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Conversations that has consequences(Meaning)


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Bioware did a wonderful story line on each class but it would be much better if on many conversations had a meaning to the player character and companion.


For example,let's say your doing a Bounty Hunter Class Quest and you had a chance to kill someone to get their bounty.You decided that you want the person to pay you double to save his/her life.It would be nice that in near future that the person you save can possibly bump into you on another planet and help you out because you spare his/her life or if you decide to kill him/her,they might have someone noticing their absence and decide to investigate their death.


There is so much Bioware can do with conversations with consequences. It might cost Bioware some Cash and time but it would enhance the stories for SWTOR.This feature would be similar to Mass Effect games where every action or decision you make will reflect on you now or on the future.Furthermore,by making certain decision we can unlock separate story quests.

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That's the problem with giving choices to players


If you can kill a NPC at some point, it is very likely you won't ever see him again if you spare his life just because people would start avoiding killing him just to get advantage of the situation

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That's the problem with giving choices to players


If you can kill a NPC at some point, it is very likely you won't ever see him again if you spare his life just because people would start avoiding killing him just to get advantage of the situation


Maybe by killing of certain NPC they might have other NPC coming after you or joining your cause.It will be also nice if they have a option to turn OFF or ON to have a Flashback of the decision you made.In case if players forget they can see a quick Flashback before the Consequence begins.

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check this post i made a long time ago: Story with different paths


I think is this what you're talking about.


I've made diagrams to explain. Check it out.


Man your a genius this would be perfect because it would make more players unite with each other and also people can actually remake the same class and try out a different path.


Bioware should really read, analyse and work on this idea to put in the game.It's not too late they still can apply this in the late level 55-60 for the next expand pack.


PLEASE keep this thread alive or http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=491100 this thread like the chat bubble thread.Because if Bioware apply this change it would be good for everybody.People can actually RP with each other even if they in different class because the choices you make can direct you both in the same storyline.Think about it this game has 8 different story lines in the same universal but none of them cross each other :rak_02:.


With this new feature of different path you can easily add new Bosses in Operations and Flashpoints instead of thinking whats the next difficulty after Nightmare Mode,however we should keep the same last boss.People would want to re visit the old Flashpoints and Operations.


This is Bioware were talking about, the same company that made Mass Effect series that had choices that made a huge impact in the game.

Edited by loztchild
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