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There is one simple fix to make 99.9% of PvP players happier.


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Add a separate queue. Call it Arena or call it whatever you want, but just make it full on team death match style play. Can reward it as a team, or just make it timed and reward people as individuals based on their scoreboard performance at the end of the game.


First off, it is a simple fix. You already have a queue system in game, already have rewards, and scoreboards and everything. All you need are maps. And you already have those. Take the regular maps, Alderan, just cut off Snow and Grass, most of the players who want this type of WZ don't even realize Snow or Grass exist. Novare, just cut off east and west. Huttball, just lose the pillar in the middle and the ball. Voidstar, just remove the doors. The new one just get rid of one side and the middle. Simple.


50% of the people in PUG's that i get stuck in don't ever read directions that somebody calls at the begining. They don't call out incomings, or answer other peoples calls for help. Many of them won't ever try to cap a node until everything in sight is dead. You have no idea how infuriating this is, but most of the people reading this will know exactly what I'm talking about. Just getting those players out of the objective based WZ's will improve my enjoyment and everyone else who actually likes your style of PvP's enjoyment of it by at least 300%.


Those other players who are forced into these objective based WZ's, when all they want to do it kill people? Give them an option to just go kill people and not have to play as a group, not have to talk or type anything to anyone, not have to do anything but kill, and not earn any less points and commendations for it? Their enjoyment of PvP will go up by 1000%


Simple fix, makes everyone happy. Why hasn't it been done yet?

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Pretty much what hypergates is, isnt it?


And no thanks. Deathmatch is stupid in a class/gear based game. And we still wouldnt be able to opt out.


That is the whole point. A separate queue. That is an opt out.


I don't want to play TDM, you don't want to play TDM. 50% of players don't want to play TDM. I would only ever queue for the "normal" objective based WZ's. So would a lot of people. And we wouldn't have half a team of idiots who keep running to mid over and over even when you have 2 capped. I played huttball just last night with a Op backstabber, who finished with 16 solo kills 54 total kills, and zero deaths. He never once got near the ball. And we lost by them turtling up in a tied game for the last minute. He was on the other side of the field picking off stragglers. Didn't help the team at all. And then got mad and started yelling in fleet that he only had 2 MVP votes with numbers like that.


Tons of idiots like that just don't get these WZ's. Anybody who has ever PVPed knows this.


Let them queue up for one WZ and they will all be happier.


Let US all queue up for a WZ without them, and we will all be happier.


It's not and end all be all. It's not a game changer. It won't fix every problem and satisfy everyone playing the game. But honestly tell me you wouldn't be happier in a separate queue from each other, no matter which side of the aisle you fall on.

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arenas would be awesome. I'd especially like to see 2v2 and 3v3. however, I'm 99.9% certain that they will not be instituted. and given how messed up previous "balance" patches have been (focus dps was fine BEFORE 1.5; more cc instead of less, no love for commando dps aside from FINALLY giving them an interrupt, no xserver queues, delayed rated wz's with no s1 in sight, etc.), I wouldn't hold my breath on a new kind of pvp.
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you realize how hard class balance is to achieve right?


He understands class balance more then most players I have ever played with. His request for, his main class fixes are both very simple and well needed. He is also by far one of the BEST players of his class I have ever seen !

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You think that the people that already don't care about their team and objectives would care enough to queue into the separate TDM queue? Nope, they would still queue into your objective based warzone and deathmatch.


I don't think it would be as bad.


I'd much rather join a Warzone and play how I wanted to play and just kill people instead of playing obejects and still get about 100 comms. Than having to stress how bad my team is and having to rely on them.

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This is a terrible idea, this makes the wanna be pro's (just like you) be even more useless in pvp. All the pvp matches have objectives for a reason. The classes in this game aren't even nearly balanced for straight up fight however you throw some objectives in there and even the worse dps class in the game (aka sorc) can be useful. This whole idea that the game needs team death match is stupid, this isn't cod and at the end of the day no one cares how much dps you do in a game (unless for some reason you like to lose).
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I don't think it would be as bad.


I'd much rather join a Warzone and play how I wanted to play and just kill people instead of playing obejects and still get about 100 comms. Than having to stress how bad my team is and having to rely on them.


What's stopping you from doing that now?


First and for most WZs are objective base, but once that is achieved that it can become a death match and medal farming event.


Sorry OP, but my top concerns are:


1. Reduction or minimizing lag in this game.

2. Match making system that places a limit on how many of a certain advance class are on each team. Set up in Healer/Tank/DPS roles. This doesn't mean that a Healer or Tank can become DPS once inside a WZ, but in the initial WZ querying.

Edited by Ramtar
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But only because of the way the game tallies kills on the scoreboards, its ridiculous and doesn't reflect reality. I would say most of the kills are actually assists, but even thats stretching it considering my healer often gets 40-50+ kills a game...for keeping the people who actually assisted with damaging the player who died...alive? A TDM where the number of "kills" equal a win? Nope, no thanks.

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you realize how hard class balance is to achieve right?


Yeah don't worry, I don't think anyone realistically expects them to completely balance things - I think we're just way too far out of whack right now (and scarily enough, I'm not sure BW has a handle on why). What's that saying? - 'The perfect is the enemy of the good'.


Reasonably 'good' balance will do just fine.


Also thank Erge! your check's in the mail ;)

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