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DPS targets for various ops

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Hey everyone,


My guild has recently expanded about seven trillion times and we are in the process of redoing our ops schedule with an eye to remaining and inclusive, social guild yet still getting some decent progression in. We have great healers, great tanks, but DPS is somewhat inconsistent. We're planning to institute a threshold system for harder ops (Denova HM and up). If your DPS is high enough, you're included on the roster, etc.


The problem is, most of the info I can find is contradictory and/or outdated. So I have no real idea what to set the thresholds at lol. Can't use my personal logs since I top DPS typically and that wouldn't be fair.


So anyway, if anyone knows the approximate DPS required for Denova HM, Nightmare Pilgrim, Asation HM, Denova NiM that would be tremendously helpful.

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Hey everyone,


My guild has recently expanded about seven trillion times and we are in the process of redoing our ops schedule with an eye to remaining and inclusive, social guild yet still getting some decent progression in. We have great healers, great tanks, but DPS is somewhat inconsistent. We're planning to institute a threshold system for harder ops (Denova HM and up). If your DPS is high enough, you're included on the roster, etc.


The problem is, most of the info I can find is contradictory and/or outdated. So I have no real idea what to set the thresholds at lol. Can't use my personal logs since I top DPS typically and that wouldn't be fair.


So anyway, if anyone knows the approximate DPS required for Denova HM, Nightmare Pilgrim, Asation HM, Denova NiM that would be tremendously helpful.


I just know the DPS required for Zorn and Toth HM (to avoid the enrage timer), something like 1200. 1200 DPS isn't that great, but is enough to avoid the enrage timer.

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Don't even try that. There's hardly any single boss where the dummy target potential is in any way meaningful.


Best thing you can do is get good geared people and bad geared people in the same group. Unless they are completely unable to play, that will be enough. We completed a TFB hard more run last week with perhaps 1 wipe with a tionese geared scoundrel healer, with a lvl 44 blue barrel and a under lvl 50 green earpiece. The rest of the group was, in average, geared, though there were overgeared people and undergeared people.


Hell, I started tanking EC nightmare on my shadow tank when she was barely in full rakata with just implants/bh earpieces.

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A simple 'rule of thumb' is to take 20% off what you can get on the dummy as your average DPS for operations.


For HM EC, you will want a group with around 1600 dps on the dummy, which equates to around 1300-1400 in operations.


For TFB HM, you will want a bit more. 1800 dps on dummy will be needed for certain burst phases (Yellow phase in Operator IX, beating enrage on Dread guard, etc).


Can't say too much about NiM EC since I only beat the first boss right now. I parse over 2000 dps on the dummy, and our group can barely beat enrage on Toth and Zorn. Our group have 2 melee though, and we lose a lot of dps during the red circle/berserk phase. From what I have seen, NiM Kephess will require a lot of burst AoE, so you need to balance out the classes your bring as well. (e.g.. 4x annihilation marauders will be bad..)

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y too much about NiM EC since I only beat the first boss right now. I parse over 2000 dps on the dummy, and our group can barely beat enrage on Toth and Zorn. Our group have 2 melee though, and we lose a lot of dps during the red circle/berserk phase. From what I have seen, NiM Kephess will require a lot of burst AoE, so you need to balance out the classes your bring as well. (e.g.. 4x annihilation marauders will be bad..)


Our sentinel jumps on Zorn during that phase, and jumps back on Toth when the circle fades.We even maximize our DPs, since Toth recieves less damage during his berserk. With 3 DPS on Zorn, we can even avoid a jump and the life of the tanks are a lot easier ;)

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