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A look into falling to the dark side


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Hello this is DarthNamel with a look into Falling to the Dark Side. Sorry I am Dark side junky. The Four Stages of the Dark Side was a thesis presented by the Jedi Master Tolaris Shim that outlined her beliefs on what constitutes a complete fall to the dark side. While I may differ in my belief of what constitutes a fall, the in-universe character has more experience.


Temptation Is Stage One.

While many Jedi have been seen staying valiant champions of the Light Side, others Like Ulic Qel-Droma, Exar Kun, or Anakin Skywalker have fallen, but for different reasons. Ulic was tempted with many varying reasons, Exar wanted power, Anakin wanted power but for selfish reasons. Power seems to be key and while Ulic tried, unsucceesfully, to destroy the Dark from within he was later seduced and claimed for the Darkness.


Stage 2 Imperilment

According to Master Shim, a hasty, indecisive Jedi can be quite a catastrophe to themselves. Also, any Jedi who believes that a "shortcut" through the path of the dark side will be lined with signs redirecting him back toward the light is only deluding himself. Shim felt that a Jedi cannot be blinded by the idea of doing what they perceive to be right, by any means necessary. She also believed that if one accepts the darkness by which they are surrounded as a means to power, then the next stage has no bearing on their concerns.


Stage 4 Submission

"I pledge myself…to your teachings."

"Good…Good. The Force is strong with you. A powerful Sith you will become. Henceforth, you shall be known as Darth…Vader." ―Darth Sidious anoints Anakin Skywalker as Darth Vader

Master Shim believed that once a Jedi accepts the dark path, having to justify the end by the means is of no more concern. Situations like attempting to destroy the Sith through infiltration, or trying to save loved ones from death have caused several famous Jedi to explain away their actions based on the desired outcomes. At this point, their fall to the dark side is nearly completeOn occasion, Jedi who wander away from the light suddenly become aware of their poor decisions. According to Shim, these Jedi are not so far beyond redemption. Jedi Master Atris, having succumbed to the dark side influence of Sith holocrons in her possession, was restored to the light following a fierce confrontation with the Jedi Exile. Some Jedi, such as Exar Kun, found the power of the dark side intoxicating and so fully surrendered themselves to it. Master Shim then believed that those that surrendered themselves were no longer orthodox Jedi but a perversion of their former selves.


The Fourth Stage Redemption

Tolaris believed that a Jedi who is only slightly tainted by the dark side could atone for their actions through meditation, reflection, and absolution. She also believed that a Dark Jedi was beyond atonement, and therefore only eligible for redemption. According to Master Shim, a redeemed Jedi is one who has performed a selfless act of heroism without using the dark side to obtain results. Such acts include saving the life of another through completely selfless action (such as Darth Vader saving his son from death by destroying Emperor Palpatine), or helping to right a wrong one has helped to create (such as Ulic Qel-Droma assisting in the defeat of Exar Kun). While these occurrences happen from time to time, on many occasions Dark Jedi were beyond enlightenment, some outright refusing to be restored.


While I wanted to post this in story and lore I also felt that this is a subject of much discussion.


Edit; Also tell me how your RP your falls to the Dark Side

Edited by darthnamel
removing useless sentence
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wait how is redemption a stage in "falling" to the dark side... by the very definition of redemption it's not part of the fall but the opposite of it... that's like saying recovery is one of the stages of becoming an addict.. Edited by Liquidacid
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Submission is where the fall is final. Redemption is the only other way for a dark sider to go after a fall. You cant fall further to the dark side if you already submit to it.


my point was the list is the stages of the fall to the darkisde so redemption should not really be a numbered step on that specific list as redemption has nothing to do with the "falling"... especially having both submission and redemption listed as stage 4 when they never happen together and are opposites... you can just cut that entire paragraph as it has nothing to do with the topic at hand which is the falling to the dark side... redemption is a whole other discussion

Edited by Liquidacid
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