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Nerf Juggernauts!!


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Srsly. I play a Jugg Immortal, and I'm way OP. I was in peeveepee last night, and I swear to god, I killed a guy. No, I'm serious! I hit with my flashy thing and he died! Someone else had him down to almost no health, but I'm the one that killed him! After that I died for the 20th time that round.


Really though, does anyone have a high level Jugg Immortal that does any good in PvP or PvE? I'm currently at lvl 24, and I do fairly well in PvE when I have Quinn spam healing me, but I can't do much in PvP except guard and die a lot (which is apparently the purpose of my class). I have no CC and if another class even looks at me cross-eyed I freeze in place or get knocked back into a pit.


On the plus side, I can go toe to toe with just about anyone as long as they don't use CC and if they stand very still.

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Roll vengeance and pew pew :)


Srsly, I'm juggernaut lvl 30, I have the same stamina that an immortal jugger has (Just need to put on soresu form up) And I do WAY MORE dps in my dps form.


At the beta I played a marauder...And with vengeance I'm feeling that i'm doing the same dps. Try it out and tell us :)


Oh, and about immortal...When you get your final talent (THE MOST BURSTY SKILL FOR JUGGS IN GAME) That "I never kill" will change. :)

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dis 1 tiem, I sawd a jugernot and he liek went invisable and wen he come ou t he shot litening at me. and i trid to fite back but he juss healed back to full helth nd den he vnished mid combt wen he cme back out.. he shot roket at me frm teh air and iwas like.. how u do dat?!!? Edited by Xeroxfaew
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dis 1 tiem, i sawd a jugernot and he liek went invisable and wen he come ou t he shot litening at me. And i trid to fite back but he juss healed back to full helth nd den he vnished mid combt wen he cme back out.. He shot roket at me frm teh air and iwas like.. How u do dat?!!?



who was phone?!

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dis 1 tiem, I sawd a jugernot and he liek went invisable and wen he come ou t he shot litening at me. and i trid to fite back but he juss healed back to full helth nd den he vnished mid combt wen he cme back out.. he shot roket at me frm teh air and iwas like.. how u do dat?!!?


Sorry man that was me!


Its a new high dps tank heal spec i've been playing around with. Managed to overlay light armor over my heavy armor too. More details to follow when i ding 60...

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my eyes went wide and I was like *** lol?! when I saw the title to this thread but yea, 31 and I get rolled constantly.


It's funny, if I'm near our ball carrier in huttball, they will peel off him just to kill me, which happens pretty fast and often. Had a sorc attack me 1v1 (he was level 16, me 31) and I couldn't get thru his bubble long enough to drop him to 75%, was pretty embarrassing.


I played Sorc, assassin and merc in beta and they're all much better in PVP, can't speak to IA as I haven't played one yet. PVP is still fun but yea, Juggs need some love in a big way

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Sorry man that was me!


Its a new high dps tank heal spec i've been playing around with. Managed to overlay light armor over my heavy armor too. More details to follow when i ding 60...


how u were doin dat!?! can u shot web?

Edited by Xeroxfaew
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