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THANK YOU BIOWARE - For fixing the Phantom Set


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When the Blockade Runner pack first came out and I saw the advertised image for the Phantom Set I got super excited. The original advertised image can be seen here: http://s3.hubimg.com/u/7459694_f260.jpg


I spent CC's on those packs and got myself damn near the full set (minus the helm). Imagine my disappointment when the set I received did not match the advertised image: http://dulfy.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/swtor-phantom-set-2_thumb.jpg


Thank you Bioware for fixing this! I now have the armor set I paid for!

Edited by Terro_Fett
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Thank you Bioware for making me save money!


I'm never going to buy anything from the Cartel Market again, they might change it later in a way I don't like.


I don't spend money on CM. The first 10 packs I bought were a teaching moment for me.


This teaching moment for you should be to base CM purchases on their images on stock photo instead of in-game, because it's probably going to get fixed in the future. i.e. If the in-game doesn't match stock photo, don't buy it.

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Obviously people have different opinions about this change.


Did Bioware do the right thing?




They advertised one thing and sold another. The item's looks corresponded with their icons prior to this patch. To me, it feels like they were supposed to look this way, they were simply falsely advertised.


What should they have done?


Apologize for the false advertisement and then release items that actually look like the items on the pictures. Preferably not through a new cartel pack, but from the Equipment category in the Cartel Market. I think most people were aware of how the items actually looked before shoving all their money at the cartel market. Right now, what they have done is to screw over customers that were satisfied with their looks.


But Bioware does not learn, it would seem. They have repeated the mistake of false advertisement again! The picture of the new Cartel Pack shows a woman in a yellow/white dance outfit, while the dance outfit from the new pack is actually red. I don't think people care about that at all though, but it is still false advertisement.

Edited by Majspuffen
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Thank you Bioware for making me save money!


I'm never going to buy anything from the Cartel Market again, they might change it later in a way I don't like.


+1. You should NEVER change an item like this after people have paid extra money for it. That's Business 101 stuff.

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When the Blockade Runner pack first came out and I saw the advertised image for the Phantom Set I got super excited. The original advertised image can be seen here: http://s3.hubimg.com/u/7459694_f260.jpg


I spent CC's on those packs and got myself damn near the full set (minus the helm). Imagine my disappointment when the set I received did not match the advertised image: http://dulfy.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/swtor-phantom-set-2_thumb.jpg


Thank you Bioware for fixing this! I now have the armor set I paid for!


And many many many many MORE people now have a set they paid for drastically changed on them to something they did not want.

Edited by AmyBA
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The changed look is a cruel joke on all who bought the item through the GTN for it's sleek look. Now it is just another black robe with shoulder pads (*** is up with shoulder pads on robes? Do the devs think this is WoW?) that thousands would never have purchased if they had know it was soon to be "fixed".
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For me they didn't fix it, they broke it. I got it through GTN. The preview showed a nice sleek top with no crap on it. That's what I paid for and that's what I got. Even the icon shows it being that way. Now what I paid for is no longer what I have.
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I'm sorry but the Phantom Armor is now the sleekest, sexiest black hooded robe in the game (Hooded if you dont use the phantom helmet)


That's a matter of opinion though. I prefer Saber Marshal's or if it were an option, Dark Acolyte with hood toggled on. The rolled-up rug of a shoulder thing (it's also on the Investigator's outfit, Revan's, Grand Inquisitor and a bunch of others) hasn't looked good on anything before and it doesn't now... in my opinion of course. Adding it to a chest piece where it doesn't belong, because so says the chest piece's icon and preview when I got it on GTN, is incredibly mean. The hood I wouldn't actually have minded, but that doesn't belong either.

Edited by Pscyon
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Thanks for posting those pics. I was wondering what all the fuss was about. The 'before' image simply looks like an incomplete version of the 'after', and that would indicate that the old appearance was a bug. The fact that many people (myself included) would argue that the old style looks far better does not alter that. I guess that Bioware was simply responding to those who complained that the in-game armour did not match the advertised image on the CM. Those who liked the old look would not have had reason to complain, so the developers would not have been aware that many were very happy with it as it was. Squeaky wheel and all that. For that reason, I think it's unfair to be overly critical of Bioware's decision to fix this 'bug'. Criticisms of their armour designs on the other hand, are entirely justified. Those shoulder pieces are terrible imo, but that is a matter of individual preference.
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A real fix would be that they make the pieces I already own unbound so I could sell them. I didn't know it was a bug. I saw it on the GTN, previewed, liked the way it looked and bought it.


Now I am stuck with armor that looks horrible, that I had no way in knowing it was bugged before. Unless I have to now check the forums before I buy every single piece of gear in this game.


So if they want to FIX it, they should make the pieces I have unbound, so I can choose to keep them or sell them.

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They should've stopped selling them the second they realized the two item sets didn't match.

Now, they'll be screwing some subset of its paying public...or creating two different sets of the gear and somehow allowing folks to choose between them.

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I bet most of the people complaining are guys that bought the outfits for their female characters and are now mad because they can't see as many curves. :rolleyes:


I bought mine for my male characters because I didn't want them in a dress. Well we now see what characters you like to play. :eek:

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I bet most of the people complaining are guys that bought the outfits for their female characters and are now mad because they can't see as many curves. :rolleyes:


Nope. I use it on a male assassin. I personally don't roll female characters.


The lack of color in the scheme was exactly what I wanted for my assassin.

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The upper Robe, which is what they fixed has nothing to do with the lower robe. :rolleyes:


One looked like a black shirt.


Now it looks like a fluffy blouse with a hood.


But hey. It's getting reverted back again so everything is good. Thanks for bumping this thread and your support. :)

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One looked like a black shirt.


Now it looks like a fluffy blouse with a hood.


But hey. It's getting reverted back again so everything is good. Thanks for bumping this thread and your support. :)



Actually, Joveth said he'd have to look into it further as his post clashes with the patch notes. I mean, you realize he's just the community manager, right? I hope they leave all of the sets as they are now. Everything looks better.

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Actually, Joveth said he'd have to look into it further as his post clashes with the patch notes. I mean, you realize he's just the community manager, right? I hope they leave all of the sets as they are now. Everything looks better.


Looks better, if you prefer an outfit like Liberace for your assassin

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For me they screwed my character look by giving him a mini-skirt, some of my guild mates now are looking for new chest pieces due to that crap shoulder. I'd love to see they change the sets back.


I'll have to either give up on my set and never buy another cartel market item for the "cool" visual that can soon be changed to a "crappy" visual or just keep crusading the forums for this to get changed back !!

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