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[Expansion/Sub Question.]


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I was about to head to the store to buy a card to resub. but i had a quick question because of what happened last time that may make things easier on me.



Im in the US.


When i went to look for a(The Old Republic 2 month sub card) (first time i subbed 2 months ago) i had to check 7 stores before i came across 1 of those sub cards but. every store i went to had the EA Game Cards. at the time i didnt buy them because i wasnt sure if i could sub with it.


so my question is. Can you Sub with the EA game Cards?(since they are more common then the other cards.


and my other question is can these EA cards be used to buy the expansion?.

(Since the expansion is a digital expansion and wont have a in-store Option for purchase.


i just want to quickly verify before i go buy anything that may or may-not be useful to me.



:::Example of Card Below:::




The Card Clearly States on it "can be used for subs and game add-ons" which i assume means it will work on swtor sub and expansion but. i wanted to hear from other people aswell to confirm it.


PS:: No. i dont trust Paying through the internet. eversince that flop paypal had where they got hacked and the personal info of alot of people got out into the internet i have lost faith in online direct account transactions. and as such. i perfer to pay a physical payment thats not directly linked to my account. i dont mind paying more then a online transaction and if i cant pay without linking my bank info i wont pay for it at all . so to prevent useless posts im pointing this out to find out info in regards to that specific card.


and posts saying "just pay with your card dont be paranoid" are not welcome. this thread is only about that card.

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Well, I can understand your fear of using paypal, but I've never had an issue using my debit card to purchase my subscription.

I believe the EA cards will work, I've seen others suggest them on many different threads, but instead of doing that, why don't you just buy a pre-paid credit card just for your gaming? You can load it up with cash at the store then use it whenever you want/need for subscription, dlc, cartel coins... I think that would be your easiest choice.

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Because i have encountered several threads(and yes i've read them all but none specifically talking about this card's use for expansion. mostly a few vaugely stateing it might work on sub.


i also read on these smae threads that pre-paid cards seem to not be working when using them to purchase CC or Sub. that the card is often rejected.

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The EA Game Cards do work for purchases on this site(Cartel Coins, Subs, Expansion, etc). I had this same question and managed to stumble into someone who's used them for such, and I will be buying my own in the next few days for CC, and a friend IRL used them to buy CC.
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The EA Game Cards do work for purchases on this site(Cartel Coins, Subs, Expansion, etc). I had this same question and managed to stumble into someone who's used them for such, and I will be buying my own in the next few days for CC, and a friend IRL used them to buy CC.


Thank you

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  • 5 months later...

Hey since im in Canada when you enter the code do they then give you an option of what you want to buy with them???



I don't want to buy the card and then realize ijust got a bunch of cartel coins when I wanted the damn expansion...


ive been trying to us thes eprepaid visa cards and they are a damn joke ... wont work at all..

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For re-sub, I've in the past, used a couple 60day time cards, which you can usually find in retail stores like Target or Wal-Mart.


Another option if you want to use a generic method for CC and general online purchases (EA or otherwise) is just to grab a pre-paid Visa or Mastercard. Since they aren't tied to any of your actual financial personal information, you can usually use them for online purchases from EA or any other vendor, without fear of your checking/savings/credit account being compromised.


Just a thought.


I typically don't worry about it too much. I have reasonable purchase protection through my financial institution, and on the VERY rare occasion I have had problems (my wife had some erroneous charges on her debit card about a year ago) they resolved it within 24hrs and it didn't cost me anything in the end. I can understand why people are leery, and I won't try to change anyone's mind... Just making a statement is all.

Edited by Ocho-Quatro
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Actually it seems to be really hard to sub for this game. My virtual credit card and my portuguese debit card astonishingly did not work. I had to buy game card for a while and now i'm using a friends paypal cause i dont like it myself.

I have not tried my dutch debit card, but yeah.... this game is difficult to sub for. I would have hoped EA/Bioware would have done something about it by now, but it doesnt seem they like money as much as they claim. xD

For the record the other methods worked on every other game.

Edited by Nemmar
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