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Bounty Hunter Story


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How good is it in your opinion? What irl movie/show/game plot would you compare it to? (James bond for IA, Game of thrones for Warrior/Sorc, Dude wheres my car for Smug etc)


Light side or Dark side and why? I hear lightside is more professional but in my experience (first 10 levels) the light side choices are unprofessional as they tend to have you betraying/deceiving your employer in someway.


How do mandalorians fit into the story (without big spoilers) and do you have to be one of them or can you stay independent?

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How good is it in your opinion? What irl movie/show/game plot would you compare it to? (James bond for IA, Game of thrones for Warrior/Sorc, Dude wheres my car for Smug etc)


Light side or Dark side and why? I hear lightside is more professional but in my experience (first 10 levels) the light side choices are unprofessional as they tend to have you betraying/deceiving your employer in someway.


How do mandalorians fit into the story (without big spoilers) and do you have to be one of them or can you stay independent?


I went Light, mostly because of Mako, and because i disagreed with alot of the Dark choices. The storyline was pretty good, though not as good as the IA which has the best story line in the game. I liked the idea of the Great Hunt, Chapter 1 and 2 i really liked, chapter 3 was ok but i felt it could have been better. The person you fight at the end, made no sense to my character, so i didn't like that. But overall it was good. I'd compare it to the Matrix. 1 and 2 were excellent but #3 had me scratching my head and leaving me confused and disappointed.


You can make a choice whether or not you want to become a Mandalorian. I choose to become one. had no impact on the rest of the story, so i'm curious what diaglogue you get for refusing. i'll probably refuse next time.

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I went ....well, grey actually. Not wholly good, but not necessarily evil. D&D would call my BH Chaotic Neutral.


I might liken my storyline to one of those revenge for profit movies - Man on Fire or Payback maybe? TThen again i get so sidetracked by missions on-planet that by the time I get back to my storyline, I've forgotten where I left off.


"You can make a choice whether or not you want to become a Mandalorian."


Aaaaw, dude, spoiler:rak_02:

Edited by Stressfire
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How good is it in your opinion? What irl movie/show/game plot would you compare it to? (James bond for IA, Game of thrones for Warrior/Sorc, Dude wheres my car for Smug etc)


Light side or Dark side and why? I hear lightside is more professional but in my experience (first 10 levels) the light side choices are unprofessional as they tend to have you betraying/deceiving your employer in someway.


How do mandalorians fit into the story (without big spoilers) and do you have to be one of them or can you stay independent?


I've leveled a warrior, bounty hunter, and am halfway through the consular story. I really enjoyed the BH story. I went light side--because being a good employee and keeping to the contract is light side. There are some light side choices that have you actually violating your contract, but just as many revolve around following through and bringing somebody in alive rather than in pieces.


You do not have to be a mandalorian.


I really can't think of any movies in particular. Act 3 kind of made me think of some sort of bourne identity thing, only not so intense. Acts 1 and 2 were great, act 3 was a little slow.

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How good is it in your opinion? What irl movie/show/game plot would you compare it to? (James bond for IA, Game of thrones for Warrior/Sorc, Dude wheres my car for Smug etc)



but bh story has a bug in the end,

and bw dont want to fix it over 1 year.

Edited by oakamp
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For more information on mandalorians fitting into the story, act 1 revolves around getting into the Great Hunt, which is dominated by and hosted by mandalorians but open to anybody with the guts and entry fee. Also, your companion Torian Cadera is a mandalorian.
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but bh story has a bug in the end,

and bw dont want to fix it over 1 year.


I don't think it's a universal bug; I leveled a BH over the summer (2012) and I got to the end of the story without any problems.


How good is it in your opinion? What irl movie/show/game plot would you compare it to? (James bond for IA, Game of thrones for Warrior/Sorc, Dude wheres my car for Smug etc)


Wouldn't that, in and of itself, be a spoiler? :)


Making an attempt here:


Chapter 1: The Great Race

Chapter 2 & 3: ...I've just spent like 15 minutes trying to think of a pop culture equivalent to this, and I can't. The Fugitive is the only thing I can think of that's even remotely close, but even then, it's not a great analogy.



Light side or Dark side and why? I hear lightside is more professional but in my experience (first 10 levels) the light side choices are unprofessional as they tend to have you betraying/deceiving your employer in someway.


I didn't pick a Dark Side/Light Side going into it, just made the decision of being in it for the paycheck and always following through with the contract, and I think I ended the game at about Light III.


I really enjoyed doing it that way, because it made the story feel more like the outsider just trying to survive in a galaxy full of politics. She didn't have any partcular love for the Empire -or- the Republic, but it came out at one time the mention that the Empire is the only one who will work with the BHs, so that's how she wound up doing so much of their dirty work (aka, the Imperial questlines).


It made a few of the later planets difficult, but it was at least a change-up from the gung-ho patriot types.

Edited by AlixMV
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