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Tiny things to tweak in PVP.


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This post isn't a complaint, a flame war or anything negative, it's just my experiences and what I feel needs to be improved on in terms of some small aspects within PVP. Not big things just some ideas.



1) Tanks Against Healers: Tank DPS is quite bursty when it comes to any game mode, especially within PVP, you can crit for a big chunk but then put out low DPS a second later, regardless, the DPS of a tank may be too little (In my experience just from a Juggernaut Immortal Spec) to inflict enough notable damage against a Healer. There is one way of getting around this without actually giving tanks a super periodic or special buff and that's simply to give allow them to inflict the 'Trauma' debuff from a Certain move. Trauma is simply the reduction of how effective healing is on a Target. For example the Juggernaut's sole purpose in terms of it's arsenal in Immortal spec is Armor Reduction, which isn't all that great. In the long run you will cause some more damage but heals still will get past it. Trauma would give the tanks a slightly better edge in case some are having a harder time dropping self sustaining healers.


2) Resolve: I'm not going into a huge anger fueled rage on Stuns, CC, breakers etc. My only idea on Resolve is to simply suggest that the amount of DPS you put out while the bar is full/You're immune should drop faster depending on your output. I found it can be a bit annoying having a Sentinel/Marauder or a class of any kind running around with a stun immunity causing chaos and the team can't actual pin them down due to their moment of god. It will make sense as a person who has a full resolve who goes purely on aggression will have to take the risk, but a person running with say a Huttball heading to the goal who necessarily won't be looking to cause damage may be more inclined to benefit from the system.


3) Cloaking: I believed I heard that cloaking was supposed to be given a cooldown of about 2 minutes during one of the older patches, yet still a lot of classes camp around in stealth or run away with their Combat escape ability which seems to be untouched. Now people may dispute with me on this, but an Ability unique to certain classes on the degree of giving you a high advantage such as being invisible and lining yourself up for a perfect attack as well as using an in-stealth stun such as Sleepdart or Mindtrap, which to my knowledge do not have a cooldown is a bit unjustified. I had one idea that stealth, in PVP drains your class resource. For example the Imperial Agent will lose their Energy resource the longer they're in stealth as the Assassin/Shadow will lose their Force Resource the longer they stay in stealth so it will have to break sometime and the longer they stay in it, the less resource they will have to use their abilities. Removing stealth would be over kill, giving a drawback to it, necessary.


4) Pulls: Simply, I feel it's a bit silly to have a 30m pull that grabs an enemy across map and pull them into a mosh pit of your team and ensures death unless they have a Combat escape, AOE stun or if you're really lucky, you can intercede/guardian leap back to your own team, but the risk of being gang stunned is pretty high. In my humble opinion, reducing the range of all pull abilities to 15m would be more fair than a 30m range.

Edited by Luckygunslinger
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Thread title is an understatement. Your ideas are pretty game changing. Oh and as a tank, your job is not burning down healers. You bring plenty of stuff that will help the team kill them fast.


2 globals and you got the healer slowed and with 4 stacks of Armour penetration. (this is a guaranteed outcome since you jump in to get unremitting and root healer for 3 secs and your slow and sweep is both free)


Your job is done. Intercede back to your own healer and continue tanking for him/her


I assume you run a def/vigi tank, if you aren't you're doing it wrong.

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1) Tanks Against Healers: Tank DPS is quite bursty when it comes to any game mode, especially within PVP, you can crit for a big chunk but then put out low DPS a second later, regardless, the DPS of a tank may be too little (In my experience just from a Juggernaut Immortal Spec) to inflict enough notable damage against a Healer. There is one way of getting around this without actually giving tanks a super periodic or special buff and that's simply to give allow them to inflict the 'Trauma' debuff from a Certain move. Trauma is simply the reduction of how effective healing is on a Target. For example the Juggernaut's sole purpose in terms of it's arsenal in Immortal spec is Armor Reduction, which isn't all that great. In the long run you will cause some more damage but heals still will get past it. Trauma would give the tanks a slightly better edge in case some are having a harder time dropping self sustaining healers.


You choose Tank, so you are not a DPS... You'll do a tank damage.


2) Resolve: I'm not going into a huge anger fueled rage on Stuns, CC, breakers etc. My only idea on Resolve is to simply suggest that the amount of DPS you put out while the bar is full/You're immune should drop faster depending on your output. I found it can be a bit annoying having a Sentinel/Marauder or a class of any kind running around with a stun immunity causing chaos and the team can't actual pin them down due to their moment of god. It will make sense as a person who has a full resolve who goes purely on aggression will have to take the risk, but a person running with say a Huttball heading to the goal who necessarily won't be looking to cause damage may be more inclined to benefit from the system.


Bad idea, if I'm a DPS trying to kill a healer I have almost no resolve then? I can be stunned again and again and again doing high dps.. The stunfest it's already out of control, with your idea DPS players will quit the game instantly.

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