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Sniper or P-Tech?


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Cant decide which to make. WIll only be PvPing with this guy. Watched a lot of P-tech videos and they look like a ton of fun. But snipers seem to do an assload of damage if left alone. I wont be doing any ranked stuff so just wondering which would be best? Also the less button mashing and keybinding the better. Id rather focus on killing people and not trying to remember where I keybound everything.
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Both classes are fine and interesting to play. Both classes are balanced. Yet they provide different experiences to the player. I would rather recommend playing them both, but since you have to choose one.. The thing is, you will have awesome moments with them both.


You should ask yourself what is more interesting to you, a ranged approach to your enemies or one in your face?


The thing about sniper, is it's easy to capitlaze on its advantages. Take cover, and suddenly no melee can jump on you. Being able to be a death spitting machine is an amazing feeling. As for PT, it excells where sniper fails: hunting down its prey. If the sniper will demolish everything that it is in his/her line of sight, a PT will be the one who will kill those elusive healers running behind the corner.

Simply put, you are the best unguarded healer killer. After playing sniper and having trouble to remove operative healers, you will really enjoy bullying them with your PT.


Check my guide from my signature about snipers. I have a detailed description about the class and what it is capable of. Also you can read a sniper vs PT duel info if you are curious who would win :)

Edited by NoTomorrow
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Both classes are fine and interesting to play. Both classes are balanced. Yet they provide different experiences to the player. I would rather recommend playing them both, but since you have to choose one.. The thing is, you will have awesome moments with them both.


You should ask yourself what is more interesting to you, a ranged approach to your enemies or one in your face?


The thing about sniper, is it's easy to capitlaze on its advantages. Take cover, and suddenly no melee can jump on you. Being able to be a death spitting machine is an amazing feeling. As for PT, it excells where sniper fails: hunting down its prey. If the sniper will demolish everything that it is in his/her line of sight, a PT will be the one who will kill those elusive healers running behind the corner.

Simply put, you are the best unguarded healer killer. After playing sniper and having trouble to remove operative healers, you will really enjoy bullying them with your PT.


Check my guide from my signature about snipers. I have a detailed description about the class and what it is capable of. Also you can read a sniper vs PT duel info if you are curious who would win :)

Rage spec mara/jugger can jump on sniper in cover (even not rage spec can force push or choke him from cover on 10m distance and leap). And about balance, sniper need small boost for MM tree and huge for lethality. PT need huge nerf for pyrotech. Edited by HeIIbat
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