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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

We have more players than GW2?


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GW2 was boring to be honest, laying dead on ground while someone is trying to rez you all the time

in one of the "hard" events or dungeons get boring fast ! Because there is no trinity it will of course be "hard"

Hard as in bad and boring, guess what most players like to have a role, have a purpose.The only thing i really wish swtor could have that gw2 have is day/night cycles and chat bubbles.

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Fans of gw2 will tell you people are still there, just in (grinding) fractals (dungeons) to get gear (in a game with no vertical progression).


Ironic since gw2 was supposed to be the genre revolution with 1-80 being the endgame etc etc



But in all seriousness no, GW2 still has more players. It has however been loosing activity faster than TOR did in the first 3 months. Take that for what you will.

Edited by aeterno
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Going by xfire charts in the first month alone gw2 peaked higher and ended lower




Looking at the stats today they're both pretty much at 1/10 - 1/8 of their respective peaks. One 1 year in and the other what, 3 months? Not hard to figure out which slump had to be the steeper one in the shorter time frame.


Again, take it as you will. I take it as a sign that the messiah of mmo games has yet to arrive. To the Titan party!

Edited by aeterno
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When I reinstalled and came back it was nice to see 250+ in fleet and even getting put into a second instance of Fleet. PvP queues are fast even if mostly same side battles. FP queues are also fast for all levels, not just at 50 but thats even faster. Even in the starting planets Im seeing 100+ players which means people are coming back or at least making alts. Then I log over to GW2. I see no one in any of the towns. World vs World PvP queues used to take hours to pop and are now instant. I am lucky if I see maybe 7-8 other players a day while questing. I thought Bioware did a poor job with this game at launch but it seems Arena Net got them off the hook by making GW2 even worse.

SWTOR seems to have a lot of players especially in starting area, fleet and first areas before level 20. Then it dies off pretty quick.


In GW 2 it seems there is more people in various areas so I assume GW2 is slightly bigger. But then again it has more servers so the spread of the people is much larger.

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When I reinstalled and came back it was nice to see 250+ in fleet and even getting put into a second instance of Fleet. PvP queues are fast even if mostly same side battles. FP queues are also fast for all levels, not just at 50 but thats even faster. Even in the starting planets Im seeing 100+ players which means people are coming back or at least making alts. Then I log over to GW2. I see no one in any of the towns. World vs World PvP queues used to take hours to pop and are now instant. I am lucky if I see maybe 7-8 other players a day while questing. I thought Bioware did a poor job with this game at launch but it seems Arena Net got them off the hook by making GW2 even worse.


Why doe sit matter?


Why is it so important to some people that for them to justify liking TOR means it has to be doing better then some other game?


Ill never understand that mentality.


Can honestly say I havent visited a GW2 forum, a WOW forum, or any number of other MMORPG forums/sites (excluding RIFT as RIFT latest expansion interests me so wanted to read up on features) because they all simply do not matter to me.


If they doing good ......congrats

if not so good.....really doesnt matter to me to be honest

Im focused on TOR and TOR alone at this point in time.


Who really cares if we have more or less then some other game?


Besides, EA put out the magic break even number long time ago, 500k active subscriptions long term. We know they fell below that already. Those other games numbers have no baring on TOR.

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Going by xfire charts in the first month alone gw2 peaked higher and ended lower




Looking at the stats today they're both pretty much at 1/10 - 1/8 of their respective peaks. One 1 year in and the other what, 3 months? Not hard to figure out which slump had to be the steeper one in the shorter time frame.


Again, take it as you will. I take it as a sign that the messiah of mmo games has yet to arrive. To the Titan party!


From a more anecdotal standpoint, the pops in newbie zones say alot about both games. GW2's low level zones are dead empty while SWTOR's are packed.


Whether people are staying with SWTOR after the low levels I don't know but it's obvious that GW2 isn't attracting alot of new players and it's not inspiring veterans to start new characters.

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Don't know what GW2 you're talking about, but when I logged in today (3-4 o clock in the morning) the amount of characters that had to be rendered forced my client down to 16 FPS ... It's 40-50 when I'm alone somewhere in the wilds.


I can't complain about to few players in GW2. Maybe there is' something you're doing wrong. Perhabs it has something to do with posting here in the SWTOR forums, loving SWTOR much more, wanting SWTOR to succeed, wanting SWTOR to be healthy or putting lipstick on the pig? I don't know, but it's fine if it makes you happy.


Certainly player numbers in SWTOR went up the ladder since F2P but that will settle down again in a few months.

And don't forget, SWTOR maps tend to be much, much smaller than GW2 maps. So, the probability to meet other players is higher than in GW2.


You could say it's a disadvantage of GW2, but you also could simply enjoy the more boundless feeling and join a guild to have group content whenever you want. Ah, well, but I think that would be absolutely absurd, wouldn't it?

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Don't know what GW2 you're talking about, but when I logged in today (3-4 o clock in the morning) the amount of characters that had to be rendered forced my client down to 16 FPS ... It's 40-50 when I'm alone somewhere in the wilds.



bad coding doesn't mean that GW2 is populated

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From a more anecdotal standpoint, the pops in newbie zones say alot about both games. GW2's low level zones are dead empty while SWTOR's are packed.


Whether people are staying with SWTOR after the low levels I don't know but it's obvious that GW2 isn't attracting alot of new players and it's not inspiring veterans to start new characters.

Like I said earlier the staring zones is more populated in SWTOR but once you hit the areas after level 20 they die off pretty fast. In GW2 there is more people playing after the starting areas.

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Like I said earlier the staring zones is more populated in SWTOR but once you hit the areas after level 20 they die off pretty fast. In GW2 there is more people playing after the starting areas.


if you count over 100 people per planet dying off then sure. I wouldn't though. Of course remember a lot people are leveling by just doing warzones now.

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bad coding doesn't mean that GW2 is populated


No, I'm pretty sure that the drop in frame rates has nothing to do with the tons of characters that have to be rendered. It's irrelevant if the coding is good or bad. Many characters = impact on performance. And there were maaaany characters. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Edited by lokozar
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No, I'm pretty sure that the drop in frame rates has nothing to do with the tons of characters that have to be rendered. It's irrelevant if the coding is good or bad. Many characters = impact on performance. And there were many characters. Sorry to burst your bubble.


my bubble was burst when I played GW2 and it wasn't that good. It was burst a second time when my account got hacked because of Arenanet's poor security.

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if you count over 100 people per planet dying off then sure. I wouldn't though. Of course remember a lot people are leveling by just doing warzones now.

100 people thats funny, every planet after tat had less then 50 people on it and just mentioning bad coding about gw2 in swtor is just funny. The shards are so small in this game it wouldn't matter if there were 200 people per planet you still wouldn't see anyone.

With 20 people on the fleet and just standing with no skills going off the game is lagging and has over 5 second delays, there is reason illium isn't played anymore.

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100 people thats funny, every planet after tat had less then 50 people on it and just mentioning bad coding about gw2 in swtor is just funny. The shards are so small in this game it wouldn't matter if there were 200 people per planet you still wouldn't see anyone.

With 20 people on the fleet and just standing with no skills going off the game is lagging and has over 5 second delays, there is reason illium isn't played anymore.


I just finished Vos yesterday on Pot5 and it had 120 players on empire.


/end thread


if your game is lagging with 20 people then I hate to tell you this but your computer needs to be upgraded. Now I do get lag when i have 250 people on fleet. But that is a bit more then 20. Don't beleive me? watch my stream. I am able to play on full graphics settings duel monitors and stream and only get lag when there is 250 people on fleet.

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my bubble was burst when I played GW2 and it wasn't that good. It was burst a second time when my account got hacked because of Arenanet's poor security.


Ah, there is your problem. A) It's not a game for you, probably because it dares to do things in a slightly different way and B) you blame a company for your own inability to keep your account save. Well, I can live with A, but B is something you should think about. The bubble that should have been bursted is your opinion, that you're not responsible for the safety of your own account.


Fun fact: unlike yours, mine and the accounts of many other GW2 players weren't compromised.

That must have some reason, right? ...


You're mad, nothing more. That's why you sing along this song. ;-)

Edited by lokozar
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but GW2 was supposed to be the greatest game ever. It was supposed to kill WoW and SWTOR. Everyone was going to play GW2 and nothing else.


LOL @ this. So true. There's always one game on the horizon that everyone is touting, saying how as soon as it launches it's gonna crush every single MMO out there. Heard it about AoC, heard it about WAR, heard it about SWTOR, and then GW2. There are a lot of gamers for whom the grass is always greener.


Right now seems to be the only time I can recall in the last few years that I haven't heard a lot of "as soon as [insert game here] releases, this game is done!" posts. Are there any MMOs in development right now that everyone is touting as the next 'WoW killer"?


Mind you, I'm not saying GW2 is bad. I've never played it so I can't say anything about it, really. But I do know that no MMO, on release, could have lived up to the hype and expectations people had for it. I said the same thing about SWTOR before it released: good or bad, the hype around it was so massive that it seemed impossible for it to live up to the expectations.

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I hit level cap in GW2 and for the most part, it was fun. I have tried several other parts of the game, WvWvW, sPvP, FOTM etc., and just cannot go back. I've tried several different chars but alas, no holding power for me. However, I had the same feeling in SWTOR after level cap. So, I do not think the population in GW2 is any less then what it was I first began. I still see people in starting areas and throughout much of the world. Everyone has their own perception, but does it really matter? Play what you like. Now I'm back here and enjoying myself.
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Modern designers hadn't yet twigged that endless consuming is not enough, there is always something missing.


Allow players to create as well and they'll be hooked for years. Whether it is there own house, clothing, vehicles etc. but it had to have meaning and should require some work to have value.


The raid model as end game is tired and worn out, time for something more dynamic and unpredictable and long lasting. Not easy to do or we'd already have it!

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I just finished Vos yesterday on Pot5 and it had 120 players on empire.


/end thread


if your game is lagging with 20 people then I hate to tell you this but your computer needs to be upgraded. Now I do get lag when i have 250 people on fleet. But that is a bit more then 20. Don't beleive me? watch my stream. I am able to play on full graphics settings duel monitors and stream and only get lag when there is 250 people on fleet.


well if it doesn't happen to you then must not happen of course to the thousands of players who replied and complained about lag they are more believable than you are. Wow really streaming, so there's tons of videos showing illium unplayable but because one guy has good quality then it must be everyone elses pc. Fan boys like you are the reason the game died the first time saying it's your pc look at my god like rig it runs perfect. Its funny that ps2,secret world, gw2 tons of other games all are playable and don't lag like crazy or have fps issues but swtor has had it since day one but its my pc. You just said the hero engine was fine and its my pc.

/end thread

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if you count over 100 people per planet dying off then sure. I wouldn't though. Of course remember a lot people are leveling by just doing warzones now.
I have a 40 Guardian spec'd for PvP and WZs are a nice way to level. Not to mention gearing for both character and companions. I mix WZs up now with class and planet storylines and it's a great mix. Edited by GalacticKegger
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if you count over 100 people per planet dying off then sure. I wouldn't though. Of course remember a lot people are leveling by just doing warzones now.

There is less than 100 people most of the time. But even if it was 100 people the number is still very low.

Just think about it 3 servers with 100 people on each planet. That does not make up for a lot of people in total.

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I just finished Vos yesterday on Pot5 and it had 120 players on empire.


/end thread


if your game is lagging with 20 people then I hate to tell you this but your computer needs to be upgraded. Now I do get lag when i have 250 people on fleet. But that is a bit more then 20. Don't beleive me? watch my stream. I am able to play on full graphics settings duel monitors and stream and only get lag when there is 250 people on fleet.


I have to agree with you on this. I just came back after a hiatus of several months, and I'm going planet to planet and still seeing lots of people on each. Still tons on fleet, too. Oh sure, there are fewer on later planets than on starter planets, but there are still very healthy numbers on the later planets.


I also agree on the PC settings. My computer is actually rather out of date. I'm not even running an Intel Core i series, I'm using an Intel Quad-Core from 2007. Now, I've done a lot of other stuff to keep my PC up to date: upgraded graphics cards a couple times since my original system, and upgraded RAM. But my graphics card now is still pretty out of date compared to a lot of folks. That being said, I'm an IT engineer and keep my system regularly updated and clean. I keep all my drivers current, don't install stuff I don't need, uninstall stuff I don't use, and every year or so I backup the stuff I want to keep, format my hard drive, and re-install my OS (basically whenever the PC is running a little slower than I'd like).


Is it time consuming? Yeah, a bit. I need to re-install all my games, but I only reinstall the ones I am currently playing, and if I decide to go back to a game I reinstall it. If I have long download/patch times, I set 'em up before I go to bed, and the next day I'm reinstalled, patched, and ready to go. So with a fairly out of date machine, I am running SWTOR on medium-high (not ultra high) for most settings. I get very little lag. I do get lag at fleet when there are 200+ on, but it isn't major. If I'm out running missions, or even flashpoints or ops, I very rarely have lag.


My opinion is that most people that have major issues with lag or performance either have very outdated machines or machines that aren't very well maintained. I do NOT say that is the case for everyone with performance issues. But I know that in my experience, a well-maintained, fairly out of date machine runs SWTOR pretty darn well. Not perfectly, not with everything at ultra high settings, but very well on medium-high settings.

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I will never get the this game is better then this game talk. I feel bad for people who can't play many games and enjoy them for what they are. Loving one game just to hate another game is just silly. Love all games, or don't like games, but don't hate a game just cause you love other games.


To complex for them to appreciate the value of each game.I did beta on GW2 and it isn't my cup of tea.I played both GW 1 and D2 and enjoyed both.When DAO came out that was the best RPG ever to me.I would still pop back over to the other games I played.

Sometimes I go back to Kotor 2 or BG.Also this talking point of OMGZ this was suppose to be the greatest game.Because someone post that means nothing.That is a opinion.I never seen where Arena net posted that or any of the developers.

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