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Called Customer Service...


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So yesterday I had to customer service with my girlfriend about taking off the phone authenticator on their customer support help-line. The issue was resolved in like 5 minutes and we were only on hold for like 4-6 minutes, maybe even less. Granted we call around 5:30pm Eastern Time and it was a Wednesday.


My question is, what is up with all these people on the forums about how horrible customer support is?


The worst case I ever got was about how it took 2 weeks to resolve a bug, but it wasn't so gamebreaking and only took that long because I incorrectly made a ticker. After I sent the ticket correctly that I managed to get my problem fixed in less than 24 hours.

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Some of them are legit, while some are flat out lying because they are eager to jump on the hate train.


See I'm kinda dismissive about how horrible their wait on the call lines are now. If it was on a weekend and it was on prime time or during like I don't know 11PM at night, I think people should know better that their call center would have less people since no one ever wants to work those hours or its insanely busy because of the volume of calls.


Then there's a whole issue with what kind of call they are doing too. If its an account and billing management, it may be quicker, but if it's technical support, its probably forever since you are basically calling for an IT guy to personally fix your problems.


But yeah it seems like everyone just jumps on the hate train.

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Some people are just haters who love trolling. Notions of 2 ~ 6 hour call times or even longer really ought to be taken with a grain of salt. The only other option to make it believable is they're not haters who enjoy trolling, but they're just not too fortunate with their intillect and yet have to realize they need to press some sort of dial button on their phones.
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some people are just haters who love trolling. Notions of 2 ~ 6 hour call times or even longer really ought to be taken with a grain of salt. The only other option to make it believable is they're not haters who enjoy trolling, but they're just not too fortunate with their intillect and yet have to realize they need to press some sort of dial button on their phones.


ermahgerd fern nermbers!!!!

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The horror stories from people who had, from their point of view, a terribly useless CS session are naturally going to be more vocal about it than people who had no issues at all or were moderately annoyed at best. The latter groups don't really have much reason to come to the forum because they'd rather get back to enjoying the game. It's been a long while since a forum's primary purpose, at least for games, wasn't venting frustration and complaining. And then there are of course those people who lie and hate just for the sake of it like the other guy said.


Personally I've only dealt with TOR's customer support once, and it was terribly incompetent. This was via email rather than phone though. First I wrote a lengthy explanation of my problem; not being able to pick a name that should be available since noone was using it and it wasn't a very Star Warsy name that would be restricted, I thought. I asked why. But at the end I added a paragraph about how I was very happy with the game and how I enjoyed how they'd done early access.


That was a mistake. The words "early access" should never have been anywhere. A couple hours later I got a ticket response saying "We're sorry for the inconvenience, your early access is indeed long overdue. You should now have access to the game.".... I sent my ticket from IN THE GAME. I had a nicely formatted ticket that was easy to read and explained my perceived problem quite well, but they didn't even read it since the words "early access" were in there.


I spent some time and noticed that the naming error message was different from that of a taken character. I got the same message from testing names like "Malgus", "Vader" and "Bastilla" to see if it was that. I did a wookiepedia search and sure enough, -one- single person in -one- single MARVEL Star Wars comic uses my first name and that is why it was restricted it seems. So I responded to the ticket that I'd figured it out, explaining it and using the example of "Luke Skywalker". An hour later I get a response saying "Sorry, but if the name Luke is taken there isn't anything we can do about it.". Now I just shook my head and let it be. 2 hours after that I got another CS ticket response from another rep entirely saying he could help me with a rename if I came up with some other variations on or examples to Luke...

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I never had an issue with them always solved my issues in less than 3-4 minutes. I did have to wait 2 hours the first time and almost an hour the second time. Being put on hold that long sometimes sucks. But at the time it was Toll-Free.
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I never really understood the comparison between someone liking a Bioware product and a Bio-drone.


lol I don't think this is where it comes from.

Drones are robots. And as urban dictionary tells us:

" drone(n): A drone is someone who follows an ideology or some other form of idealization blindlessly and uncritically."


Bioware + people not criticizing and putting Bioware down over every single thing = Biodrones :)


Also, apologies to the OP for derailing his/her thread.

Edited by TheNahash
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lol I don't think this is where it comes from.

Drones are robots. And as urban dictionary tells us:

" drone(n): A drone is someone who follows an ideology or some other form of idealization blindlessly and uncritically."


Bioware + people not criticizing and putting Bioware down over every single thing = Biodrones :)


Also, apologies to the OP for derailing his/her thread.



It's cool dude. I'm don't consider myself a biodrone, I just consider myself as someone who recognizes a good game when I see one. I like other PC gaming companies besides Bioware too, like Bethseda, Interplay (RIP), Sierra (RIP), THQ and sadly some EA titles as well.


See my thing is I don't try to compare games with other games, because that's like comparing apples and bananas. Also I play games for what they are and don't place unreasonable expectations on them. If they make cool changes then codos to them :)

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The horror stories from people who had, from their point of view, a terribly useless CS session are naturally going to be more vocal about it than people who had no issues at all or were moderately annoyed at best. The latter groups don't really have much reason to come to the forum because they'd rather get back to enjoying the game. It's been a long while since a forum's primary purpose, at least for games, wasn't venting frustration and complaining. And then there are of course those people who lie and hate just for the sake of it like the other guy said.


Personally I've only dealt with TOR's customer support once, and it was terribly incompetent. This was via email rather than phone though. First I wrote a lengthy explanation of my problem; not being able to pick a name that should be available since noone was using it and it wasn't a very Star Warsy name that would be restricted, I thought. I asked why. But at the end I added a paragraph about how I was very happy with the game and how I enjoyed how they'd done early access.


That was a mistake. The words "early access" should never have been anywhere. A couple hours later I got a ticket response saying "We're sorry for the inconvenience, your early access is indeed long overdue. You should now have access to the game.".... I sent my ticket from IN THE GAME. I had a nicely formatted ticket that was easy to read and explained my perceived problem quite well, but they didn't even read it since the words "early access" were in there.


I spent some time and noticed that the naming error message was different from that of a taken character. I got the same message from testing names like "Malgus", "Vader" and "Bastilla" to see if it was that. I did a wookiepedia search and sure enough, -one- single person in -one- single MARVEL Star Wars comic uses my first name and that is why it was restricted it seems. So I responded to the ticket that I'd figured it out, explaining it and using the example of "Luke Skywalker". An hour later I get a response saying "Sorry, but if the name Luke is taken there isn't anything we can do about it.". Now I just shook my head and let it be. 2 hours after that I got another CS ticket response from another rep entirely saying he could help me with a rename if I came up with some other variations on or examples to Luke...


You went to all that trouble just because you THOUGHT a name should be available for you to use!? Talk about wasting people's time...not to mention your own. If the game says its not available, its NOT available. Move on.

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Ok I'll hop in. I'm a sub who has never, ever gotten the monthly stipend of cartel coins, nor when f2p launched.


I opened two in game tickets only to have m0-T0 close one and the second closed as spam. After replying to the second email, someone popped up in game chat and tried to help but said I would have to call.


At the beginning of December, 8 days after my date when I should have gotten the ones for November, I called at 11am EST. a very nice person answered and said my case was being elevated and he would have to transfer me to a higher up in billing, but I might have to wait a half hour. I was working from home so a 30 min wait is no big deal. Fast forward two hours and four minutes later and the call drops. I was on a land line with speaker phone on listening to the hold guy over and over so I know I didn't hang up.


I call back and someone else answers after another 20 minute wait and says they had issues with the ticket system and would not help me for that day. Would I be willing to leave my number for a call back the next day? Sure.


No one calls the next two days. So I call again to be put on hold for an hour and then I hung up because I had to go.


After coming to the forums to find a thread by someone else with the same issue, I saw somewhere that said to try calling early in the morning, like 8 am. I did that the next day and after being elevated and put on hold for a estimated 2 hour wait (by the CS guy), a very helpful person answered within the next 5 minutes! Even better he credited my account the missing CCs and said my account would be added to some list and would be fixed before December 28th.


After all that I was happy. The on hold forever stuff was horrible beyond words, but it was all fixed now, so I bought my rocket boosters and was happy.


December 28th has come and gone and no CCs. Submitted ticket, M0-T0 closed it, saying it was fixed. I have another ticket and replied to the closed ticket email and have not heard a peep. I dread calling again, both because of potentially wasted hold time and I would have to gamble using my iPhone since they ditched the toll free number.


But OP has given me some hope. I'll try calling early Monday and see what happens.

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So yesterday I had to customer service with my girlfriend about taking off the phone authenticator on their customer support help-line. The issue was resolved in like 5 minutes and we were only on hold for like 4-6 minutes, maybe even less. Granted we call around 5:30pm Eastern Time and it was a Wednesday.


My question is, what is up with all these people on the forums about how horrible customer support is?


The worst case I ever got was about how it took 2 weeks to resolve a bug, but it wasn't so gamebreaking and only took that long because I incorrectly made a ticker. After I sent the ticket correctly that I managed to get my problem fixed in less than 24 hours.


I have called customer a couple of times, had the same result as above, nothing to complain about here, guess I just got lucky..:)

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I had to swap phones last month and found there was no way to swap my security key to my new phone or disable my security key without calling CS.


Even if they had answered in 5 minutes, I was already a bit put off that there wasn't a way to move or disable the key without calling, so would have had at best a neutral view of their customer service (only because I view the best customer service to be the kind I never have to contact).


However, on the day I called it took an hour to get my call answered. So now I am not only miffed at having to call in the first place, I feel EA has under staffed the CS department through incompetence or negligence, and has wasted an hour of my time.


To be fair, the rep was very helpful and very professional and was able to resolve my issue quickly and easily. I would happily give the individual rep high marks, but overall would give EA / SWTOR CS a negative review for the excessively long wait time.


To me, a wait of an hour is unacceptable and demonstrates a callous disregard for their customers by EA's management.

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Ok I'll hop in. I'm a sub who has never, ever gotten the monthly stipend of cartel coins, nor when f2p launched.


I opened two in game tickets only to have m0-T0 close one and the second closed as spam. After replying to the second email, someone popped up in game chat and tried to help but said I would have to call.


At the beginning of December, 8 days after my date when I should have gotten the ones for November, I called at 11am EST. a very nice person answered and said my case was being elevated and he would have to transfer me to a higher up in billing, but I might have to wait a half hour. I was working from home so a 30 min wait is no big deal. Fast forward two hours and four minutes later and the call drops. I was on a land line with speaker phone on listening to the hold guy over and over so I know I didn't hang up.


I call back and someone else answers after another 20 minute wait and says they had issues with the ticket system and would not help me for that day. Would I be willing to leave my number for a call back the next day? Sure.


No one calls the next two days. So I call again to be put on hold for an hour and then I hung up because I had to go.


After coming to the forums to find a thread by someone else with the same issue, I saw somewhere that said to try calling early in the morning, like 8 am. I did that the next day and after being elevated and put on hold for a estimated 2 hour wait (by the CS guy), a very helpful person answered within the next 5 minutes! Even better he credited my account the missing CCs and said my account would be added to some list and would be fixed before December 28th.


After all that I was happy. The on hold forever stuff was horrible beyond words, but it was all fixed now, so I bought my rocket boosters and was happy.


December 28th has come and gone and no CCs. Submitted ticket, M0-T0 closed it, saying it was fixed. I have another ticket and replied to the closed ticket email and have not heard a peep. I dread calling again, both because of potentially wasted hold time and I would have to gamble using my iPhone since they ditched the toll free number.


But OP has given me some hope. I'll try calling early Monday and see what happens.


Damn that really does suck man. I think that mine was probably resolved fast because it was an account issue and not a programming one. Although it took me like 2 weeks to fix my cartel inventory wide account issues to be fixed. They dismissed my first ticket as a bug report and I finally got my issue resolved after I posted it on the forums under customer support and sent another customer support ticket and then they finally resolve it. But when I posted on the forums about my issue I was polite and not raging like a lunatic.

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So yesterday I had to customer service with my girlfriend about taking off the phone authenticator on their customer support help-line. The issue was resolved in like 5 minutes and we were only on hold for like 4-6 minutes, maybe even less. Granted we call around 5:30pm Eastern Time and it was a Wednesday.


My question is, what is up with all these people on the forums about how horrible customer support is?


The worst case I ever got was about how it took 2 weeks to resolve a bug, but it wasn't so gamebreaking and only took that long because I incorrectly made a ticker. After I sent the ticket correctly that I managed to get my problem fixed in less than 24 hours.


I also had my issue fixed promptly & professionally through the call centre. Those people in Galway are truly doing a wonderful job. Keep being awesome.

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I will say this, although I never had any issues with the CSR services. My main, and this has been so for 10 months now, if not more (since he went past chapter 2), has had a bug, my load screen is stuck on chapter 2. Now it isn't a big deal at all to me, but realizing that I send in a ticket once a month in regards to that issue and it has yet to be fixed makes me wonder if well some one isn't doing their job. I know it is just me, so one person, but it is really a simple fix, just takes a code alternation (such as chapter_load_ss_2 to chapter_load_end_3), see what I mean?


I think I sent about 13 tickets, and well I still get the same response, 'we will hand it off to the developers for further investigation".

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