOR fans can't saying anything about their MMO, not having performance problems themselves.
  2. It's hard to separate the facts, from the trolling, fanboys and haters. As far as I know, the Class Stories will never be continued. They have most everything already recorded, but Bioware expected the game to be a much bigger success at the time. When people, plowed through the class stories, faster than they expected, many left the game thinking, "They beat the game", and couldn't get friends from other MMOs to sign on to TOR. Instead of playing another class story, they just left. Bioware knowing that, probably will never develop this expensive aspect of the game. They could make some cuts perhaps, like maybe eliminating a dark side option, make side quests, only txt, and other things but it would just make things worse. I personally think what they should do, is add more companion quests, and moments with them. If the class stories are too expensive at least give us Role Players, and story enjoyers that. Why would Bioware invest funds, in class stories again, when it gave players a finished feeling and caused many to leave the first time? I only play this game for the class story, and I wish they made more, but I doubt they will. I want to be wrong. With other MMOs, coming out next year, not to mention expansions, it's easy to think, this funds for the game could drop a bit, and that would even add to the opinion, we have all the class stories we are going to get. Not to mention certain writers of the original class stories have left, and it may not feel the same, if new writers took over the class, such as Jedi Knight - Drew Karpyshn.
  3. It seems like the only one promising things, was yourself. You created a game you wanted to play in your head, when the game itself didn't reflect that, you left. I'll go ahead and put my tin foil hat on, and say I believe a few other MMOs, mainly GW2, could have paid people to flame TOR, that mixed in with random fanboy hate. This game was flamed and attacked on a level, I have never seen when it comes to the genre. Sure people hate successful MMOs out there, such as WoW, but it doesn't make a dent. Everyone I talk to, doesn't play the game, or try to invest in it, because "They heard it was bad". Sure this game wasn't perfect at launch, not even close to it. Has it's flaws now. Hard pressed to find a MMO that doesn't, it just comes down to taste. You get credit for not being a typical hater or a troll, but you fell victim to your own hype machine not Bioware's.
  4. I have two GTX 680's, and a AMD 8350 overclocked to 4.5 (I know I know, intel blah blah blah). I do run a intel SSD though, the load times are less and I have had no problem. Same goes for my Kingston hyper X SSD. So if you have problems with this game and SSD, it's your drive. Also have ran the game with a 7970. Every other game is maxed out of course, with insane maxed frame rates, playing shooters is something to experience. I decided to go with two 680's over one 690. Simply because if something happens to one of the cards, you have the other one. Or if you needed another rig built, you have another card right there. Sorry will get to my point. I get better frame rates, with one 7970, or one 680, than my SLI setup. High settings it seems alright, very high (which I see little difference) the lag happens. It's not bad, but it's there for sure, considering what games I can max out with amazing frame rates on it. Witcher 2, Guild Wars 2, Battlefield 3, Planetside 2, Skyrim, (could go on and on), it's pretty bad lag happens with this game on very high. I'm personally not a fan of the Hero engine, don't really like the way it looks or performs at times but I do like the game. My cards for some reason heat up like no other, playing TOR. Most games you are talking 50c, TOR 70-75 C. So, Crossfire and SLI seem to have issues with the engine. I keep forgetting this game took five years to finish.
  5. I personally find space boring, I think the new space missions are a combination of being even more boring but now with extra annoyance. I think this is a simple case of, if you don't like space, do not play it - which is what I do. Think about it for a second, if three minutes is THAT boring (which I agree it is), don't invest the time in it (like I do.) So it's a bad idea, people would farm the heck out of for daily rewards and credits. Besides all it would do is make space less boring and it would still be bad.
  6. Regardless what he says, claims to like, or not like. He is the typical Guild Wars 2 fanboy and or troll. I fully expect him to respond with "LOL I don't even like GW2.", don't be fooled. He is a living; breathing example of my point.
  7. I have read many of articles spanning from IGN, PC Gamer, Massively and Kotaku. Simply because I cannot remember a game getting this much hate and trolling in a long time, if ever. From all the information I have read, most of the hate seems to stem from Guild Wars 2 fanboys and Guild Wars 2 trolls. Have talked to quite a few players in game, and they pretty much agree with my opinion. Usually they say "People on Guild Wars 2, really say how horrible this game is and hate on it. When it went free to play, I decided to try it out and it's honestly very good." When people say this game plays like WOW, mechanic wise - that is a valid point and complaint. Or when they bash the quest system being like the same old thing, other than with voice acting. Again valid point. Same with the disappointment of on rails space. I also feel like this game was released too early and if it was released how it is now, would have done better. The fact that this game has a main story, that makes you feel like you "beat" the game, also makes people think this isn't more to do. However at the time when it came out, there was no group finder, pvp wasn't as good, there wasn't enough content, no legacy system or free to play model. So this game didn't struggle because it was bad, it just was missing a few key pieces that turned people off. The fact I love the lore and have no problems with the wow mechanics, makes those complaints, not something that bother me personally. The part that bothers me is the fanboys of GW2 for years they proclaimed how it was supposed to change MMO's, and do something completely different. Yet all they did was create a game with no classes, bad dungeons, below average lore, a weird audio book way of telling a story and no end game content. I think anyone other than some critics, and people who blindly love arena net and Guild Wars 2 can honestly come to the conclusion the game itself was a disappointment - at the very least compared to the hype. I really do not understand the people who say this game has "no end game content" when Guild Wars 2, has none at all. This game has much more, I understand it's pretty much the same as WOW endgame give or take, but there is plenty to do. Star Wars TOR, may get hate slung at it, including titles like TORRRAINWRECK and TORTANIC but in truth, it offers a refined experience to what's already out there. Guild Wars 2 gets a lot of love for being a MMO "with people who have a life" but that is just a fancy way of saying it lacks any depth whatsoever. I never had my account hacked in all my years of WOW, EVE, TOR. My first week with GW2, my account was hacked and the security was a joke at best. It's better now of course, but I have never seen so many account issues or gold spam in all my life. The press hasn't helped this game at all, I get this game was given good reviews. However in the long run all they have done is feed the fire, and the Guild Wars 2 fan boys. At least I have been seeing more and more people complaining about Guild Wars 2, the hate with this game seems to be slightly less. I hope Bioware knows this expansion should be treated as the game's launch, that it will bring it new players and the people bored with other games on the market. I understand the free to play system is horrible, complicated compare to other games and sucks for the most part. However, they have a real chance to right the ship and regain some of the market lost to the idiotic hate, I swear people hate on this game so much it's almost like they get PAID. Great post, op. I understand, there is always a game hyped up to "change gaming" or "change a genre" but the fanboys of Guild Wars 2, were the most sickening I have ever personally experienced.
  8. zenas


    I have built many computers and I am pretty confident I know what's wrong, even with the lack of information. The reason your computer guy couldn't find a problem, is there isn't one and it's not the game either. Your graphics card is overheating plain and simple, there is a really easy fix for that. You need to figure out what graphics card you have and download the application for it, You can find it on their site AMD or Nvidia. Once you get it downloaded you can mess around with the options, make sure you mess around with the fan options, and turn it up between 50-100% so you can figured out how much you need to cool it down. You can also download MSI afterburner if you do not want to do that, and it will give you the same options, including the fan control. Remember to download the latest driver.
  9. There are other great examples, but this person is one of the good types of people who play this game. Don't think because the rudest get the most attention there isn't quality people in this game.
  10. This is a example of a hybrid, half troll, half MMO "elite" player who feels he is better than others who don't play the game as serious as him . You will most likely find players like him, in random groups. Ignore them too.
  11. Since you are new to MMOs is general, I'll like to give you some advice. The first thing you will need is some Anti Troll Armor, if you don't know what a troll is (which you'd be surprised a lot of people don't), they are people that say things to deliberately upset others. Or they may start a conversations just to get attention, usually in the realm of politics, religion, sexual preference or any subject that warrants attention. The younger trolls favoring offensive slang along with insults and cussing. No online experience in any game is free of Trolls, all you have to do is ignore them- literally, or realize what they are trying to do and learn to move on. NEVER comment on anything they say or let yourself become upset. Then you have your standard MMO elitist Ahole gamers, who played WOW for years and have developed real attitude problems. They are just bored of WOW might be waiting for the expansion to come out or waiting for GW2, so they came on here. Thinking they are better then others for knowing how to play a game well. That you are somehow less of a person for playing your character less seriously. In my opinion these people are even worse than the trolls because they are serious and these people should be ignored too. Then you have a nice majority of people who play this game for fun and don't take it serious. Believe it or not this game consists mainly of these people and all you really have to do is reach out to them. For they are very likely being quiet and ignoring the trolls and elitists too. It's nice to see you found yourself a guild, congrats. The key to really enjoying MMOs is developing strong friendships with the people in them. I wish you the best of luck my name is Sarthaxx on Drooga's pleasure barge if you need any help or just want to chat. If you feel it's too challenging to ignore the trolls or the rude elitists. Then MMOs of any kind are not for you, stick with single player games. I have been playing MMOs for ten years, thick skin is developed with the hobby and a requirement.
  12. "What would be $10000 to you, is like $1.00 to them" Especially this man, the game cost over 136 million dollars. Right like a few servers would even matter after investing that much into this. Of course they didn't know about the 136 million either.
  13. I bet that was a hell of a flame war. lol Even worse than Battlefield 3 vs Modern Warfare 3 fanboys.
  14. I'm not in the game either. I pre ordered in December, looks like friday for me. I am pretty excited to, especially to see how poorly my computer runs this game. lol Well I went to "Can you run it" .com and it says my computer passes at minimum. So my plan is turn off shadows and hope.
  15. I thought the collectors editions, could only be bought at stores or pre ordered and picked up on launch day. Or if you say pre order a game stop, do you get a code on the receipt to get early access online or something?
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