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Top 5 PvP Guilds on Shadowlands


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Yeah, I want to not thank Physics for queueing in between ranked matches for unranked and some how getting all 8 of you people in a civil war where I was the most geared person in the pug on a scoundrel with nothing but BM lol. What's sad is as we are taking speeders in to the WZ to begin someone types in /ops "it's all physics team so there goes this WZ" and most of the pug didn't even try at that point. Bleh. :o


Blame Bioware for their inability to keep two 4-man premades from going against your pure 8 pug...and perhaps blame the quitters of the world who give up simply because it's a premade. Sometimes we don't want to do ranked and do some unranked fun just like everyone else - we all have alts and whatnot and want to get their daily done and gear them up just like you - perhaps you should stop blaming others for your misfortunes in this game and find a guild who has voice communication and work on group tactics as a premade instead of just pugging by yourself.

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Blame Bioware for their inability to keep two 4-man premades from going against your pure 8 pug...and perhaps blame the quitters of the world who give up simply because it's a premade. Sometimes we don't want to do ranked and do some unranked fun just like everyone else - we all have alts and whatnot and want to get their daily done and gear them up just like you - perhaps you should stop blaming others for your misfortunes in this game and find a guild who has voice communication and work on group tactics as a premade instead of just pugging by yourself.


I don't think that was te point of his post that was made weeks ago lol. He just likes to go on rants sometime

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I don't think that was te point of his post that was made weeks ago lol. He just likes to go on rants sometime


He still posted it....so I still feel inclined to reply :). Seriously though - I hate how bioware will do that to people - I honestly feel bad for the other team against 8 physics who are all in mumble together...it's not really fun at that point really.

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The point is that some of you guys can only win with twinks, which is the same claim you make for us wooks. I remember seeing a certain physics twink with 18k HP. None of us leave warzones to avoid gaining xp though. Crutch much?


Actually I know of a 49 twink sin who has something like 22k HP...however, he is very VERY good on all of his toons. I'm sure you remember TheSteve, Hando :). Honestly I don't know of any twinks in Physics who aren't good on their mains...we don't recruit players like that whatsoever.

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The physics players I came across in lowbie a week or two ago were not twinks....or good for that matter. They pretty much only confirmed how piss poor the lvl 50 balance is and I'm convinced that the only way of actually determining skill in this game is by having everyone play on twinks (geared lvl 49's). The balance is off the second expertise and power stacking comes into play.

And it's not like "high level" maras etc can't be good in lowbie, I was smashed for 5K a couple of times, it's just that other classes arent capped in comparison, the way they seemingly are at 50.

Edited by Washingtoon
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He still posted it....so I still feel inclined to reply :). Seriously though - I hate how bioware will do that to people - I honestly feel bad for the other team against 8 physics who are all in mumble together...it's not really fun at that point really.


My favorite is when I go up against an 8 man team of a 4 letter guild while pugging and hold them to the 1st door in a VS

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Actually I know of a 49 twink sin who has something like 22k HP...however, he is very VERY good on all of his toons. I'm sure you remember TheSteve, Hando :). Honestly I don't know of any twinks in Physics who aren't good on their mains...we don't recruit players like that whatsoever.


Don't get me wrong, I just got my operative to 49 and I'm going to indulge a little bit in gearing him out, but I'm thinking 14k hp is sufficient.

All I'm saying is that by playing with my crappy toon at very low levels, I have become a better player. I don't doubt certain player's abilities, so it can be a bit disgusting when they're geared to the tooth, but I'm just saying that Valerions pre-50 lay a beatdown on many of them :D


Oh, honorable mention to cotton for calling me a hacker last week. He just didn't realize that commandos have stealth :rak_03:

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Blame Bioware for their inability to keep two 4-man premades from going against your pure 8 pug...and perhaps blame the quitters of the world who give up simply because it's a premade. Sometimes we don't want to do ranked and do some unranked fun just like everyone else - we all have alts and whatnot and want to get their daily done and gear them up just like you - perhaps you should stop blaming others for your misfortunes in this game and find a guild who has voice communication and work on group tactics as a premade instead of just pugging by yourself.


Hmm, yeah you misunderstood the nature of my playful jabbing and respect for getting a pug to rollover before anyone's digital feet even touched the ground. No need to get all serious and stuff. Been on your side before, tis the nature of the beast called swtor.

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The lack of content in this game means PvP is usually the only continual enjoyment most nights. I try spicing it up with things like sparkle tag and trash talking.


So... how about gearless PvP raiding on Monday? All premades of 2+ guildies/friends who queue up -- go in a normal wz with only your weapons.

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It must hurt when my 61 geared Guardian beats your min/maxed premade bunch. That's how I know gear is your crutch and a recruit-geared tourny would be your downfall.


From strictly a CLASS standpoint, I don't know if a guardian can hang in a 1v1 tournament. Especially when you take away the guardian's min/max power stacking advantage they get with min/max gear. Kudos to you, if you can hang in that environment.


Personally, I wouldn't really be into a recruit-only tournament because I wouldn't want to buy a recruit gear set.

Edited by RyanReagan
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^ what he said re: buying a recruit gear set. I've trashed all of mine because the sight of them brings up bad memories I've tried to suppress.


Re: Guardian 1v1, the spec to play is Vigilance, not smash. On vigilance, I can do nasty things to people by carving them off of the group and taking them out. Most people believe the burns being cleansed is a liability, but that's marginal "filler" DPS in my opinion. There is still significant burst with this spec, and I love it more than any other Guardian build.


I do still have a soft spot in my heart for tanking, but swtor has seriously made it nearly impossible for me to play that for the foreseeable future now. Lots of changes need to be made to tanking in PVP before I'll consider going back full time to that combat role.

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It must hurt when my 61 geared Guardian beats your min/maxed premade bunch. That's how I know gear is your crutch and a recruit-geared tourny would be your downfall.

Continue to believe that if you want, beating a team of 2 ID + 6 pugs and using that as momentum to strengthen your argument doesn't make sense. We can have an equal recruit gear tourny if you like, but considering recruit gear is not moddable the classes with properly itemized gear to suit their spec will still have a gear advantage, i.e. mara rage spec in recruit with loads of accuracy and crit. Go ahead and continue to think that you are carrying your teams and queue up for ranked warzones.

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Hello all.

I would like to start off by saying that WOOK....is not a pvp guild. However we do have many people that like to pvp and do it every day. Wook does put together ranked teams. We do not like to feed the id and physics meat grinder... Wook does respect these guilds for their ability...and we wish we had it...With that being said, we do loose in premade groups...we are by no means in the top 5 nor do we strive to be...we at wook want to have a great time playing all aspects of the game. We like to think we offer some competition for the server and want to help make it a more active community for all to play and have a good time. Wook has built a community that is fun... we joke around and we play...we win some, we lose some and we have fun doing it. Wook has people from all walks of life. We do not discriminate based on play style, gender, race or age... As a matter of fact wook only has one rule…don’t be a Douche. Wook knows that we cannot field a team to compete with guilds like id, physics, whoops, piink and eternal. However wook looks forward to seeing these guilds in WZ’s and rated as you make us better players overall. With that being said…

1) OMG PIINK….awesome job…you guys are fantastic and thanks for putting up with wook:O)

2) Eternal…you guys are great players and I love seeing you.

3) Physics…you guys are the top in my book…I hate seeing you the most…and you guys talk no ****. I hope you guys stay around for a while. Keep coming into channel and shoot the bull with us...I like picking your brain and accusing you of prntscrn…FREQUENCYZ...lol

4) Whoops….Grahf and Captivate nuff said

5) ID…glad you’re on top... Let us know when you move out of your mom’s basement…Aluvian we all know you’re awesome…and we are all sorry for picking you last in dodge ball and picking on you cause you’re a mega nerd...seriously. Go get laid man way to much anger.

Edited by genjuuro
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Hello all.

1) OMG PIINK….awesome job…you guys are fantastic and thanks for putting up with wook:O)

2) Eternal…you guys are great players and I love seeing you.

3) Physics…you guys are the top in my book…I hate seeing you the most…and you guys talk no ****. I hope you guys stay around for a while. Keep coming into channel and shoot the bull with us...I like picking your brain and accusing you of prntscrn…FREQUENCYZ...lol

4) Whoops….Grahf and Captivate nuff said

5) ID…glad you’re on top... Let us know when you move out of your mom’s basement…Aluvian we all know you’re awesome…and we are all sorry for picking you last in dodge ball and picking on you cause you’re a mega nerd...seriously. Go get laid man way to much anger.



o well, at least we're still better than wook

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Well Genj I think your comments are very good on the subject. I have been in Wook 10 years now and all the mmo's we have played together it has always been about having fun and laughing with each other. I PVP most days but I am still trying to get my elite gear. Beyond that I don't personally understand some of the technical sides of how to improve and be the best, I just PVP for fun. I also love going on my BH 'Aprea' and attempting to kick the crap out of my fellow Wook mates, now that's entertainment lol. And when I'm on Remeris fighting imperials I'd just like to say I really hate some of you bad *** sith out there lol. See you all soon :)
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Cheers to all who like to pvp! Everyone who isn't a dick gets tops in my books!


A few things this thread has done for me:


1. Some of you are wrong so you just need to sit there in your wrongness and be wrong.

2. I have a dirty mind, so everything you say will be turned into something dirty for my entertainment purposes.

3. Sometimes I wish I spoke idiot so that I could tell people off in their own language, especially in say.

4. The world would be a nicer place if everyone just took a chill pill.... even better if on occasion one or two choked on it.


Finally, it's a game. I think you've stroked each others egos enough so let''s have fun and go kill each other in a war zone! Who wants to be the first to focus fire me and pop my bubble?????????? ;)

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Hello all.

I would like to start off by saying that WOOK....is not a pvp guild. However we do have many people that like to pvp and do it every day. Wook does put together ranked teams. We do not like to feed the id and physics meat grinder... Wook does respect these guilds for their ability...and we wish we had it...With that being said, we do loose in premade groups...we are by no means in the top 5 nor do we strive to be...we at wook want to have a great time playing all aspects of the game. We like to think we offer some competition for the server and want to help make it a more active community for all to play and have a good time. Wook has built a community that is fun... we joke around and we play...we win some, we lose some and we have fun doing it. Wook has people from all walks of life. We do not discriminate based on play style, gender, race or age... As a matter of fact wook only has one rule…don’t be a Douche. Wook knows that we cannot field a team to compete with guilds like id, physics, whoops, piink and eternal. However wook looks forward to seeing these guilds in WZ’s and rated as you make us better players overall. With that being said…

1) OMG PIINK….awesome job…you guys are fantastic and thanks for putting up with wook:O)

2) Eternal…you guys are great players and I love seeing you.

3) Physics…you guys are the top in my book…I hate seeing you the most…and you guys talk no ****. I hope you guys stay around for a while. Keep coming into channel and shoot the bull with us...I like picking your brain and accusing you of prntscrn…FREQUENCYZ...lol

4) Whoops….Grahf and Captivate nuff said

5) ID…glad you’re on top... Let us know when you move out of your mom’s basement…Aluvian we all know you’re awesome…and we are all sorry for picking you last in dodge ball and picking on you cause you’re a mega nerd...seriously. Go get laid man way to much anger.



I dont see why it would be any of your business when I move outta my moms basement...

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It amuses me that people who are offended by directionless and obvious trolling invariably turn around and lash out with sweeping generalizations themselves. I've seen plenty of good and bad behaviour in all the guilds Genj is praising/offended by.
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