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Nerf Everyone (but me)


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Devs, I've noticed a problem recently, and I think the outline of the problem can be seen in the nerf threads on the front page. But these are only symptoms of the problem. I'm here to provide you with a well thought out reasoned solution that will make everyone that matters happy.


What you need to do is make me, my character specifically, SUPER POWERFUL. Let's start with 100k life, and make me hit for... I dunno, 8000 on a juggernaut, and instagib anyone who isn't a tank with all defense CDs up. Make them literally explode apart in a shower of gore. I know the animation isn't in the game, but you should make it, because it will increase the fun. Oh, and CC immunity, like a boss.


Second, nerf everyone else. I want to see people forming raid groups to pull a single weak minion, while I stride by, trailing raid bosses that are beating on me while begging me for mercy. Also, put an aura on my character that interrupts all actions and animations and forces them to bow to me.


Once you've implemented these changes, I think you'll find your subscribers are just generally happier, and will probably bring you puppies.

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devs, i've noticed a problem recently, and i think the outline of the problem can be seen in the nerf threads on the front page. But these are only symptoms of the problem. I'm here to provide you with a well thought out reasoned solution that will make everyone that matters happy.


What you need to do is make me, my character specifically, super powerful. Let's start with 100k life, and make me hit for... I dunno, 8000 on a juggernaut, and instagib anyone who isn't a tank with all defense cds up. Make them literally explode apart in a shower of gore. I know the animation isn't in the game, but you should make it, because it will increase the fun. Oh, and cc immunity, like a boss.


Second, nerf everyone else. I want to see people forming raid groups to pull a single weak minion, while i stride by, trailing raid bosses that are beating on me while begging me for mercy. Also, put an aura on my character that interrupts all actions and animations and forces them to bow to me.


Once you've implemented these changes, i think you'll find your subscribers are just generally happier, and will probably bring you puppies.





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