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How do you Feel About the Role Play on this Server?


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Just been curious as to how people honestly feel about the Server regarding the Role Play

Please keep this specific to The Ebon Hawk as much as you can


1) How do you feel about the Role Play in General


2) Which side has the better Role Play ?


3) What do you feel about some of the player and guild names?


4) Best Role Play Experience


5) Worst Role Play Experience


6) Any General Comments about Ebon Hawk RP

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1.) It's the main reason I play this game.


2.) As for random, I'd say Sith. Yeah, you have to deal with overpowered godmodders a lot more, but it's more interesting that sipping drinks all the time. Structured, neither. They're both very good.


3.) A lot of player names are horrid. Same with guild. As a whole, it's pretty good. Particularly among the RP community.


4.) That is an incredibly long story, which will take forever to tell. Suffice it to say, on a scale of 1 to 10, I'd say it was a 13.


5.) Invincible bounter hunter. Saber proof, lightning proof, blaster proof, and insta kills....


6.) A good community, and you should totally RP here.

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1) Like any other RP server in any MMO, roleplay will always be of higher quality when it is organized or guild/inter-guild based. Cantina RP simply can not measure up to organized and/or GM'ed events. On both factions of this server I would be very hesistant to include what goes on in the cantinas as a type of RP at all. Maybe I'm old-fashioned in that I think RP should be played like a tabletop RPG, I think real RP needs to have a plot, story arcs, GMs, etc. Cantina RP in general has none of that due to its walk-up and improvisatory nature.


2) Hard to say. There are probably more roleplayers on the Empire side. It's actually very difficult to RP a Jedi well, but I've snuck a few glances at some Republic guilds like Pathfinder and they seem to be quite active and have events in both large and intimate settings.


3) Doesn't matter to me. The only time you see players with non-RP names is when you are on the fleet, in a warzone, in a group finder flashpoint, etc. Basically anywhere that organized RP doesn't usually occur. Perhaps it may be an issue for hotspots like the Slippery Slopes Cantina or the Jedi Temple on Tython but I've never actually seen any anti-RP griefing yet. If you don't like someone's character name, just don't RP with them.


4) Any Silent Council event. Our events are heavily GM'ed so it may not be for everyone, but we have more than a year of active RP history that started from pre-launch. I've stayed up many a night working on writing play-by-posts and taking screenshots for our forum. Sammoj and Panopticus are probably some of the most imaginative and competent GMs I've had the pleasure to work with, their story arcs just blow my mind. Oh and we even have a Youtube channel :cool:


5) See #1.


6) See #1. My overall opinion is this: Cantina RP/ERP is the most prevalent and the most visible (because it happens on the fleet) which I believe is really unfortunate. People who may be unsure of whether they want to RP, or have RPed before but haven't yet found a suitable guild or group of friends, are exposed to this and may be turned off from RP entirely. I remain by my stance that organized RP will always be higher quality.


Apologies to any I may have offended with this post. Well, not really :p

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My overall opinion is this: Cantina RP/ERP is the most prevalent and the most visible (because it happens on the fleet) which I believe is really unfortunate. People who may be unsure of whether they want to RP, or have RPed before but haven't yet found a suitable guild or group of friends, are exposed to this and may be turned off from RP entirely. I remain by my stance that organized RP will always be higher quality.


Apologies to any I may have offended with this post. Well, not really :p


This. I'm so tired of the cantina RP in this game. It's what had stopped me from interacting with people IC for a really long time. They just play down their entire character and the setting of the game to justify chilling in the cantina for 3 days. Not believable at all. Then there's the ''I finally managed to get away from Baras and relax a little.'' Yes. I'm serious. Some of these guys don't even bother with creating their own stories and just throw minor spoilers out there at the fleet.


I agree very much that inter-guild RP is the best RP you can possibly find, if you want to be able to enjoy RP all the time you need someone to filter the baddies for you and protect you from ''im lord vader i built a time mchines to come here'' and the constantly ERPing crowd.


I'm not even exaggerating when I say there's this person out there who just keeps bringing men to her ship one after the other, EVERY DAY. It's disturbing. Just to realize that one would spend her time like that.


Sorry for the rantish post, but Jenzali's post triggered some bad bad bad memories to come back lol.

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This. I'm so tired of the cantina RP in this game. It's what had stopped me from interacting with people IC for a really long time. They just play down their entire character and the setting of the game to justify chilling in the cantina for 3 days. Not believable at all. Then there's the ''I finally managed to get away from Baras and relax a little.'' Yes. I'm serious. Some of these guys don't even bother with creating their own stories and just throw minor spoilers out there at the fleet.


I agree very much that inter-guild RP is the best RP you can possibly find, if you want to be able to enjoy RP all the time you need someone to filter the baddies for you and protect you from ''im lord vader i built a time mchines to come here'' and the constantly ERPing crowd.


I'm not even exaggerating when I say there's this person out there who just keeps bringing men to her ship one after the other, EVERY DAY. It's disturbing. Just to realize that one would spend her time like that.


Sorry for the rantish post, but Jenzali's post triggered some bad bad bad memories to come back lol.


I am with you on the ERP crowd, it seems a bit much. When they hit you up for ERP without even buying you a drink or saying 'hi'....speaks to the level of social maturity they must have IRL.....


To the point of cantinas, the bar RP, I have to say I am OK with. To me it seems reasonable the republic or empire would have people who just help keep the trains running, want to go out and have a few drinks as well as dance. Nar Shaddaa is always fun for that. Maybe my jedi would have been a bubbly oral hygienist who loves club music and martinis if she was not force sensitive. Just maybe :-)

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1) How do you feel about the Role Play in General


On EH? It's pretty meh unless you can find a structured environment. That's partly because of how chat works that in large groups, conversations and actions get overrun and lost in the shuffle. That's assuming you have good RP to follow in the first place


2) Which side has the better Role Play ?


I've only played Empire


3) What do you feel about some of the player and guild names?


As any MMO there are good names and bad names... I do enjoy laughing at the names that are Star Wars related, but horribly outside the current timeline.


4) Best Role Play Experience


On SWTOR? Haven't really had one yet sadly... I've met a few great people but things tend to fall through one way or another.


5) Worst Role Play Experience


Dealing with Kaas Free Company's wide open recruiting back in the day...


6) Any General Comments about Ebon Hawk RP


Everybody is a Darth or some other high end person but you're hanging out in a cantina having a drink with regular people? Sorry, that shouldn't happen on the Sith side of things. It doesn't make sense to me but it's a very common occurrence.

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1) How do you feel about the Role Play in General

Not very good. There isn't a lot of it going on (at least not in the open), and what does go on in the open is the most pedestrian kind of tavern-RP imaginable. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not against cantina-chat--it's actually how I found a great guild of role-players in a previous MMO title--but I use sentence structure, punctuation, and grammar as a rough detector for identifying good role-players. About 80% of the time I can't find anyone who meets that baseline. The few good people that I've met and added to my friends list have not turned up online since.


2) Which side has the better Role Play ?

Republic. For roleplaying purposes, I'd say that Imperial role-players are the #1 killer of immersion for me.

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