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SWTOR PvP, the good, the bad, and the "unique"


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First off, I would like to say that I think that SWTOR has some very good aspects to it pertaining to PvP. However, I also think that it has some major problems that have made it hard for me to log back into SWTOR. I will break this post in to sections:rak_03:

The Good:

SWTOR has some very solid maps and objectives which are both simple, yet also require a decent amount of strategy, as well as having a very unique warzone(huttball). The buffs (red and green) in the warzones are also interesting as they can allow for someone to live a little longer, or do more damage/healing, etc.

The way the medals work I like, as it makes it so that everyone can get rewards for participating in the warzone via kills, objectives, healing, damage, protection etc. Which, in my opinion, welcomes all of the types of classes as it rewards people for preforming their roles. However, this brings me to the bad section:

The Bad:

The gear gap between War Hero and Recruit is too high. There is no escaping that. This is a pretty darn frustrating thing for me, because I like to PvP on alts as well. I max commendations at low level, as well as have some fully War Hero geared characters. BUT, for people who either don't know about this type of saving or who forgot until it was too late, it is annoying to walk into a warzone with people with both more expertise, and also more base stats than you. Honestly, all of my 6K+ crits on people on my gunslinger are on people with recruit gear on, and i just 2 or 3 shot them. I feel bad, as they had no chance to survive that! That isn't skill, that is gear that allowed me to get the kill.

That brings me to class balance. Let's face it: damage, like the rent, is TOO DARN HIGH!!!! AoE attacks for 5K? Spammable attacks which proc 3-4K+ attacks? WHAT IS THIS MADNESS? It's called poor class design and poor balance changes. I accept burst, after all i play a gunslinger, a somewhat bursty class. However, burst needs to have limitations. Burst needs to have consequences for the user, as well as benefits. As well as cooldowns that make sense for the damage capability of the attack. Focus sentinels should NOT be able to force sweep on ridiculously short cooldowns because it is SO EASY to gain singularity stacks. I can't lower the cooldown on Aimed Shot by spamming charged burst.

I understand that the Focus spec relies on force sweep/singularity for damage. BUT, if the focus(no pun intended) could be on controlled burst, rather that BURST!!!, then this issue would not happen in the first place. Controlled burst means that a high damage or healing ability will only affect a limited number of targets,as well as being on a longer cooldown than an ability with less damage or healing. This would mean that singularity, for example, would only be cast on a single, MAYBE 2 targets, so that not everyone would be hit for a high damage ability that is also an AOE ability.

The "Unique"

Cross server queues need to be implemented. Premade vs PUG, no matter what people say, is not fair. Let's take a look at people who make a premade's arguments for making a premade:

"Make Friends, then make your own premade!!"

This requires a couple things: ONE i already know people who would be willing to PvP with me,and 2 that they would always want to PvP at the exact same time as me and are always on at the exact same time as me. That is pretty unreasonable. I understand that people have friends from other games/irl that they want to play with. That is fine. But putting coordinated people against an uncoordinated group is not fun for the people in the PUG, and an MMO SHOULD be about fun, NOT gear or coordination.


Have you seen me play in a warzone? Do you even know me? Please stop flaming people. 'Nuff said.

Thank you for reading this post, and if i get flamed, at least I tried to reform this community.

Edited by seefouruno
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Cross server queues need to be implemented. Premade vs PUG, no matter what people say, is not fair. Let's take a look at people who make a premade's arguments for making a premade:

"Make Friends, then make your own premade!!"

This requires a couple things: ONE i already know people who would be willing to PvP with me,and 2 that they would always want to PvP at the exact same time as me and are always on at the exact same time as me. That is pretty unreasonable.


Here is my issue with this: You were given a friends list. We aren't saying you have a premade of 4 players and that premade never changes. Add good players to your friends list. Ask them to play. If they say no ask other people. I don't think anyone said you are bad, but if you don't utilize premades that is entirely your fault. And cross servers will never happen, so people are doing to have to learn to deal... If you decide you don't want to deal and will continue to complain on the forums, fine, but you have nobody to blame but yourself. The system is there, use it. That's like a marauder refusing to use his defensive cooldowns because some people consider them op. You know what that is? A bad marauder.


As the old adage states, "If you can't beat em, join em."

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Regarding premades, not everyone can form premades with good players, there's simply not enough good players to go around. And in the event that you're not that great yourself there's a good chance that the good players you do stumble upon don't want to play with you. Personally I'm elitist to the point that I consider the ones that other people think are good to be crap, based on them playing silly OP classes. Sure, I'd probably win every game with them but I'd rather take my chances with a pug instead of playing with people who are only as good as their AC'es and will suck the day their AC'es get nerfed. When I see them perform well on mercs and other less viable classes I might play with them when they're on their maras too....but until that day...

Yes, I've come to despise people on focus/rage specs and foremost operative healers and as long as I'm still on par with you as a dps sorc you're garbage in my book.


And that's why I'm solo'ing.

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