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PvP Changes List


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- Maintain the team after a warzone ends, reinviting is annoying


- Winning and losing in Huttball is not very different, the winning team needs to get way more points than the losing team. Maybe the case for all the warzones?


- Allow players to queue with a full team of 8 people


- Rated Warzones


- Brackets for Warzones


- Diminishing returns on CC in PvP



Those are the main things off the top of my head. New video posted.


I personally like almost all of those suggestions (especially the last one) except for 8 man team queues. This will destroy it for the casual players.


What I'd like to suggest they do is create a group and pug bracket for WZ so if you queue up with a team of 6 or more you automatically get put in the team bracket and play against other teams.


So if you really want to play with a pre-made team of 8 prepare for a possible challenge of playing vs other pre-made team instead of face-rolling your keyboard because you're on vent with your buddies steam rolling pugs with little to no coordination.

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You're looking at organized groups the wrong way. I have a PvP guild of about 20 people, by a PvP guild I mean players who want to play this game to compete with other players in PvP. I don't want to have an organized team of 8 people and just smash PuGs, I want an organized team of 8 people vs another organized team of 8 people and see who is better.


The way the current system is now I can only invite 3 other players from my guild to even play a match together, it really hinders the enjoyment and strategy factor, along with there being no difference between winning and losing a match.


Listen, if you want to queue by yourself or maybe one or two other people and play casually and for fun, I understand that, go for it. Understand I want to queue up with as many of my friends/guildmates as possible and I want to go against other teams and have a competitive game where the winner is awarded accordingly.


not really enough ppl at cap yet to do this anyway. and they have already stated that rated warzones are coming so kind of a mute point

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Maintain the team after a warzone ends, reinviting is annoying




- Winning and losing in Huttball is not very different, the winning team needs to get way more points than the losing team. Maybe the case for all the warzones?


HELL NO , it would make a few deluded people who would own games all day long, utterly destroing pvp experimence for lower tier players

point is, if you are a dedicated pvper , you will get there no matter if you get 50 % more points , gear shining in pink and green with gay flag over your head.


- Allow players to queue with a full team of 8 people


see above


- Rated Warzones


see above , and after some negative games people woudnt quee for rated, and you will be back here whining about rewards / fixing random thing / giving you longer epeen for your doubtfull winnings


- Brackets for Warzones


no need for those - theres a really few handfull of players who really care about that


- Diminishing returns on CC in PvP


this is a must

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If you're playing to win and be "competitive" why do you care at all about the rewards? Shouldn't you just be playing to stroke your epeen and eventually when rateds come out to get high rank?


You're already at an advantage queuing in groups in a solo based queue system, do you really need to get more reward for winning so that the disparity grows? Do you like discouraging new players from queueing up because they just get *****tomped by overgeared premades? Have you not seen how PvP dies in the past MMO's?


PvP'ers like you make me laugh, you go on about being hardcore, competitive and skill based but then whine when you're not getting 2-3 times the reward so you can get gear faster to dominate on people you're already winning against..like really?


What do you want people to say? People PVP for gear, whether they admit it or not. If you could not get a single piece of gear from PVP, I guarantee the number of people in warzones would plummet.

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A list of changes that my friends and I would like to see happen, as I'm sure most of the PvP community, some of this will take longer than others.



- Maintain the team after a warzone ends, reinviting is annoying


- Winning and losing in Huttball is not very different, the winning team needs to get way more points than the losing team. Maybe the case for all the warzones?


- Allow players to queue with a full team of 8 people


- Rated Warzones


- Brackets for Warzones


- Diminishing returns on CC in PvP



Those are the main things off the top of my head. New video posted.


Exept from the last point this isnt really a pvp change list, its a wz improvment list, and thats something totaly diffrent...

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A list of changes that my friends and I would like to see happen, as I'm sure most of the PvP community, some of this will take longer than others.



- Maintain the team after a warzone ends, reinviting is annoying


- Winning and losing in Huttball is not very different, the winning team needs to get way more points than the losing team. Maybe the case for all the warzones?


- Allow players to queue with a full team of 8 people


- Rated Warzones


- Brackets for Warzones


- Diminishing returns on CC in PvP



Those are the main things off the top of my head. New video posted.


i only agree with the top one.

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1. By keeping the same team I hope you're talking about some issue with parties of 4 that queue being broken up after the match is over. If you're refering to keeping the same group you got placed with then no, that ruins the randomization of huttball and what if you get stuck with a bad group? Mixing the pot is part of the fun.


2. The winning team doesn't need to get a dramatic increase in reward. The tactics they use to win and devestate the enemy should be gathering a larger amount of reward as it is. In addition adding much larger reward has the potential of imbalance in equipment if the higher tiers have enough advantage over lower teirs which would create an inherit winning advantage.


3. Full groups to queue, a possability but that would also mess with the randomization of huttball.


4. There's really no reason for rated pvp, pvp should be fun for pvp's sake and not grinding away for something. In my opinion the only time rating should be used in pvp is for a competition/contest.


5. Brackets, no way. The lack of brackets allows for quicker and more over all matches regardless of level and the temporary stat change combined with it eliminates the whole twinking crap that plagued warcraft's lower level pvp battles.


6. Deminishing returns is iffy but if it was introduced it would need to be balanced and not just go down to 0 then take forever to return to normal. Personally the way crowd control is right now doesn't bother me at all, getting stunlocked by 5 people is part of the fight, it's up to your team to get them off you and if you're alone you were screwed to begin with. :)

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- Maintain the team after a warzone ends, reinviting is annoying

they have to let reivnites for casual. people leave all the time and then poeple would just leave and make there team at a disadvantage

imagine if u go in a warzone and its voidstar and u hate, so u leave, now u are one less, this makes it less fun for everyone else. for rated they can deny reinvites due to u join for a specific goal. and u joined as a team


- Winning and losing in Huttball is not very different, the winning team needs to get way more points than the losing team. Maybe the case for all the warzones?

u get more for winning, but the greatest bonus is from medals u recieve while participating in a warzone


- Allow players to queue with a full team of 8 people

will happen when the add brakes/rated


- Rated Warzones/Brackets for Warzones

they have annonced that this will be brought in after launch


- Diminishing returns on CC in PvP

They have there own version, look at the pvp gear u can buy at 50.

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