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Sentinel PVP Tree is FOCUS!


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focus is build around force exhaust, and stasis, and trans; first, second, and third. Then sweep.


You can not possibly say this, since these two abilities aswell as several talents are based around, and focusing on buffing Force Sweep.


Thats like saying Watchman isnt based around DoTs.

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You can not possibly say this, since these two abilities aswell as several talents are based around, and focusing on buffing Force Sweep.


Thats like saying Watchman isnt based around DoTs.


There are talents that buff many things. Crush does more damage single target then sweep.

And its the strongest slow in the game.

If you think its only purpose is to buff sweep, then you really do not understand the damage it does, nor that its CC is unparallelled.

Stasis builds focus, is the only(?) stun in the game that deals damage. And in focus, make use of the force buffs, making it deal competitive damage, as well as the much shorter CD, allowing it to be used far more in pvp, then with other specs.

You aren't using stasis to buff sweep. you are doing it to lock down someone and kill them with caut dot, and stasis dot. (possibly crush dot, but thats either for burst, or a waste of double CC on target)

Focus is ALL about versatility.

High defense. with 7% it to everything.

Heavily buffed slash that is barely below blade rush. Yet, with buffed sweep, crush, stasis, cauterize, zleap, and bladestorm which all ALSO get buffs, its your least powerful tool.

But look at all those buffed skills.

Focus is every force move for its +30% surge. sweep, bladestorm, stasis, cauterize, exhaust. 1 focus leg sweep, stasis, and exhaust for slows/stuns.

Massive aoe with sweep.

If its all about sweep. what about zen? free cleaving slashes which did you forget get 15% crit, 20% armor pen, and 6% extra damage +3% shii-cho?

Edited by MBirkhofer
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despite the facts u listed i still dont like the delay of sweep, beeing knockbacked and casting it after u land just sucks... why wont they let it cast midair at least.


yes. THAT is a valid issue. While focus has many tools in the arsenal, sweep IS a powerful one. not denying that.

And it is a very immobile one. In fact, so is stasis. This hurts your dps output in pve raids, with alot of moving. soa, bonethrasher, droid. And in pvp, you need to be very careful about when you are using leap, so you don't get kb'd, or just miss a moving target.

You do have slash for movement fights. And while it IS buffed greatly over baseline slash, it is still your weakest move, as it doesn't get the force surge.

(although, I was preaching skipping offhand mastery before. as most of your damage is force, it doesnt deal any offhand damage. A focus build with offhand mastery might have a slash of competitive dps.)


Edited by MBirkhofer
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Hi, I'm lvl 50 Geared up. I tested the 3 trees.

Focus is awesome for pvp just for 1 thing: everytime u use Force sweep hits arround 4000-4500 in AOE DAMAGE. u can get 3 playes and make 12.000 Damage that can't be healed fast enought.

Watchman tree is more 1vs1 viable cos have a lot of dots.. but just 1 healer can sustain ur target easy.

Combat tree is not a nice try for pvp cos is similar 1vs1 spec and have lower dps than watchman.

I LOVE FOCUS cos u main spell slows the target and u got 2nd Leap that gives u 40% speed for a few seconds that makes u unkkitteable...

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with quick recovery and zephyr shouldnt my force swweep be at 6seconds? or did i read those talents wrong?


Just wondered that this morning, I think it's not being applied, but it *is* a force ability...


edit: Yeah 9 not 6, but my cooldown reduction isn't being applied.

Edited by Siokai
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Been reading through this thread with interest for a few days and decided to respec to Focus from Watchman (which I had been from the start). Didn't try PVP, but I did NOT find it an easy adjustment for PVE! Had my *** handed to me four times by Colonel Hareth on Belsavis before heading back to the fleet to get my burns back! I don't know why it didn't click for me, but I think I'll stick with Watchman! Edited by JWinkler
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Been reading through this thread with interest for a few days and decided to respec from Watchman (which I had been from the start). Didn't try PVP, but I did NOT find it an easy adjustment for PVE! Had my *** handed to me four times by Colonel Hareth on Belsavis before heading back to the fleet to get my burns back! I don't know why it didn't click for me, but I think I'll stick with Watchman!


thats why u have to respec 4 pve?


i mean seriously i wont raid with pvp talents, and i wont pve without -30% ae dmg taken, regardless of the spec.

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