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PVP Names to fear


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Lyken scottgirl etzion dem cc caps


Those were some good game. I didn't know it was possible to pull a person, and immediately lift them without filling resolve. (so the resolve was only filled after pull > lift > hard stun) which is something I and we have never seen happen before.

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Those were some good game. I didn't know it was possible to pull a person, and immediately lift them without filling resolve. (so the resolve was only filled after pull > lift > hard stun) which is something I and we have never seen happen before.


Regulator hacks.

I'm still depressed at our team's damage in the second CW. >.> But yea, good games n' stuff.


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I wasn't aware that it couldn't be done in duels actually. After I talked with you guys I met up with Evorsus and checked it out for myself... sure enough Force Pull + Force Lift completely fills Resolve outside of warzones. For whatever reason Resolve drains much quicker in warzones. Skyrodd, Rivik, and myself went over Scottguy's video probably 20x trying to figure out what exactly happened. It looks like Nadja's Resolve dropped by 50-100 points about 1 second after I pulled her, leaving me with just enough room for one last CC. I'm still not sure why it would work like that in warzones but not in duels.


Regardless, they were really fun and intense games. It's great to be able to get in some ranked 8v8s before they're gone forever.

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I wasn't aware that it couldn't be done in duels actually. After I talked with you guys I met up with Evorsus and checked it out for myself... sure enough Force Pull + Force Lift completely fills Resolve outside of warzones. For whatever reason Resolve drains much quicker in warzones. Skyrodd, Rivik, and myself went over Scottguy's video probably 20x trying to figure out what exactly happened. It looks like Nadja's Resolve dropped by 50-100 points about 1 second after I pulled her, leaving me with just enough room for one last CC. I'm still not sure why it would work like that in warzones but not in duels.


Regardless, they were really fun and intense games. It's great to be able to get in some ranked 8v8s before they're gone forever.


We did a lot of extensive testing after that as well and there is a way to pull it off (no pun intended) but it requires a good bit of luck. We tried it in duels and in the outlaws den and we found that when pulled, resolve does not go down unless the person who was pulled either gets attacked and / or starts attacking. I'm not sure which was the case in that particular warzone (we reviewed the video but I don't remember exactly how it went, but I think she attacked Scottgirl which is what triggered her resolve to start going down) and that small amount was just enough for the resolve to be around 900 - 950 which would have allowed for one more cc (in this case, the hard stun) right after that.


In short, It was quite lucky that the resolve went down.

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Those were some good game. I didn't know it was possible to pull a person, and immediately lift them without filling resolve. (so the resolve was only filled after pull > lift > hard stun) which is something I and we have never seen happen before.


They were some great games tae its always a blast to play against you guys. It always goes down to the wire.

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