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Jedi covenant Server: Empire pvp coming back?


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I'm not sure about any other servers, but any imp on the Jedi Covenant server would understand the frustation in solo queing PvP.


However, recently ive been seeing ALOT of teamwork and communication on the empire side, and as a result, have been seeing more wins.


Maybe I'm getting lucky with my groups, but it looks like Empire has come to its senses and is making solo pvp much more enjoyable :)

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It might not be just the Imps improving. Had 3 separate WZs today in which at least 2 people showed up in PvE gear.


So against that, then yes, the Empire pvp is coming back.


Shhhh... I'm really enjoying blowing those players up in 2-3 hits. We need to encourage that gearing. :rak_03:

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I don't know, but I sure have gotten out of that Republic haven server for good. I play only my Republic toons on there. Have a gunslinger, a sage, and just rolled a commando the other day.


I play my level 50 Imperial characters on The Shadowlands, where I find it to be much more balanced between the two factions.


The problem is that my assassin is on JC, and she has six levels to go before 50. Don't know what I'm going to do about that, since they still haven't implemented voluntary server transfers.

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A bit of history of how Jedi Covenant came to be this way in the first place for those who are reading that are from other servers.


A lot of the reason the imbalance between the factions started was because of the Canderous Ordo server. Most of the good pub players there now come from there(LD50, Watchmen, etc.). Back then, it was actually a lot closer between the factions, but the imps had no unity, so the best imp players never really got together. (Except maybe the guild called Infidels, and that lasted for a few weeks, and they still had weak spots on their team.) Since the imps could not unify, they got destroyed over and over by the pub guilds(Back then, there were quite a few good pub guilds such as LD50, Watchmen, Bloodline whereas the imps were scattered.)


Seeing this and getting frustrated, a lot of good imperial players left to go to the pub side(yes, I was one of them.) This pretty much destroyed all hope that the imp side had of competing with the pubs. It remained this way all the way until the forced transfers into Jedi Covenant. Jedi Covenant is a little more balanced than Canderous Ordo was, but only because of the presence of Uncensored on the imp side.

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A bit of history of how Jedi Covenant came to be this way in the first place for those who are reading that are from other servers.


A lot of the reason the imbalance between the factions started was because of the Canderous Ordo server. Most of the good pub players there now come from there(LD50, Watchmen, etc.). Back then, it was actually a lot closer between the factions, but the imps had no unity, so the best imp players never really got together. (Except maybe the guild called Infidels, and that lasted for a few weeks, and they still had weak spots on their team.) Since the imps could not unify, they got destroyed over and over by the pub guilds(Back then, there were quite a few good pub guilds such as LD50, Watchmen, Bloodline whereas the imps were scattered.)


Seeing this and getting frustrated, a lot of good imperial players left to go to the pub side(yes, I was one of them.) This pretty much destroyed all hope that the imp side had of competing with the pubs. It remained this way all the way until the forced transfers into Jedi Covenant. Jedi Covenant is a little more balanced than Canderous Ordo was, but only because of the presence of Uncensored on the imp side.


Jedi Covenant sure lives up to its name. It is a Republic server and always will be. It's true that many Empire players became so frustrated that they re-rolled Republic mains and joined the other side and are now reveling in Republic victory and glory.

As for me, I will never play an Imperial character on that server at level 50 again. Under-50 it's okay, Imps win a fair share, but you've got to be a masochist to want to be in the Empire on that server in the level 50 bracket. I had a marauder and a powertech that I quit playing altogether on there, two level 50's that I might as well delete since i haven't touched them in months. I'm glad my other level 50 Imps (sorc and sniper) are on The Shadowlands (got to be that way because I had the brilliant idea of randomly rolling on Corellian Run server last summer :p). I could solo que there and get the weekly done in under three hours of playing time.

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I've been on a few PuGs that have saboteurs on the Imp side on JC. Same guild tags, horrible gear, and it seemed as though the Pub side of that guild knew our call outs in real time, as if their Imp guildies were talking to them on voice chat... It happens, trying to deny it is futile. This is a major reason cross server queuing needs to be introduced. It won't fix the problem, but it would definitely muddy the waters a bit. Edited by Cowflab
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I've been on a few PuGs that have saboteurs on the Imp side on JC. Same guild tags, horrible gear, and it seemed as though the Pub side of that guild knew our call outs in real time, as if their Imp guildies were talking to them on voice chat... It happens, trying to deny it is futile. This is a major reason cross server queuing needs to be introduced. It won't fix the problem, but it would definitely muddy the waters a bit.


Yes, there is definite match-fixing going on that server. Back when I used to play my marauder, I witnessed it first-hand in Voidstar match. It was clear that my Imperial teammates were good buddies with the pubs we were matched against, and they were openly talking about it to each other using /say how they were giving them the win. It happened several times where I'd be on a team, and the Imps weren't even trying to hide the fact that it was a fixed match. That was one of the main reasons I decided to leave that server. Also, every once in a while, maybe one out of every dozen matches or so, we'd come up against a pub team that we'd just steamroll. Winning Huttball 6-0 or triple capping in Alderaan, and it just seemed real fishy because I recognized the pub players that had steamrolled us a few matches back. They were all well-geared, they'd had no trouble beating us last match, and yet here they were losing really badly to the point where it looked like they weren't even trying. It's because they really weren't trying and were probably deliberately going afk. It was obvious what was going on: it was their turn to give the Imps their 1 in 20 matches win.

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It's the exact opposite on pot5. The republic spends most of its time getting blown out of the water. Any pub or imp PvPers who are interested in evening or changing the balance of power are invited to come to our server and roll as pub.
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Honestly I see a mixed bag. Nowadays in 1-49 PVP, it's a lot better. I can level my imp alts with relative ease, as the PVP is a bit more balanced than when the PVP server merged. However, in the 50 bracket, I still see severe imbalance. All those people that came over in the server merge, they are STILL level 50, and they STILL pound us imps with crazy ferocity. After playing approx. 20 pvp matches in the 50 bracket on my newly-dinged healer, I won *drumroll*....3. A whole 3 matches out of about 20. So that's just a figure you guys can look at. I personally don't care, as I get great healing numbers when we're losing because...everyone needs to be healed....but yeah, however if I were a dps or something, I can see it getting very absurd, very fast.

Hoping when/if voluntary transfers emerge some pubs will shift, or some imps will come over and help us out :p

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I personally don't care, as I get great healing numbers when we're losing because...everyone needs to be healed....


Yeah, I'm a healer too. Alot of the time I get quite a few comms, even if we get stomped. This is mainly due to the healing I dish out and the medals I get. But its just so frustrating to see the pub healers getting like 700k healing per match, which just proves how no one on the imp side targets healers and just does their own thing. Imps as a whole arnt too bad in terms of gear, they just don't listen. Why just today we were actually winning in Novare coast, and we lost one of our turrets to the pubs because the defender died and didnt call an incoming

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Yeah, I'm a healer too. Alot of the time I get quite a few comms, even if we get stomped. This is mainly due to the healing I dish out and the medals I get. But its just so frustrating to see the pub healers getting like 700k healing per match, which just proves how no one on the imp side targets healers and just does their own thing. Imps as a whole arnt too bad in terms of gear, they just don't listen. Why just today we were actually winning in Novare coast, and we lost one of our turrets to the pubs because the defender died and didnt call an incoming


Getting 700k healing while being focused isn't too difficult with a decent team setup.

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the good imps come out in numbers late night/early morning. there are plenty scattered through the day, but there's a high concentration of <unicorn stampede> and <try hards united> late night.


I've seen quite a few come out in the 5-8 P.M. time frame as well.


Though, Fox, I have to say after seeing some of them lose to a team that was 50% commandos, I'm not sure if I would ever say that the Imps were making a comeback. Yes, I was in that match with you the other day.

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Getting 700k healing while being focused isn't too difficult with a decent team setup.


This thread is about how empire doesnt listen in pvp, and teams dont work together, so the arguement of a "decent team setup" is completely null

Edited by Haldeross
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Yeah, I'm a healer too. Alot of the time I get quite a few comms, even if we get stomped. This is mainly due to the healing I dish out and the medals I get. But its just so frustrating to see the pub healers getting like 700k healing per match, which just proves how no one on the imp side targets healers and just does their own thing. Imps as a whole arnt too bad in terms of gear, they just don't listen. Why just today we were actually winning in Novare coast, and we lost one of our turrets to the pubs because the defender died and didnt call an incoming

I know your feeling. Just popping out of stealth instantly gets me focused, healing or not. Mind you, if I channel a healing ability I get absolutely stomped. I can barely crank 400k in the usual pug. That's because all people seem to think about is "killkillkill". It's honestly a miracle when I get a team that's half competent when it comes to objective, and protecting a healer? Hell if you do that you have my mvp vote. Don't see that NEAR as much on imp side as pub side.


This thread is about how empire doesnt listen in pvp, and teams dont work together, so the arguement of a "decent team setup" is completely null

Exactly! See, I was excited for Ancient Hypergate because I thought it would be a "KillKillKill" warzone, therefore making imps more apt to win, but NOPE. Chuck testa must work at BW, because we still get ganked.

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A bit of history of how Jedi Covenant came to be this way in the first place for those who are reading that are from other servers.


A lot of the reason the imbalance between the factions started was because of the Canderous Ordo server. Most of the good pub players there now come from there(LD50, Watchmen, etc.). Back then, it was actually a lot closer between the factions, but the imps had no unity, so the best imp players never really got together. (Except maybe the guild called Infidels, and that lasted for a few weeks, and they still had weak spots on their team.) Since the imps could not unify, they got destroyed over and over by the pub guilds(Back then, there were quite a few good pub guilds such as LD50, Watchmen, Bloodline whereas the imps were scattered.)


Seeing this and getting frustrated, a lot of good imperial players left to go to the pub side(yes, I was one of them.) This pretty much destroyed all hope that the imp side had of competing with the pubs. It remained this way all the way until the forced transfers into Jedi Covenant. Jedi Covenant is a little more balanced than Canderous Ordo was, but only because of the presence of Uncensored on the imp side.



for the presence of Uncensored on the imp side..they kinda rerolled republic and are kicking imp ***.....a sad day for us imp lol

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This thread is about how empire doesnt listen in pvp, and teams dont work together, so the arguement of a "decent team setup" is completely null


You said the pub healers were getting 700k healing which proves that the imps don't target healers (which is not true). So I was saying that just because a guy gets 700k healing doesn't mean he was free casting.

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Exactly! See, I was excited for Ancient Hypergate because I thought it would be a "KillKillKill" warzone, therefore making imps more apt to win, but NOPE. Chuck testa must work at BW, because we still get ganked.


Wouldn't it be great if their was a just straight up team deathmatch? Just to see who could get the most kills in, say, 10 minutes? But, then again, Empire would probably find a way to lose that too

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Wouldn't it be great if their was a just straight up team deathmatch? Just to see who could get the most kills in, say, 10 minutes? But, then again, Empire would probably find a way to lose that too


It would be AWESOME, but BW could never do that due to the simple cluster **** that would be based on things like huttball. Plus they would sneak some kind of objective in, otherwise face the butthurt.


Yeahhh, we would still lose. I can feel the smash guardians mass jumping now...but I digress. I mean, it could be fun, but seeing as how we get cluster ****ed in things like huttball and even the new WZ(which has points that are kill-based), I don't see us winning very much :p

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