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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I'm done.


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I don't dislike you guys at all, neither do I care about your performance in warzones. One of your guildees said you don't lose to republic pugs. I showed a few instances that I managed to screen/find that show otherwise. Just because some of the players in there are good doesnt mean they're not pugs. That was the whole point, republic pvp has better pugs than imperial pvp. Stop trying to play the victim and play up this narrative that everyone's out to get you. If anyone doesn't like someone it would be your guild not liking me. Hearing how angry you guys get when killed in warzones, but I get that some people take it personal when in reality it really isn't. ;)
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Are you serious? Do you even read what you write?


You go on and on about solo queuing with this gem sitting 20 posts back?


So just because I solo q I'm supposed to do it 100% of the time? I think it's you who needs to read again my Russian friend...:rolleyes:

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I group with neo almost every day, and i havent played a pvp match against you for along time...:confused:


Once again, I'm pretty sure this doesn't meet many people's definition of a pug, but that's not really the point.


In most or all of your screenshots, there are likely pubside premades even if you aren't in them. Do I have any proof? No, but then neither do you. In fact I queue up solo fairly often, as you say you do, and simply happen to land in a WZ with other grims. I'm often not in voice chat with other grims. Now before you say "of COURSE those grim teams are premades" -- they may well be but they aren't necessarily.


But the main point of this thread, before you derailed it, was a player expressing his frustration at playing against GD teams that he was having trouble defeating. Most of your posts in this thread have been along the lines of "I can beat them" -- which is nice and all, I guess -- but completely irrelevant to the original post. "You could beat them if you were me" is not really a helpful response.

Edited by Syberduh
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Shepard: Yes, PUG’s literal definition is “pick up group,” however that does not mean that players automatically assume anyone not in their queued group in a warzone is a PUG player. If you ask any player if a friend or guildy that randomly gets into a match with them is a PUG, you would most likely find they would say no. People attribute the term PUGs to people they don’t know, who they don’t normally play with, because people they do play with they don’t have to group with to know their skill sets and strengths. You can see someone you know and know right away, “ok this person should guard” or “ok this person is a healer so I should try to protect them” or “this person can put out massive damage so they should always be where the action is to give us a better chance to take control”. You don’t have to be in a group with voice chat to know what someone can do. In that sense players who you know, even when not in a group with them, are not the random players one associates with PUGs. Argue all day for the literal definition if you like, but most players I imagine will not agree with you when they think of what constitutes a PUG.


On your second note, I was never replying to the OP so that point is moot. However, in the interest of keeping this thread somewhat on topic, OP, I’m sorry that we are ruining warzones for you, it is not our intent. We are not out to be malicious or say “hmm let’s go roll some noob pubs today”. We PvP because we enjoy PvP and we have an abundance of players to play with. As Hulcalan said earlier, this is an MMO, it encourages social interaction, and we utilize it. I understand the reasons for why you choose to solo queue, but you have to understand that in an MMO it’s not the majority vote to do things solo. You play an MMO to enjoy the company of other players. We have a very large PvP guild with a lot of active players and as such we group a lot and subsequently tend to have a lot of groups running. Yes, sometimes those groups end up together in warzones. Sometimes they end up against each other. Many things can happen when you have that many people playing. But again, I am sorry that you feel your experience is being ruined, believe me when I say it is not our intent, all we want is to enjoy the game like you’re trying to.


Neo (or Rinzler or whatever you would like to be called now, not entirely sure since you changed your name): Already said my piece about the definition of PUGs so I won’t do that again, but I quote:

You claim that you havent lost to pugs. I'm going to prove you wrong.

Yes, later on you said that the Republic has the best PUGs on the server and I agree with that. But this quote right here, in replying to Mourne, was why you posted those screenshots because it was at that point you said that you would prove him wrong and presumably went to find some screenshots to use. The point you clearly made in posting those is that “GD loses to PUGs.” Yes, we do. Sometimes deservedly. However, as I pointed out already, by the average player definition of PUGs, with which you have to consider in a forum in which all the other participants are players, you did not play with complete PUGs in those games, and that was the point you set out to prove.


I might also point out that I was not “playing the victim,” merely pointing out some inconsistencies. You might have noticed I didn’t make excuses for why we lost; in the close games I just commented that it was close and in the rolls I said your team simply outplayed ours. And considering the OP’s point that we were ruining warzones and some of the subsequent replies you understand if I feel that such points must be made. Also I was not trying to place blame on anyone, I was simply using your posts to make an observation.


However, like I said, drama is not my first choice of atmosphere and I like enjoying the time I spend playing, so take what you will from my posts.

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Shepard: Yes, PUG’s literal definition is “pick up group,” however that does not mean that players automatically assume anyone not in their queued group in a warzone is a PUG player. If you ask any player if a friend or guildy that randomly gets into a match with them is a PUG, you would most likely find they would say no. People attribute the term PUGs to people they don’t know, who they don’t normally play with, because people they do play with they don’t have to group with to know their skill sets and strengths. You can see someone you know and know right away, “ok this person should guard” or “ok this person is a healer so I should try to protect them” or “this person can put out massive damage so they should always be where the action is to give us a better chance to take control”. You don’t have to be in a group with voice chat to know what someone can do. In that sense players who you know, even when not in a group with them, are not the random players one associates with PUGs. Argue all day for the literal definition if you like, but most players I imagine will not agree with you when they think of what constitutes a PUG.


On your second note, I was never replying to the OP so that point is moot. However, in the interest of keeping this thread somewhat on topic, OP, I’m sorry that we are ruining warzones for you, it is not our intent. We are not out to be malicious or say “hmm let’s go roll some noob pubs today”. We PvP because we enjoy PvP and we have an abundance of players to play with. As Hulcalan said earlier, this is an MMO, it encourages social interaction, and we utilize it. I understand the reasons for why you choose to solo queue, but you have to understand that in an MMO it’s not the majority vote to do things solo. You play an MMO to enjoy the company of other players. We have a very large PvP guild with a lot of active players and as such we group a lot and subsequently tend to have a lot of groups running. Yes, sometimes those groups end up together in warzones. Sometimes they end up against each other. Many things can happen when you have that many people playing. But again, I am sorry that you feel your experience is being ruined, believe me when I say it is not our intent, all we want is to enjoy the game like you’re trying to.


Neo (or Rinzler or whatever you would like to be called now, not entirely sure since you changed your name): Already said my piece about the definition of PUGs so I won’t do that again, but I quote:


Yes, later on you said that the Republic has the best PUGs on the server and I agree with that. But this quote right here, in replying to Mourne, was why you posted those screenshots because it was at that point you said that you would prove him wrong and presumably went to find some screenshots to use. The point you clearly made in posting those is that “GD loses to PUGs.” Yes, we do. Sometimes deservedly. However, as I pointed out already, by the average player definition of PUGs, with which you have to consider in a forum in which all the other participants are players, you did not play with complete PUGs in those games, and that was the point you set out to prove.


I might also point out that I was not “playing the victim,” merely pointing out some inconsistencies. You might have noticed I didn’t make excuses for why we lost; in the close games I just commented that it was close and in the rolls I said your team simply outplayed ours. And considering the OP’s point that we were ruining warzones and some of the subsequent replies you understand if I feel that such points must be made. Also I was not trying to place blame on anyone, I was simply using your posts to make an observation.


However, like I said, drama is not my first choice of atmosphere and I like enjoying the time I spend playing, so take what you will from my posts.



We disagree on the definition obviously but at least your civil about it, which is something I rarely come across when interacting with your guild, so thanks. :cool:

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Once again, I'm pretty sure this doesn't meet many people's definition of a pug, but that's not really the point.


In most or all of your screenshots, there are likely pubside premades even if you aren't in them. Do I have any proof? No, but then neither do you. In fact I queue up solo fairly often, as you say you do, and simply happen to land in a WZ with other grims. I'm often not in voice chat with other grims. Now before you say "of COURSE those grim teams are premades" -- they may well be but they aren't necessarily.


But the main point of this thread, before you derailed it, was a player expressing his frustration at playing against GD teams that he was having trouble defeating. Most of your posts in this thread have been along the lines of "I can beat them" -- which is nice and all, I guess -- but completely irrelevant to the original post. "You could beat them if you were me" is not really a helpful response.


You might want to go over the posts on this thread, because once again you aren't getting it. But ill walk you through it and hopefully you can understand it this time around. He claimed that grim has ruined pvp in the regs. The regs. Which is where everyone is if youre not in rateds. You had one of your guildees claim, after I said I had no problem with your guild in the regs, that the OP was right and that my statements about having no issue with 4-8 man grim premades in the pres was false. I simply provided screenshots to refute his claim. Please, tell me where the thread was derailed, because from what I can see its very much still on point. The only derailment is done by you and your guildees doing exactly what j_fred called you out for doing, attacking me when you know you've got nothing left to resort to, which quite frankly is sad. The players in the screenshots are from different guilds. Sure they could have all been in a group, mixed guild premade, but for every single one of them? Don't kid yourself. And I'm quite sure only one of them was a 2 man premade, everyone else were pugs. All you have to do is look at the names. I don't much care that you guys premade. I'm simply refuting the claims made by the OP and a member of your guild. Now lets try to continue this discussion without putting the blame for all the worlds problems on me. :)

Edited by PoliteAssasin
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We disagree on the definition obviously but at least your civil about it, which is something I rarely come across when interacting with your guild, so thanks. :cool:


I try to be, I find that people have different viewpoints and arguing with them about it gets you nowhere. The best course of action for me is to try to explain my viewpoint so that others can see where I'm coming from. Whether they accept it or not is up to them, I won't force it. Understanding and tolerance a happy community make.

Edited by LinkDaven
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Do you two even queue for rated any more?


I haven't q'd on my main ranked toon since the summer, however I have one of the highest rating you would find impside, probably only surpassed by one other player on the imperial faction which would be tyrosine. I'm no stranger to ranked warzones, so I'm not sure what your trying to prove here?

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I try to be, I find that people have different viewpoints and arguing with them about it gets you nowhere. The best course of action for me is to try to explain my viewpoint so that others can see where I'm coming from. Whether they accept it or not is up to them, I won't force it. Understanding and tolerance a happy community make.


And that's where I definitely agree

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I haven't q'd on my main ranked toon since the summer, however I have one of the highest rating you would find impside, probably only surpassed by one other player on the imperial faction which would be tyrosine. I'm no stranger to ranked warzones, so I'm not sure what your trying to prove here?


Somehow this reminds me of a kid asking in COD "have you even prestiged bro???" This guy is the one who's derailing the thread lol. Also, you might want to say legitimate ratings, as we know some imp guilds, who shall go unnamed, have been known to farm in house ranked for ratings.

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Is 3200 ranked comms worth the grey marauder gear?


Or would it be better spent on agent elite WH gear?




The most important question of all time.... Stats or Swag




Well I'm going to disappear again since I have nothing meaningful to add

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I'm not going to continue subjecting myself to the misery that is BG pug PvP.


Grim Determination has completely ruined 50 warzones for those of us who prefer to stay away from unrated PvP. I can't go into a game without running into one of their premades. I have tried playing at 9am. I have tried playing at midnight, 3am, noon, etc. Every time of day, there is a GD premade going on at some point, and my win/loss ratio is around 1/16. Since all I do is PvP, this means that I log on to get my *** handed to me over and over again by the same players all day long. Being a sage seer against GDs smash-monkey-stacking premades means my lifespan is mere seconds.


I have given it a solid 2 weeks of heavy PvP since hitting 50, ranking up to about 58 in that time. Gearing up in this environment has been the worst experience of the last 15 years of my gaming life. I'm slightly bummed about leaving the BG community as a whole because I've met some great and helpful people here, but PvP is my preferred game, and I cannot continue getting bullied by Grim Determination in pug warzones any longer. So it's time to switch servers.


Grim, I don't personally know any of you, and I'm sure some of you are actually decent people irl. But the abuse that you dump on pug PvPers only fills me with disgust and disdain for everyone under the GD tag. Please know that there are people whom you are driving away from PvP, the server and maybe even the game due to your 'griefing' of pug wzs.


It's taken every ounce of self control to not make an imp toon and start cursing out every member of the guild. That's how frustrated I am. So I'm bowing out. To my fellow solo puggers, I wish you luck and hope you have a greater tolerance for sustained abuse than I do. :(


PvP can be frustrating when you are rolling with PuGs. I know this, as does everyone else who has posted here. I dislike GD as much as the next guy, but I can't blame them for wanting to group up together. I do the same exact thing with Pubs when I can (I'm a competitive guy). They are exceptional PvP'ers that just know how to play together well and very rarely, if at all, group up with players outside of their guild. I mean, other than Black Sun and Project Shadowfury, do you see any other major Imp guilds out there that play together that well together (at the present time)? No.


On the Pub side, if you took the PvP'ers from Ascension, DoA, Blue Sun, Doomed Lemmings, and Infamous (I know I forgot some guilds, and I apologize for that), and then threw them all under the same guild tag... (lol... just imagine that for a moment, even though it wouldn't likely ever happen), we'd see a post like this more often from Imp players that would feel as frustrated as you are.


There are weeks when Pubs > Imps and then the next week it's Imps > Pubs. As has been pointed out, two weeks is too short of a time frame to judge how PvP is on this server. It's also December when people are busy with finals, holidays, traveling, and etc. People have more time off and are either playing more or playing less at this time of year. I'd say give it another two weeks at the very least because people will be returning to their regular daily routines soon.


If you ever would like to group up, look me up in-game.

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I don't always beat Grim premades, but when I do, I go straight to the forums to brag about it :D


It seems a lot of people here need a lesson in reading comprehension...I guess all those guys who say that the immature players usually pick impside were right :rolleyes:

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I don't always beat Grim premades, but when I do, I go straight to the forums to brag about it :D


Yes, because its such an accomplishment. :o You guys are to too much lol, but I do enjoy the laughs you've been so kind to provide for this thread. :)


Bottom line here no one is doing anything malicious. Stop dragging GDs name through the mud.


And I suppose you missed where I and other players in this thread said the exact same thing, displaying that the OP was a troll? You guys are the ones dragging your own name through the mud, you keep bringing it back to something that has already been dismissed. Either you're not paying attention to previous posts, or you simply want more attention. It's looking like the latter. Stop while you're ahead.

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I don't usually get involved with anything, not sure why I am now, maybe because I'm bored, anyway...


Grim is the largest, strongest PvP guild impside. They have many many many members online. Because of this they can have 3-5 premades running during high population times. Because of this alot of pubs see grim grim grim and get frustrated. The pubs are most split with ASB, Doomed Lemmings, Infamous, Blue Sun, Ace of Spades, DoA and more.


I was in Grim and quit the guild to get black sun going. Everyone in grim was so cool about it and I'm still friends with all of them. I don't say much drama wise on the forums. I have no problems with anyone in the game and get along with everyone. So hopefully me defending GD carries some weight.


I believe eventually guilds like Black Sun Rising and Soverign will be up there w/ the big dog PvP wise.


Also Grim does ranked every Monday so for those who think grim sucks or whatever, challenge them and que Monday.


Anyway I'm rambling and didn't address the op at all just the general conversation in this thread which has gone on far too long.


So yeah, grim gets alot of undeserved crap from alot of people. There members are really cool and will help you with anything. They do ranked, they run premades like everyone else on server (back in my grim days I Remeber winning more often than not).


Some guilds of grim's qualities could be real elitist or trolls but grim isn't. That's because there members and Daz understand something: it's just as important to be a good person as it is to be a good player.



Anyway I'm about to ride Star Wars at Disney World - be jealous

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I don't usually get involved with anything, not sure why I am now, maybe because I'm bored, anyway...


Grim is the largest, strongest PvP guild impside. They have many many many members online. Because of this they can have 3-5 premades running during high population times. Because of this alot of pubs see grim grim grim and get frustrated. The pubs are most split with ASB, Doomed Lemmings, Infamous, Blue Sun, Ace of Spades, DoA and more.


I was in Grim and quit the guild to get black sun going. Everyone in grim was so cool about it and I'm still friends with all of them. I don't say much drama wise on the forums. I have no problems with anyone in the game and get along with everyone. So hopefully me defending GD carries some weight.


I believe eventually guilds like Black Sun Rising and Soverign will be up there w/ the big dog PvP wise.


Also Grim does ranked every Monday so for those who think grim sucks or whatever, challenge them and que Monday.


Anyway I'm rambling and didn't address the op at all just the general conversation in this thread which has gone on far too long.


So yeah, grim gets alot of undeserved crap from alot of people. There members are really cool and will help you with anything. They do ranked, they run premades like everyone else on server (back in my grim days I Remeber winning more often than not).


Some guilds of grim's qualities could be real elitist or trolls but grim isn't. That's because there members and Daz understand something: it's just as important to be a good person as it is to be a good player.



Anyway I'm about to ride Star Wars at Disney World - be jealous


No one said they sucked. You guys are pulling stuff out of thin air. All we said was that we had no issue with them in the regs as the OP of this thread claimed. Why that's so difficult to understand, I don't even know. But there you have it. I wouldn't have thought you'd stoop yourself to the same level other members of gd have in this thread. Always playing the victims. As for our statement about the characteristics about their members, I realize that you were a part of their guild, but the actions displayed by their members directly contradict what you have written. Actions speak louder than words. It's evident that no matter what said you guys are going to try to spin this into a "stop being so mean to grim" discussion, even though no one was. :rolleyes: (as I said earlier you guys take things personally). My purpose for this thread is done. I've already refuted the outrageous claims of the OP and a member of your own. Keep on patting each others shoulders though. It's gonna be ok. :)



Edit: just to make things simple.


Basically I said that the claims by the OP and a member of GD that republic players (or pugs) can't beat them and that grim has ruined pvp was false. I provided screenshots of it to prove my point.


What you guys got from what I said (idk how): OMG neo is telling everyone he's better than us because he beat our premades! Omg what a troll he said something that we don't like! OMG. Don't hate us cause of our awesomeness in pvp OMG rescue brigade assemble!

Edited by PoliteAssasin
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