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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

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Hahahahaha now I have to find out who the clown is :p




As for me the green marauder gear receives alot of hate but I love it. I jump all over the place but always come back to it. What is stupid is the grey version (elite WH) isn't craftable so I have to buy it :( After all the most important stat is swag. However I am about to level a merc (when I get back from vacation) and I have some sweet looks saved up for him. Bullocks I'm off topic again

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>.> not our fault assassin gear looks like a clown getup. Remodding gear costs more feeds than I care to spend when I can just turn the hat off. But yeah. Most of the set gear looks silly.


Edit: auto correct hates me.


Nope not assassin, juggernaut. Again he's in this thread lol. :p Someone grab scooby doo.

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Not Grim's fault for getting lucky and having 5-8 of their guldies get into one match, when i get face rolled by grim a couple matches in a row i get into guild chat and start recruiting to put the menace to a stop and we have been able to stop them the last few times ive got a group together.


Point is: If ur having trouble queing solo and getting smashed by grim, get a group and go give them a taste of their own medicine. :)


P.S: or if u want to try something different, gather up guildies and go raid the imp bases on ilum and hope grim shows up so people can enjoy the grim free wzs :D

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Not Grim's fault for getting lucky and having 5-8 of their guldies get into one match, when i get face rolled by grim a couple matches in a row i get into guild chat and start recruiting to put the menace to a stop and we have been able to stop them the last few times ive got a group together.


Point is: If ur having trouble queing solo and getting smashed by grim, get a group and go give them a taste of their own medicine. :)


P.S: or if u want to try something different, gather up guildies and go raid the imp bases on ilum and hope grim shows up so people can enjoy the grim free wzs :D



Why? I very much like grim in warzones since I'd rather kill/beat them in pvp than some random PVE hero or recruit geared player. It's nice to crush a guild with a Barney complex. :p

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First off, Aroca and I were only smash monkeys for a brief time, back to carnage and annihilation now :p There are just as many smash monkeys on Pub side and on any other server.


Plenty of GD pug up and experience the same thing you do. When I pug and get curbstomped I wait and form a group and get revenge.

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When I PvP and my team is losing, I RP that I'm secretly a republic spy so that way I win


When I PvP and my team is winning, I'm on the that team so I win



No matter what I go up against I win period

100% victory record right here



Get on my level

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First off, Aroca and I were only smash monkeys for a brief time, back to carnage and annihilation now :p There are just as many smash monkeys on Pub side and on any other server.


Plenty of GD pug up and experience the same thing you do. When I pug and get curbstomped I wait and form a group and get revenge.


Ooh first hand glimpse at how the rescue brigade is formed. Thanks for the info. :rak_01:

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When I PvP and my team is losing, I RP that I'm secretly a republic spy so that way I win


When I PvP and my team is winning, I'm on the that team so I win



No matter what I go up against I win period

100% victory record right here



Get on my level


Oh teach me teach me! :eek: I wanna be a double spy! :p

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Ooh first hand glimpse at how the rescue brigade is formed. Thanks for the info. :rak_01:


Dang that had me rollin lmao. I like this thread... Its funny how you guys tell the guy to group with really good players (if you don't know who they are there is this thread stating all the best players of all the classes called the PvP Heroes & Villains thread... you know the thread where Deyvon egotistically includes himself as a top Jugg/Guardian on the server) and no one knows who he is which gives the good players a reason to not group with him. and then you say Join a PvP guild. If no one knows who he is then How would he get accepted into a "Good PvP" Guild. I don't have anything important to say I just found this thread a little funny. :)

Edited by RayGonJinn
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Knifetwist, go bubble spec. It's by far the most maxed-gear-unnecessary build. A spammed 3-second stun is a spammed 3-second stun whether you are in recruit or optimized WH. The heal/bubble lets you spam more, well, bubbles and the balance/bubble gives you pretty excellent cc and non-negligible damage. A few weeks ago I jumped onto a pick-up rated group (admittedly a strong one) and was able to contribute quite a bit to victory in my fully-recruit bubble sage.


heal bubbles is certainly a valid build. http://i.imgur.com/hmOW2.jpg

it'll help your survivability.

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Funny they weren't able to neutralize us, or ascension from what I hear. As I said, the OP needs to speak for himself. Many of the republic pugs here have no issue beating a grim premade, 4 man or 8 man. ;)


That's patently false, so please stop spreading this misinformation like it's the gospel. We have beat yours (Wait, which guild are you in now? I can't keep track of them all.) and ASB's and several other Pub guild teams in Ranked before. ASB beat us in the last few Ranked matches we've had against them, but you weren't there. If you had been, we probably would have won those. As for regular WZs, we only lose those with a single 4-man group (partial premade) when the other half of our team consists of people like Darkoakleaf who actively sabotages the match (he's pulled his own teammates into fire and acid in HB, pulled our DPS off enemy healers, pulled our ball carrier out of the opposing endzone, etc.), or Recruit-geared players who aren't even using a lightsaber form, or with players who believe Predation is an ability their Marauder doesn't possess, and so on. Those are just some recent examples - with some exceptions, most of the Imp PUGs are truly that awful. In any of the numerous times I've been in an 8-man Grim team (two partial premades) in regular WZs, we've never lost to a Republic PUG. The very few times we/ve lost with two 4-man groups in the same WZ is typically when we've faced a similar team, such as ASB or Infamous, or the combination of two such guilds, in which case it's more like a Ranked match at that point and usually comes down to class composition.


And for the record, we don't group up for regular WZs just to stomp PUGs. We do it because we enjoy playing together. We do it to reduce the number of terribad Imp players that invariably end up in the match with us. And we do it because we're often seeing Republic partial premades from one or more of the many Pub guilds that are decent at PvP. The latter are the matches we look forward to because win or lose, they're always a good, close fight.

Edited by Mournblood
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