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It's gonna get UGLY


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Yep, agreed, it's absolutely the most fun and the easiest class to level through pvp from level 10 up. I remember leveling my PT back after launch, when they were under the radar. The class made me look good. ;)


Although, my sin in deception was a bit more fun overall to level, performance wise for pvp - the PT outclassed it.


So welcome all you server re-rolls. :) Should start an Official Forums Guild, I'd join ya. :) Or toss an M in there for O.M.F.G. :csw_jabbapet:


Yeah... I really wanted to level a sin but figured I'd stick with something I'm familiar with first. And everyone needs a PT. :D I actually got a guild waiting. Someone from forums who actually joined Nothing Personal on Bastion when they came from POT5.


yay for uglier :D


have a cookie; you can have more if you decide to stay.


Mmmmm.... cookieeeeees.


Tank / Hybrid Tank Jugg 10 - 50 from PVE to EWH Gear mix is when you learn to play. \m/


Lowbie Vanguard is some fun tho. ^^


Dude... I love me some jug... leveling one now... but from 1-26 is painful. Many times I considered taking a nap in my garage with the car running. Most annoying leveling experience I've had so far.


I went PT cuz I KNOW it's gonna be good from 1-50... I know if I rolled a jug I wouldn't even come back to POT5.

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Yeah... I really wanted to level a sin but figured I'd stick with something I'm familiar with first. And everyone needs a PT.


Dude... I love me some jug... leveling one now... but from 1-26 is painful. Many times I considered taking a nap in my garage with the car running. Most annoying leveling experience I've had so far.


I went PT cuz I KNOW it's gonna be good from 1-50... I know if I rolled a jug I wouldn't even come back to POT5.


I know exactly what you mean. Up till late 20's jugg is awful. After that it gets better but it takes a while. PT is by far my favorite class but over the last few months Ive taken one to level 50 twice - dare I say it, would be too much of a good thing?. So I would probably do Jugg if I were to reroll. Its a class that can be good DPS and Tank and you can totally control the battlefield and carry if you are good.

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