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How do queue's to get in work?


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So far my server Warriors of the Shadow hasn't been too bad. It says 20 minute but in reality it goes by in about 5 or so. Not to butt sore about that :)


I was curious though how the queue system itself works? I mean here's some scenario's that went through my mind:


1) The servers are only allowed 1000 people due to hardware capability, thus anything over 1000 waits until someone logs off to get on.


2) The server can handle 1000 people on at a time, but due to launch and all the fun stuff the dev's (I love that word, it's about as ambiguous as "them" or "those people") throttle the capacity to 800 to handle spikes so anyone over 800 has to wait.


3) There can only be 50 people getting onto the server at a time. 200 clicked the button roughly around the same time as you and because of that 50 people every 5 minutes or so you have to wait a bit.


4) Queue's are careful planning on "those dev's" (haha there it is again) part in order to prevent a single starting area from having a sudden 1000 running around it in the same exact instant.



Anyway just some of the random thoughts. A thread of curiosity. I think it would be fun to better understand the system.

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